what add file upload to shopify website

Add file upload field to shopify product page (Custom fields) hi and welcome to this new video you'r

Inspon Tech

Updated on Mar 05,2023

Add file upload field to shopify product page (Custom fields)

The above is a brief introduction to what add file upload to shopify website

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what add file upload to shopify website catalogs

Add file upload field to shopify product page (Custom fields)

hi and welcome to this new video you're,looking for a solution to add a file,upload or a photo upload to your shopify,product page,then upload fields the file upload is,your solution,i have already installed the application,in my shopify store,and i will show you how it will solve,your need,so first of all after you've installed,the application you can simply click on,it,and the setup will open up then simply,hit the button new upload field i will,do so,so there you have the opportunity to,enter a file name,in this case i will enter sample,and now you can set up different things,you can choose the introduction title,and here you in the live preview you see,directly what will change i can show in,this case,we will change this to,upload an image,and you will see directly it is changing,here so then we can go through then you,have different,opportunities to change the settings you,can choose a color for the button,you can change also the button text,color you can change the padding,you can change the button text font and,also,the width you can set it to full or you,set it to,auto you have different opportunities to,change the dialog,language what the storefront should show,and in this case the pop-up we will,select english in this case it's also,pre-selected,then you can change where you want to,target the upload button,you can show the upload button on all,products or you can,also show it just on different variants,then you can also change the behavior,you can allow to upload a single file,you can upload a set of numbers or,unlimited files and you can also,change the file type you want to accept,you can also allow,pdf documents or word documents,and this is everything you can set up,here you can also require this,this file upload so that the customer,can only hit the add to cart button,after he has already uploaded an image,and then you can also enable a,description text field so that the,customer can enter a text to the,uploaded image,and you can also set a minimum image,size in this case i will simply save,this like it is,the settings have been updated,successfully and you see,this field is added now we can go to the,storefront to the product page,in this case you see there is no photo,upload displayed,i will refresh the page,and you see now there is the button then,you can simply,choose a choose an image i can i can do,so,we can show here some flowers i will,upload them and you see,the pop-up language is in english you,can also crop the image according to,your,to your needs you can hit the apply,button,then it is here cropped and then you can,simply add this,to the cart first i will upload this,now it's processing,it needs a few seconds it depends on the,internet connection so now it's already,uploaded then you can hit the button add,to cart,you see in the site card ajax card it,will be also displayed i can now go in,the card,you can have also some preview if you,click on the image,and then you can go to the checkout and,also there it will be overtaken,then you see here on the right like,you've named the field before sample in,this case then,also this image will be displayed here,you can also have some preview if you,click on this,in this case the flowers and also,this uploaded image will be attached to,the restrictive order,so now your customers can easily upload,a file or documents to your,to your product

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