using artofwhere with shopify

Four Dropshipping Sites for Artwork Compared okay i know if you're thinking if you're,here you're th

Peggy Dean

Updated on Mar 20,2023

Four Dropshipping Sites for Artwork Compared

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Four Dropshipping Sites for Artwork Compared

okay i know if you're thinking if you're,here you're thinking about drop shipping,your artwork and there are the biggest,question is how do i know that this is,going to be quality because we hate,giving up quality control and i get that,so my biggest suggestion is to order a,sample um,but i am gonna review with you four,different uh,manufacturers including printful guten,finerworks and art of wear and we are,going to be going over them on the same,type of paper the same exact artwork,and the same size and i've shipped them,to my house i haven't opened them yet so,we're going to do it together and walk,through the whole experience so you know,exactly what your customers are getting,into so i have not opened these yet,because i wanted to make sure that you,guys see,exactly how they show up for the exact,same product,across the board i um ordered from four,different places and i am going to,uh go over the who they're from,and um we'll see the quality together,so one thing i did was i made the,mistake of not drop shipping everything,so you're not gonna see how they like,drop shipped to myself when i ordered,them i just forgot to blindly ship them,but all of the companies,the four that i'm about to go over all,do blind shipping,so the first one and the one that i've,used the most is printful,um so we'll look at the quality here but,this is how,they blind ship so you can put your logo,in here you'll also,see that it says my business name but,that's not my address it's actually,the um address to their,you know manufacturing area so that if,this were to get returned,for you know it couldn't be delivered or,something it would go back there and,they would notify me,you do have the option to change this,address so that's something to note but,we will open these together this is,assuming that i purchased an 8x10,um this is how it would show up at,somebody else's home,so get my scissors here,so i will open this and it looks like,it's got,sustainable packaging which i like um,that makes a big difference for me uh it,might for,it might or might not for you it just,depends i know but everybody seems to be,doing a pretty good job,going that route and you know of,sustainable packaging which is nice,especially with these larger companies,that we rely on,for drop shipping okay i think i did a,decent enough job here,so this is your customer experience,just as much as ours together right now,i can't open things you guys,here we go okay so you can see that it,was this giant box,for this tiny little print and it does,come rolled,you'll see two of the drop shipping,sites that i ordered from did not and,two did,so this is printful it did come rolled,it didn't come in a flat mailer,it comes with tissue which i like um,probably acid free versus coming with,like a clear poly bag,it has a packing slip inside of it um,it's got,the product information and then i can,put in this,this coupon code that's clearly very,expired and i need to update it,um but with my logo so it's a blind ship,um,and this is what this print looks like,so it's got,i'm gonna make this come a little closer,it's got pretty good quality and that's,something i like about printful,it's a nice matte finish the color is,nice and vibrant,the details didn't get lost so i,am overall super happy with it um it's,probably,on i don't know,somewhere in the 40 to 60 range pound,paper so it's nice and thick,i don't love when things come rolled but,i know that if they're framed,that flattens out pretty quickly okay so,this is printful,i'm going to see if i can lay this flat,in the meantime another way that i cheat,is,i will roll it you can't see me doing,this really but rolling it on the side,and this is not,good for the print itself but i just,want to,get this ready to compare,without bending it don't do this you,guys okay put that to the side now the,next one,that i will look at is the,next um rolled one so this is,it says print lab so i did blindly ship,this one to me,to myself if i,do process of elimination i know that,this is from,guten so because this one says finer,works i didn't blind ship this one to,myself and i,didn't blind this one it says aow,um i actually don't know that might be,blind shipping art of wear,but yeah so this one will be guten and i,will open this one this one,to close it doesn't have that tape it,has,these,um the plastic things,which i think can be recycled um okay so,then it just opens really easily you can,see they actually are not as sustainable,with their packaging,and it's in not really sure what's going,on here okay so,um here's something to note if you guys,are really particular,about making sure that you have more,control over quality of arrival,it looks like this slipped out of this,bag and it was once in there so you can,see that,my print is loose it's not protected,i don't like that that's not my favorite,to know this is also this foamy stuff,that,is going to be a huge pollutant as with,this plastic bag,so this isn't ideally how you'd want,something to show up for,your customer i'm really disappointed i,haven't purchased art from guten before,um and i have purchased other things,from guten and i've been really happy so,this is just worth noting it could be a,fluke but i don't love the packaging so,um personal preference i will slide this,out and take a look and this is,very similar to,the printful one it's rolled up it's,about the same thickness,the color i'll move this over so we can,look at them together,the color looks to be,similar but i will say printfuls is more,vibrant,so if i hold these closer we're just,going to deal with the curl here,you can see like especially in the reds,printful