two partners want to use shopify for mens and womens clothing how can i seperate

Lets Compare These Two Shopify Stores Analysis what's up everybody mark with ecom,warriors here,welc

Apex Academy

Updated on Mar 31,2023

Lets Compare These Two Shopify Stores Analysis

The above is a brief introduction to two partners want to use shopify for mens and womens clothing how can i seperate

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two partners want to use shopify for mens and womens clothing how can i seperate catalogs

Lets Compare These Two Shopify Stores Analysis

what's up everybody mark with ecom,warriors here,welcome to a new video today i'm going,to be breaking down,two different stores that i created um,with the same theme and,we're gonna just gonna go ahead and,compare and contrast,some of basically what's going on here,so let's go ahead and view here,uh this is the alfali remix store,and um excuse me here this is,the one interactive store here let's go,ahead and check these stores out let's,hit customize here,now mind you both of them are using the,same,uh demo for each theme so um,okay seems like i have to uh put them is,this the password page or did i mess,something up here,um okay yeah so i have to fix this real,quick,let me just go ahead and pause this and,put in the password,okay sounds good so we got it so this is,the second store that i created and so,we have,the two different stores here let's go,ahead and analyze them by the way,what we're doing here also is we're,using the same,uh theme demo so to be clear the theme,that we're using,is the wolf of shopify theme let me go,ahead and just type that in here,wolf of shopify now they've recently,changed their website a little bit they,have some,products and things but this is the,theme that i got it's this little blue,button up here,with a shopify theme this is the theme,right here uh,a hundred and fifty nine dollar theme,currently a hundred dollars,um basically if you want the theme i'll,leave a discount code in,my description box down below for you,guys to get 25,off uh on your purchase uh but or 25,i can't remember what the difference is,but anyways um,this is the theme and you guys are gonna,see it live in action so the theme comes,with,five different demos right and so,basically what demos are they're just,like,different setups or designs for the,theme right and you can,take a look at some of the images here,and things like that but,you know you guys will take a look at,that in your own time for now let's just,take a look at these two different,designs that i created,with the same demo this is demo number,three of the five different demos,okay so we have this uh we have,the first the pop-up the mailing list,pop-up now,something that i recommend with these,mailing listers is that you want to have,some form of,incentivization uh you know obviously i,didn't work on the copy here i worked on,the design for these stores,but anything other than join our mailing,list is probably good,like you wouldn't want to have a context,that just says hey join our mailing list,like,for the average person look the average,person in the world today is skeptical,they're doubtful uh they're angry,they just feel like they're missing,something right and as consumers,uh this feeling is heightened that's why,uh majority of people's conversion rates,are below five percent,right that means less than five percent,of the people,are going to come and purchase a product,from you uh,on on a psychological agreeableness,factor right agreeableness is one of the,measurements people who are highly,agreeable,have a higher uh chance of purchasing,that's why,men are typically less agreeable than,women,right if we look at you know marketing,and numbers,women are mostly the ones who not excuse,me,i don't mean mostly but if we compare,men to women purchasing,uh rates right and actually could pull,up a few studies here,um and i actually might do that in a,future episode,women purchase more than men especially,during holidays and things like that so,the point here is is that uh by nature,people have uh some kind of adverse,emotion by nature to your business to,your website right automatically if they,don't know who you are,if if you have if they have no trust,right,and they don't have trust yet because,they don't know about your business,so what you're going to do is you want,to create incentivization,right basically what incentivization,means is,incentivization is a cognitive biases,kind,excuse me cognitive bias basically what,a cognitive bias is,it's a default it's a human bias uh,it's you know within us it's inbred,within us as humans through evolution,that we need to be motivated to do,something so for example,if you were a caveman and you were very,hungry your hunger would be the,incentivization that you need,to go out there into the forest and kill,that wolf or kill that,you know whatever it is that bear so,that you and your family could eat does,that make sense,so in terms of shopify because we're not,cavemen here in terms of shopify,incentivization would be something like,hey join our mailing list to get 40,off um you know your order for black,friday something like that,or you know whatever it is that's it's,going to take to motivate them,so you can get their email okay now,um there was an incentivization that i,created,about two years ago three years ago um,during a black friday uh event and i,said we're doing a free black friday,giveaway,okay and this is the mistake that i did,here we're doing a,free black friday giveaway enter your,email to to,win the the giveaway the mistake that i,made,was um even though i was doing the,giveaway um,everybody who signed up thought they,were gonna win or had the chance they,had no true,intention of purchasing the