what are shopify nameservers

Nameservers and A Records | Shopify Tutorial this tutorial is powered by,,get help with


Updated on Feb 23,2023

Nameservers and A Records | Shopify Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to what are shopify nameservers

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Nameservers and A Records | Shopify Tutorial

this tutorial is powered by,,get help with your website on demand and,don't forget,subscribe for more tutorials i'm going,to explain these three things,basically this thing requires in shopify,when we are adding a domain,to a particular shopify store,so what is name server,name server is a computer application,that implements a network service,for providing responses to queries,against a,directory service let me simplify it,consider that i have purchased a domain,i need a hosting service and,on that hosting server i have uploaded,all my files,now my requirement is to connect my,domain,to that hosting service each hosting,provider is having a name server,so when i'm connecting that domain,to that particular server i need to,change the,name server of the particular domain,uh against that hosting provider's,name server consider that,the name server is uh,dns dot website welcome dot com,and the second name server is dns2 dot,website welcome dot com,so in the domain section i need to go to,the name server,like if i have purchased that domain,from godaddy,i need to login to that section,you need to go to that particular domain,and from the domain details i can change,the name,server once it is propagated,like it takes around 24 to 48 hours,or like it depends upon server for,godaddy it sometimes takes like couple,of minutes to just come up but,in general it is written that it will,take around 24 to 74,72 hours to just complete this,propagation,once this domain is propagated then,you can see like you can type the domain,name and,in in the hosting server whatever the,file you have uploaded against that,domain it will come up,so i'm just trying to show you that how,you can do it,for a particular domain,um,in the domain settings section you,should see the option,to change the name server,for this account it is not available,though because it is self-hosted,in godaddy but in other domain you can,see there is an option to change the,name server once you click on it you,will be asking for the new name server,just put the name server that is,provided by the hosting,and it will be done,so coming to the next that is cname,cinema means the canonical name record,once we are redirecting like the domain,from one domain name to another or,to a single ip that time the c name is,required,like the a name is also like similar,when we are uh like,pointing a domain or subdomain to a,particular ip,i'm explaining that in uh,like in an example of shopify,when we have added a domain into the,shopify section,that time we required to change the two,things,that is the cinema and the a record,it is clearly written in the page uh,the connecting domain section,connecting a domain page you can see,there are two things that is required,one is you need to change the a record,to,this ip and the cname to,this name i'm showing you in godaddy how,you can change that,go to that domain page,manage dns,here you can see the few a records and,select cnames,about the thing you need to add over,here you just click on add section,select which type of thing you need it,it is an a record,c name or whatever it is like in,shopify it is written like you need to,add,the a record so select a record from,here,the host name,in the host name you can put the add,symbol,and put that ip in the 0.2,in the same way you can change the name,cname also you need to choose the cname,from the dropdown,in the host you can put the add sign,and in the point to section you need to,copy this thing,and paste it over here save it and it,will be done,once all these things have you have,changed in the domain section,just click on verify your connection in,shopify your domain will be connected to,the shopify that time,i think by following this page,you can connect a domain to shopify and,you do not have to bother about all the,in deep knowledge of cname,a record and name server thank you,thanks for watching if this was helpful,please subscribe,and if you need extra help visit, and send us your questions

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