on the left is more vibrant the,detail didn't get lost in either of them,and to be honest like when i say more,vibrant on the left it's so subtle,both of these are great quality finishes,um,one thing i am noticing though,is there's this little mark right here,um which i'm not sure what that could be,from,because it's not on this one so blemish,but,you know stuff like that can happen so,that is the comparison of those two very,very very similar,now um the printful was this was a seven,dollar purchase for me um,and then the guten it is a,five dollar ninety cents so it's like a,dollar ten difference but i believe,shipping makes up for it so they end up,being about the same,okay so now let's open finer works,and this comes in a flat rigid mailer,it's got it's pretty,thick it's got like a significant,backing board in here so it's nice and,protected,they also make sure to put this handle,with care on here,so let's see what this looks like,yeah so this is super protected which is,nice,you got the order number on one side and,then nothing on the other but you can,see it sandwiched in between here,so i could um slit this tape here's my,kitty,or i could probably just slide it out,but just to be safe so i don't damage,anything,i will open one side here,maybe really bad at opening things there,we go,okay so then in addition it also has a,clear bag,and it looks like it's taped down so it,doesn't slip out,so i like that,so this one came super protected and i,don't have to worry about it rolling so,this is um,who did i say this was finer works i,didn't say yet this is finer works,finer works is one that's newish to me,they've got a ton,of paper options um but you'll notice,this is the archival matte paper and it,was also seven dollars just like,printful's was um and the first few,paper,options on there are like in between,seven and nine dollars but then,as you get into more high quality paper,even just for the eight by ten they,like seem to double in price so this is,what this looks like,um really nice rich colors,really nice detail it's a little thicker,than the other two papers,um so,i think this might be my favorite,actually,of the three so far um this is the very,first time i've ordered from them so i'm,really impressed with it i like it,and it's the same cost as printful and,they do drop shipping so,this is finer works i still love,printful i just say like you know,like the the details and the changes are,very very slight,like from naked eye can't even tell,uh it is a little bit thicker though,okay,so let's move over to the last one which,is art of wear,and this one is um,i don't believe it's drop shipped since,it says aow,but it's also in a rigid mailer it's a,thicker one it's not as,thick as finer works but it's got a nice,thick backing board like this isn't,gonna bend and it looks like it's done,similarly um it has,a poly bag on it that is,not my favorite it's kind of like a toy,bag it looks like,not like a true print bag but i do know,that they offer a ton of products like,apparel and stuff so that's probably why,they have this kind of bag on here but,i don't like that and then,let's see how this looks okay so out of,all four,i think this okay i will say this paper,um let's see what did i say,art of wear art print so this one it was,six dollars it is the,thickest paper of them all it's got a,slight,slight sheen to it so if you see i'm,kind of moving it you can see a slight,sheen,it's kind of like a satin finish it's a,really nice paper,um so i'm impressed with that i haven't,ordered a print from there before either,these are separate i'll go over them in,the next video but,if you look at the difference this one,is just a little bit lighter,the colors are still nice and bold um,the paper is really great quality,i personally just personal preference,i tend to go for more of a full matte,finish,even though this is just so slightly,shiny but,um this one is also just slightly more,of an eggshell color than the bright,white,the other all three of those ones are,stark white,um except for this one from art of wear,i don't know if that matters to you but,sometimes people are very particular and,they have,preferences so that's why i wanted to go,over them so here they are fully i'll,put,a better photo up so that you're not,confused with my poor office lighting,where you really really get to see the,difference but yeah so we've got,printful on the top left,we've got um guten and then we've got,finer works and then we've got art of,wear,so that is my review i'd say that all of,them are good bets,i don't know if you noticed this one it,looks a little,not duller but just less saturated i,don't mind that,it depends on the type of art that,you're putting through,um i think my favorite out of all of,them,gosh would i pick a favorite i like them,all i would go with any of these,comfortably,i don't love the packaging that was,going on with guten,but i do love gluten for other products,i hope that that's super helpful,i know that this can be kind of daunting,and there are so many choices but,for the most part i think that the,companies um at least that we've sampled,today have done a pretty good job,keeping quality maintaining practices,that are,safe to get to the cellar without damage,etc um,i still go for printful uh it's just one,of the ones that i started,using it first so it's just the easiest,for me they also offer different,products,uh but yeah so check out those four,sites and you'll see the other stuff,that they offer and just kind of find,what's best for you if you did,find one that you liked most,particularly i'd love to hear which one,and why,um in the comments so also i'm gonna do,my spiel but like listen,i wanna provide you with the best,quality resources and creative,tutorials and whatnot so please like,this video visit my website to get your,freebies at,and what else subscribe yeah do do it,all right see you guys next time

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