product and,that's what messed up my chance for me,and it didn't mess me up entirely like,we still brought in income,however um it wasn't a good,business plan because people would sign,up like crazy,but nobody would have the intention of,purchasing which i then later,learned uh through through facebook,advertising,um the whole process behind that but you,know that's a different story for a,different day,okay so don't over promise and under,deliver and things like this just,be honest say it up front 20 off 10 off,whatever the code is,if the person really wants it they'll,make sure they sign up all right sounds,good,so both of the themes have that little,sign up now,you could see here both themes have a,header the thing that's significantly,different between,the not themes guys website sorry both,websites the alphalete website and the,one or active website,is that the one or active website does,not have a transparent,uh header and so the header for those,who don't know is this bar,right here that has your logo your links,your add to cart all that stuff,alphalete same thing but it's,transparent okay,with alphalee it has a sticky header,this is referred to as a sticky,header and basically what a sticky,header is when you scroll down,there's the the header that finds its,way,to stick to essentially your page,wherever you scroll down no matter what,over here,the header is also sticky with a slight,opacity slightly transparent right,but it's still black and you can still,see that it's a black so it's overall,very very clean now the first element,under the header in this case with,alphalete is the banner,okay and the banner is is referred to as,a slideshow so slideshow version three,and here we don't have a a slideshow we,have,an actual banner banner version 1 which,is a split banner this is referred to,as a split banner in the ux ui design,world,split banners are highly highly,effective,for particular brands okay and i'll give,you guys an example,okay here we also have a split banner,however the reason why,i didn't have a hero banner for this,brand right here is because they didn't,have the content to the image,content to create it so what i i'm a,true believer in,is work with what you have okay uh work,with what you have,very very important so in this case i,didn't have the option to create a hero,banner so i didn't,okay so work with what you have now the,first characteristic,beyond the hiro banner also i want to,talk about the hiro banner real quick,here a banner is a place for promotion,so,you see how it says have a yoga and all,this kind of stuff,this text is just placeholder this is,not text that i would actually have,in a real store of mine every hero,banner should be a place to promote,something whether it be something that's,on sale or maybe it's a new release,any anything like that okay so that's,what the purpose of hero banners are,let's jump into split banner so split,batters are extremely extremely useful,um the purpose behind the split banner,is,within your store assuming that you're,not a one product store within your,store,there are there are,products that can be segmented right,so for example you have a clothing store,half of the clothing is women's half the,clothing is men's,that is what is called segmentation or a,split right,um so in this case you have men's women,men's clothing women's clothing,obviously the text here is not edited i,should have edited it but you guys get,the point,here you have tops and you have bottoms,this is the concept for a split banner,any kind of segmentation,is what's needed okay within split,banners um,they're effective when there is the,split if there is no split,in terms of segmentation within products,the split banner is not useful,okay um so just just be aware of that,guys like there's no point to promote,the same thing within split banners,just doesn't make sense okay um there's,an example of one time i owned a bikini,store before i sold it,and uh this bikini store there something,that i learned there were different,kinds of swimsuits,right bikini is just one kind there was,something called a monokini,right all these kind of different things,we created split banners based on that,so hopefully that makes sense um,right under the split batter we created,some variation notice how there's this,concept that happens,within both stores right under the split,banner there's products for sale,products for sale also here now with the,uh,products that are for sale for this uh,store,we used a clickable uh product grid so,when i say clickable product grid it's,product version three,so product version three and you can,select like what kind of categories,like men's women's etc right and it will,load it up,um in this case we didn't have that here,we just had,a slider a product slider you guys see,that,so product slider uh notice how the,characteristics are a little bit,different so,the the blocks here the little um you,know this little button here,the quick view the the wish list all,that different stuff,all that stuff is a,product uh you know customization so,like the way it's kind of presented like,you know there's different settings so,style,this is style three and for style here,and go to,let me go back here um where is it,uh we have our homepage products,and we have style seven so this is style,seven,the little bubbles on the side and,things like that so that's style seven i,just thought it looked cleaner,for this version let me make sure we're,100 zoomed in by the way,let me make sure we're 100 zoomed in,here,yeah so you guys get the point okay,now let's go ahead and continue to,scroll so here we added blogs,and here we added a lookbook,we could have added a lookbook here,right after but we just added right,after the blogs,um in my videos i previously said