what are the bluekai tags on shopify?

#2 - DMP - Oracle BlueKai : UI and Audience Taxonomy Walk-through hello there welcome to the second

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#2 - DMP - Oracle BlueKai : UI and Audience Taxonomy Walk-through

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#2 - DMP - Oracle BlueKai : UI and Audience Taxonomy Walk-through

hello there welcome to the second video,of dmp explained,series in this series we explain how a,data management platform or a dmp,works and also take you through oracle,blue guy which is one of the,largest emps in the world and show you,different functionalities of oracle,bluehi,this is the second video and if you,haven't watched the first video of this,series i would recommend to go back and,watch that so that you have the basic,concepts,around how a dmp works and what does it,do i have put a link in the description,below for the first video okay let's get,started,so here we are in oracle blue guy the,first thing you need to know is if you,want to log into oracle blue guy,if you have an access so what you do is,you go to partner dot blue,dot so this is the link where you go,and you will have to log in with your,username and password which is usually,an email address and once you log in you,will be redirected on this particular,window before we go through the ui i,want to quickly show you the agenda for,this video that what you should expect,to learn,from this video in this video we will,quickly go through,ui and i will show you the overview of,ui what are the different sections and,what,all can be done in each of the sections,then i will show you,overall data taxonomy overview which is,the most important thing in a dmp,where you need to understand and be,familiar with how data is arranged in a,taxonomy,okay here we are back on the ui,now if you see that once you log into,oracle bluecar you'll be landed on this,say homepage,where you see different categories of,audiences you will see the activity,summary how many audience segments have,been created,used and all those activities summary,here in these,different widgets then you have the,audience widget where you see which are,the audiences just created it gives you,an,overview easy access where you can click,and check the audience segment,then the other section you have here is,deliveries where you will see what are,the different,audience segments you recently created,and where did you send it,for example if you see here there was,this y audience segment created,and it was sent to dv360 on,28th of february so not very important,but just to give you an idea about,what's going on in the account,that's what this page is important for,okay so we are going through the ui,overview,if you see there is a navigation panel,on top of,the dashboard where you can access,all the sections available in pv 360.,now the first section here is new,audience now this particular button or,section is used to create new audiences,for example i want audiences who have,recently shown interest to buy a nike,shoes,this is the section i will click on and,go to to create this new audience,or it can be people who have high net,worth,or it can be people who watch show on,netflix,any kind of audience you want you create,it,in this section i'm quickly taking you,through then we will discuss each of,them,in detail now the second section you see,here is,manage now in manage section what you do,is you can,manage different kind of audiences,containers and taxonomy,then there is reports where you can,generate different kind of reports like,audience usage,out of your audience segments you have,push studio or dsps how,are they being used how much impressions,and,reports like that then there is analyze,section,where you actually do audience discovery,reports for example,you have a particular audience segment,and you want to find,more people like them which is,look-alike audiences so you do audience,discovery reports,where you understand the behavior of,this audience segment and find,people like them then the final one is,apps this one is used once you have,already selected an audience segment you,created an online,segment and then you want to push it to,your dsp,and use it in a one of the campaigns so,all of the dsps and,ssps which can be connected to oracle,blue coils,are termed as apps we'll go through all,of this in detail this was just to give,you an,overview of now this leads us to our,next section,which is the taxonomy overview for that,we'll click on new audience so once you,click on new audience that's when you,will see the,taxonomy here now just to give you an,overview,this is the taxonomy hold example where,all the data segments are housed in,different,categories if you see the overview there,are four different categories,now the first category you see here is,my data which is the first party data,all your first party data where you have,put tags,on your websites or you have injected,excel files with user data,that all data will be visible here in my,data,section so this is first party section,in the second one you will see shared,data shared data,is the second party data where you have,for example reached out to any other,user of oracle blue guy and you have,asked them to,sell data to you which is second party,data all of this is explained in the,previous video so this shared data will,house all the second party data that,somebody is sharing with you,and you are buying that data the third,section here,is data marketplace which is the actual,third party data,which oracle blue guy has collected with,its,partners and is available to all the,users who use,oracle blue kai and the fourth one is,not,really a category it's just the recent,categories for example when you play,around with different categories it just,shows you,the previous categories you were looking,at so for example if i click here,recently saved so all the,recently saved audience segments in this,particular account will,be listed here which is not a category,in itself,now to understand the third party data,available in dv,360 and the taxonomy we will go to the,data marketplace or the,third party data taxonomy now all the,third-party data available in oracle,blocker,is housed within this taxonomy if you,see here,it says audiences by oracle branded data,device data geographic,audience oracle blue guy and oracle dlx,so if you are not aware that data logics,was a different company,oracle is a different company and oracle,blue guy was a different company now,oracle blue car were the pioneers,in when it comes to dmps and third party,data,so a few years ago oracle acquired them,but,the oracle blue guy data is still kept,separate here,and the data which is which was,completely owned by,oracle is kept separately here this is,just to,give it a segmentation it doesn't make,any difference if,even if you want to use some data from,oracle and some from blue car and merge,them together,it does not make any differences but,just to make it simple and user friendly,they have segmented it,this way now that the oracle blue car,has the largest third-party data among,these segments i guess,so i will expand only that one the logic,is same and