that,your blog,should be almost the last thing on your,screen uh other than your footer of,course,um and the reason why i said that is,because if your,only goal is to get the consumer to,uh essentially to you know to monetize,off of them,then your blog shouldn't be higher up in,the page okay,however there are instances where,businesses,need to be able to form a relationship,with the consumer,through a blog there there are literal,purposes for this,uh in terms of conversions blogs have a,purpose,uh for example a very very good company,that that really takes advantage of,blogs is a company called shreds shreds,was a supplement company that was,probably one of the best supplement,companies ever many many years ago,before they had,an incident with some of their athletes,however,they they do this very very well they,make a lot of money off of their blog,in fact if it was me their blog is one,of the only things that creates true,value anymore within their business,so if you want to learn about blogging,you should definitely take a look at,shreds or what they at least used to do,compared to what they do now but anyways,and their blogs aren't actually as good,as anymore but they used to be very good,and i could you know go into why they,were good it's not because the content,it's it's a little bit past that but,like i said we'll keep moving on so,you can see here we left the blogs here,obviously the images are a little bit,pixelated,uh they're not pixelated because i,wanted them to be pixelated i just,picked any random photos,if you guys saw me set up the theme uh,you know the wolf shop fight theme with,this store you guys know i,i didn't take too much time to find the,right image but either way it's,irrelevant,the blogs are here and the blogs are all,the way,at the bottom here so just be aware that,all right,now um the fall lookbook,collection so the fall lookbook,collection,is just you know a place for me to,create,a lookbook for the alphalete store here,and what we did was we did two product,row for the for the products for the,lookbook so,what we did was we had six slides so one,two three,four five six and basically they are,clickable products so,you can see here if if somebody was to,click they would see the product there,they could select the option and it will,take them to,the product page right so hopefully that,makes sense for everybody,i'm just going to take this one step,back and it's similar here,however the lookbook is obviously before,the blog,but it's the same concept right select,the option and it will take them to,the product page okay speaking of the,product page we might as well just jump,into this now,the product pages are designed a little,bit differently,so right away you can see the difference,here that when you start scrolling,the description here does not move but,the,images do this is just one of the many,styles,that um wolf has uh the wolf theme has,the wolf of shopify theme,has a lot of stuff that you could do um,this is just one of the many things that,you can do,right for this uh,product due to the type of images that i,had access to,i decided to select two uh uh,images that are adjacent to one another,within,the product page listing and this is,unanimous throughout all the products so,if i click on this product,it's the exact same thing okay now,notice how on this page i do not have a,sticky add to cart,um basically what sticky add to cart,means is as i scroll down there is no,little bar here,that has an add to cart now if you guys,could think about why that is,okay it's because this ad card doesn't,go nowhere so there's no purpose for it,okay if i did add the sticky add to cart,it would just take up too much space,for the client to see okay it's gonna,take away too much space from the page,um but here notice how i did add the,sticky add to cart because i noticed,that the way these images are set up,okay and the and all these settings by,the way are,you know you can manipulate them here,through the settings all right so it's,not like i'm doing something that's,unheard of here,but anyways the way the images are set,up,the ad to sticky at the cart makes sense,speaking of sticky out to cart let's go,ahead and just um dissect that for a,minute,we have the product title image review,count,and add to cart which is everything you,need for a sticky hat to cart,very simple very clean gets the job done,exactly what we need,now notice on the alphalete we don't,have any special offer box or any kind,of promo or anything like that,on the one or active store we do we have,a special offer it says,you know in stock for delivery et cetera,et cetera uh,this text wouldn't necessarily be the,text that i use,if this was my exact store that i would,be selling my products on,but it's good for now right this is not,a course on copywriting but this is just,a video on design so you guys get the,point of course,we have incentivization once again um,incentivization through a lack of,resources also known as scarcity,which is what this does here so,the reason why things like this work in,correlation with a pop-up,is becau and by the way i keyword in,correlation,meaning together they have to be,together if they're not together they're,infinitely weaker,from a conversion standpoint if they are,together like this,infinitely more you know it improves,conversion rates much better,um why does this matter it matters a lot,because when a consumer sees like an ad,for example saying that hey there's a,sale there's a discount there's limited,inventory,limited stock left right and they click,on the ad,if they were not interested in the,product they would never click on the ad,okay they clicked on the ad meaning they,are interested in the product next,thing they know they're seeing sales pop,up right here,uh you know that i have recent times,like 46 minutes and then they see,limited stock available if it was me i'd,probably lower this this number a little,bit,but you guys get the point right they,see limited stock available,all these things are social cognitive,cues,now the reason why i use the keyword,social here is because,this is socially related when an,individual sees that there's,scarce resources that's a social thing,now right,78 left 20 left 15 left,it's him versus the world it's that,person it's that consumer,versus the world these are tactics that,we cannot fight as human beings guys,these are tactics that are inbred within,us since evolution right,when you were a caveman back in the day,okay and not necessarily you but our,great great great great grandfathers,okay and there cavemen and there was,limited resources,people would fight to the death for,these resources and they were okay with,you know murdering or killing just to,win the deal or win the hunt or whatever,the case may be,right so there are there are social,implications,to not getting what you want what you're,seeing here with the psycho,the pop-ups and the countdowns these,things come together,to then create the sale does that make,sense and that's why these stores help,conversion rates now,um you could see here the description,i didn't add any information to the,product description uh you guys can do,that on your own time,i didn't you know it was kind of obvious,why i didn't it's not,actually a store that i'm running but,maybe maybe one day i'll run a store,similar to this,where we do that here are reviews i made,a review a test review,uh with here i did not do a test review,i didn't even add reviews,to the system this is kind of how the,description thing looks like you can,edit the descriptions of course okay so,i didn't even add the review,application now additional information,something i like about this,this feature here within the theme you,can see it's available right here also,is that they include not only shipping,information you can edit this you can,add this,um this this comes by default but,they include the product image right um,why does that matter,it's it's just a nice thing to have it's,a courtesy,it just reminds the customer of what,they're looking at what they're seeing,and it's just a clean look okay related,products there's a related product,section here,okay you could see here the style of the,product is a little bit different all it,has is a wish list and a search,select option where people can select,option and add the product to the cart,okay on the left you'll see here there,is a share,icon or share button this is great,because some people like to share with,their with their friends,hey check this product out check this,product out they like to talk about it,so this is the share aspect remember uh,so,socializing is is uh a necessary,component,um in our human uh life and so,this little share thing right here uh,definitely plays a role,especially in the times when you need it,most like i've i've noticed many many,different times,where and you know shopify can track,this can it kind of information of where,the cell came from,um that the sale came from us a referral,uh of a consumer when we just needed to,hit,a certain goal or something like that,that helped us reach the goal so,sure icons like this really really,really help out in time of need,something that's similar to the share,icons here if we head over,to the home page maybe not in this,specific theme but what you will see,on this one is this little pop-up add to,cart so what is this exactly,so this will show your recently viewed,products,plus your products that have been added,to your cart,so why is this beneficial it's like a,little drawer that pops up,okay it's like a little drawer that pops,up and it helps people,you know see their cart automatically,and this is what we call a one,click checkout and this is available for,uh you know all of wolf's,wolf of shopify demos is the one click,checkout where you just click one button,and it takes you straight to the,checkout now why is that a benefit why,is that,some kind you know good it it helps,improve conversion rates remember,where there is less friction there is,more conversions uh what that basically,means is,when you make it easier for consumers to,buy and not click around and things like,that,it becomes easier to get the sale okay,so i know i'm jam packing this video,with a whole bunch of information just,stick with me guys here,i can make a part two if you guys want,but just stick with me um then you guys,could always pause and take a break but,this this video uh you know hopefully is,gonna help you guys out,all right now if you notice here,right after our um our lookbook we have,a countdown banner timer so this this is,beneficial also,you know black friday holidays things,like that where we do a countdown like,hey,there's like three days left till you,you know this product runs out of stock,or until the sale is over you know this,is i for obvious reasons i don't need to,go into the psychology of why this works,uh it works okay especially if it,correlates to a holiday or something,like that,in real life all right next thing,is a newsletter so here i did,the newsletter get 30 off your order uh,and by the way guys if you you can see,every single episode of me building this,whole entire store,and the last one so definitely go ahead,and check out,those videos i mean they're there on the,channel so um,yeah but anyways a place where people,can type in their email,um you know it's it's just a great place,to,to have this here just you know it,doesn't it's not too invasive,doesn't pop up too much um but there it,is a place where they can get their,discount code,and become a customer okay um,on this side