you will find almost similar,data,in all of these segments now when i once,i expand,oracle blue guys section you see there,is further,data segmentation in in market business,to business custom categories,demographic,interest pass purchases and television,now guys there is two ways to find,audience segments which you are,interested in,in oracle blue guy let's say for example,i am interested in people,who are in market to get a credit card,now one way is if you are familiar with,the,ui one way is i go here i know that i,click on in market,there is people in market for financial,and products and services i expand it,here and i select credit cards,now if you are not familiar with the ui,what you can do is,for example the same way i have to look,for people interested in credit cards i,will go here and i will search for,credit cards now in all the segments,here,it will show me all the results which,have this particular keywords,for example i can select here oracle in,market financial,credit lending credit cards and debit,cards there are some audience segments,which are just about,credit cards and even i can segment it,people who want a,credit card for a particular bank like,american express and mastercard,membership clubs,so these are the two ways to find the,audience segments which you,are interested in now going back to the,taxonomy i'll delete everything,so i will again go to data marketplace i,will go to oracle blue guy,and then i will go to in-market just to,give you an idea for example you can,go and check people who are interested,to buy cars you can,for example select the whole segment,that everyone who is interested in autos,cars and trucks,or what you can do is you can expand it,okay i want people who are interested in,let's say bmw,you can even expand bmw and select,okay i want people interested in only,bmw's five series,or you can select bmw as a whole and it,will automatically select all the,segments under this master segment you,can almost find,all the brands in automotive sector,honda hyundai you can even find people,interested in a particular model of,hyundai same thing with lexus,so this is people interested or in,market in,autos and cars similarly there are,business business categories,where you can go ahead and you can,target people,based on their profession and,the type of companies they work for,example,i can go ahead and i can create a,segment of people,who have been working in a company which,is,less than 2 years old or more than 10,years old,so there are a lot of used cases where,you use this kind of data,or you can target people who work,in a company which is associated with a,certain industry like,you can target people who have blue,collar jobs you can target people,who work in construction industry and,architecture people who work in,education industry,and even further you can go who work in,administration or,k-12 schools or colleges and,universities,so again this was b2b again,just to give you an idea there are other,categories,as demographics it's not the same,demographics as you see in dv360 or,google ads or facebook,they are very granular like you can,target people 18 to 20,20 even 21 to 24,very granular and you can target people,based on,their education for example,current student recently graduated high,school diploma some college,undergraduate degree,so the data here is very granular like,just to give you an idea,uh if you are a university you are,running a campaign for university,you can target only people who are who,are recently graduated,imagine the granular targeting and the,efficiency of the campaign,now just to give you an idea i go back,here,i unexpanded so i unexpanded so,this was oracle blue guy and there is a,lot of data there,like mastercard people who use their,mastercard to,buy groceries people who use their,mastercard to,buy fuel for their car buy food online,similarly there is audiences by oracle,which is again,almost the same taxonomy like people,interested in autos cars and trucks,business to business demographic,financial services you can target based,on hobbies and interests you can target,based on life stages and events,you can target based on people who are,interested in,restaurants and let's say american,cuisine who are interested in,restaurants,which serve pizza seafood dining thai,people who are interested in casual,dining coffee shops and cafes,this all is based on their previous,behavior,so there is a lot of granular data,available here,so the next thing i want to show you,actually is,for example let's go back to oracle blue,guy and let's say people who are,in market in let's say financial,products and services,let's say credit cards now once you,select this the first thing you can,check,is you go here and you click on id,sources,it tells you out of this 382 million,people,who are interested and in market for,credit cards,how many device desktop cookie ids,are included in 382 which means you can,reach out to these,people on their desktops and how many of,these people you can reach out to,on their mobile web and how many of,these you can reach out on their android,phones and how many of these you can,reach out on their,apple phones now these are different,identifiers,as explained in the previous video there,are three types of data in oracle blue,guy or any dmp,which is cookies ada ids,and idfas so this will just give you an,idea about,the audience you are talking about where,all you can reach out to them or for,example if you just have,a campaign for apple uh devices so,this just gives you an idea about the,same,and now going back to categories so for,example i selected credit cards here,what i can do here is this is worldwide,data,which is 382 million i can go here in,settings,and i can choose for example if i'm,interested in this audience,only in ua united arab emirates,and i click on apply settings now you,see the total range,reach will change which means now there,is,data about 41 000 users in uae,with oracle blue guy who are,in market for credit cards now this,price you see here,if you are using this data in your,campaigns let's say in dv 360,over and above your media costs in dv,360 you will be,charged for using this audience with,1.08 dollar for every cpm,and the next thing you can see here is,if you go here you click on this,information,it tells you details about this audience,sometimes it tells you about who,collected this data and how this data,was collected sometimes it's not as much,detail,for example this one it says this,category contains people who are in,market for credit cards straightforward,and it was,uh it's oracle blue guy data but it does,not show,that who is thus data provider in some,cases it will show you for example,mastercard or netflix or, has provided this data but,in certain cases it does not show so it,will show you something generic like,financial products and,services so guys that's about the,taxonomy,guys i hope this was helpful if it was,please subscribe to my channel,as it gives us a motivation to come up,with more and better content for you,guys,and you can always change your mind,thank you so much i will see you in the,next one

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