here after the lookbook we,have frequently asked questions,i just felt like i would add this here,uh since we did have a lot of products,on the page right so male and female,type products women and women's,and i felt like that was necessary,because you know people,could essentially make the purchase,right from the home page,um you know they could add the product,to the cart right then and there they,could check out right then and there so,right after the frequently asked,questions email newsletter,okay um incentivization,don't forget that and then right after,that we have the gallery clickable,gallery of course,you can click an image uh zoom in,uh zoom out right zoom in zoom out uh,you can hit play,on the slideshow so you can turn it into,a slideshow you could turn it into a,graph,so if you want to see it almost like,this like a grid style,um and that that goes for here also uh,but i did not,add it here so like in terms of you know,if i wanted to add it here i could have,it's just the images were not all the,same size so it would not look,clean and nice when you are uploading,images here make sure that they're all,relatively the same size,so it looks somewhat organized um the,reason why i went with the gallery and,not with the instagram,uh the shoppable instagram is because i,don't have alphalete's instagram that's,probably obvious by now,um if i did i would have done it but,shoppable instagram beats gallery,eight times out of ten um you know,there's just,you know you could have a gallery and,set it in a different link,however um instagram will win on the,home page it's shoppable,people know it people have seen it you,know it's,very very less friction there okay this,is similar you guys seen this already,the clickable collections grid um we,segmented from between tops and bottoms,so you can see here,shorts leggings leggings leggings and,then,bra t t hoodie so tops,and bottoms we we created segmentations,you can segment,uh based on category not ideally based,on color here's the reason why,if we decide to go shopping right we hit,shop,now and i'll give you an example here is,where you segment on color based on tags,so if i hit black here it should take me,to all the black products,so classic seamless cycling shorts that,are black,classic seamless leggings that are also,black okay,notice how that works so the filters,play a role here you don't want to add,filters,to the actual or colored filters at,least,to the collection grid for the products,alright that wouldn't make too much,sense,logically uh next thing is a,another product presentation um,for the the products uh,it's just another way to present your,products really i just thought this,would be cool,would be fancy to add it would i do it,maybe maybe not if the only time i would,do something like this,is if i had like something similar to a,store that has a lot of products like a,general store,or even just a branded store kind of,like this one but with a lot a lot of,products,you know something that i noticed is one,of active doesn't have that many,products,and i would focus on a certain,collection so this would probably work,better with alphalete so,let me pull up alphalete here i'll fleet,athletics,right let me just pull them up see they,have a whole bunch of different products,right,and so if i said something like you know,check out men's products right,with their men's products um,i would have where is it here i would,have i would have a picture of like,a male athlete and then i would have a,filter here of like,you know 10 different males products,whether it be backpacks,whether it be the jackets that they're,going with the fanny packs,whatever they're selling that's a men's,related that's what that's exactly what,i would personally do,um let's see blogs okay,so blogs blogs are important uh i've,talked about why they are important i,don't want to talk people's heads off in,this video,uh but they help they they help for,different reasons i put this at the end,because ideally i would think from a,logical consumer perspective,nobody's gonna come to this brand on a,whim like nobody's gonna just show up,you know without knowing what's being,sold here okay they probably have some,uh ideas of like hey i like the color of,this product or i like the way it's,stitching,i like whatever you know whatever it,might be they come to the website,and then they kind of purchase the,products from there remember that the,blog has only one purpose,okay it's to bring in traffic through,seo,okay and on page the purpose is to,provide,content which increases trust that's it,there's no other purposes for the blog,right businesses don't just put out,blogs for,uh entertainment all right businesses,don't care about that,the point of the blog is like i said,either for,uh off-site seo purposes to get gain,traffic,or on-site building trust that's it um,there's probably a few more things that,i could talk about,uh but you guys gonna get get the point,i don't wanna talk about it too much,uh so yeah that's all i gotta say for,this video um,and this is our collection pages like i,said i could have made some changes,uh you know we have our you know faqs,page let's just click on that for people,to see,we have an faqs page we have a blogs,page,let's pull up the blogs page of course i,could add a banner here which i didn't,uh what else what else do we have here,guys we have about us page let's pull up,the about us page,okay so we have an about us page um,contact us page a lot a lot of different,stuff that we could,be done with this theme uh you know in,tutorials so,if you guys have any questions on the,theme uh or,excuse me on the website designs that i,created uh let me know,alright guys i'll talk to you guys later,peace

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