tidio showing offline shopify

How to add a Chatbot to your Shopify Store | Tidio Full Tutorial (2023) in today's video I'm going t

Elliott Prendy

Updated on Mar 24,2023

How to add a Chatbot to your Shopify Store | Tidio Full Tutorial (2023)

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How to add a Chatbot to your Shopify Store | Tidio Full Tutorial (2023)

in today's video I'm going to be showing,you how you can set up a chatbot for,your Shopify store so you can increase,sales and revenue and save time on,having to deal with lots of customer,emails so you can focus on marketing,your store and building trust with your,customers so the app that we will be,using to set up a chat bot for your,Shopify store is called tilio tidio is,the number one rated chatbot app for,Shopify and it has loads of pre-made,templates that you can use to set up,your chatbot and it's super easy to set,up you can get up and running with your,chatbot in under 10 minutes with no,coding required in terms of pricing,tidio does have a completely free plan,that you can get started with and this,will allow you to connect with up to 100,users on your site each month and if you,do surpass this you can always upgrade,your plan accordingly now if you do use,my link in the description you will get,20 off of all tedio plans and this will,give you access to premium features like,unlimited chats and Powerful analytics,so if you click on the link in the,description you will come over to this,page and from here we are going to click,on try for free in the top right hand,corner from here you can create your,free tidio account so just enter in your,email address choose a password enter in,the URL of your Shopify website agree to,the terms and conditions and then just,click on get started from here it will,ask you to configure your live chat so,this is how it's going to show on your,Shopify store so you can firstly choose,your name so I'm just going to go and,put in the name of my brand and that's,how it's going to say chat with ringcast,then you can go and choose your color,scheme so I'm just going to go and,choose this black color but if you click,on these three dots you can go and,choose from many different colors or if,you click on this brush you can go and,choose a hex code to match the colors of,your store so once you have chosen that,you can go and choose your language and,you can also go and upload an avatar,picture that you want to show here so,I'm just going to go and upload an,avatar so I'm just going to upload an,image of my logo but you can go and,upload any type of advert time that you,want to and then once you have done that,you can click on continue from here it's,going to ask you the main goals that you,want to focus on I recommend to just,select all of them because I think that,they're all fairly important so we've,got solving problems increasing sales,talking with customers and automating,conversations then you can go and choose,the number of Agents so for now I'm just,going to go and choose one which is just,going to be one person that's dealing,with all of the chats but you can go and,choose as many as you want to and then,you can go and choose your industry so,we're just going to choose online store,and then you can go and choose the,number of customers so I'm just going to,go for 26 to 250 and then we can click,on continue it is then going to ask you,to set up your first chat bot so you,have two options you can either send,your customers a discount as soon as,they come over to your store or you can,just greet them warmly now I recommend,to go for the discount code because this,is going to help you to increase sales,and revenue by sending customers a,discount code you're prompting them to,go and make a purchase on your store so,we are just going to choose this and,then we are going to click on continue,it will then say show live chat to your,visitors we are going to choose Shopify,but don't worry about pasting this code,snippet in because we are just going to,install the Shopify app from our Shopify,dashboard so we can just choose Shopify,and we can click on continue so from our,tdo dashboard we are going to go to our,Shopify store we are going to go to apps,we are going to go to app and sales,channel settings and then we are going,to click on customize your store from,here we are going to search for tidio,and then we will choose the tidio live,chats and chat Bots app and then from,here we are going to click on add app,and then we are going to click on,install app you will then be brought,back to your tidio dashboard and it's,going to say turn the live chat on so we,can click on go to Shopify theme editor,and from here we just need to make sure,that the Tido app is toggled on and then,we can just hit save now from here you,can go back to your tdo dashboard and,just hit refresh and you should be,brought to this page now if your tdo,dashboard has been closed you can just,click on manage app and then all we need,to do is just log back into your tdo,dashboard now as I mentioned from here,we can start firstly setting up our chat,bot so what we're going to do is we're,just going to click on skip now and go,to main dashboard and the first thing we,can do is we can go and edit the,appearance a little bit further of the,chat bot so we come down to settings and,we will see appearance and what you can,do is you can go and edit this,appearance so again you can go and,change the color you can go and change,the online status you can change the,widget position so whether you want it,on the left or the right hand side of,the screen so I'm going to go for the,left hand side you can go and get rid of,this button label so where it says chat,with us you can just get rid of this if,you want to just have this little round,icon I'm going to leave it on and then,you can go and change the button text so,we've got chat with us again I'm going,to leave that as the default and then,you do have the widget sound so it makes,a little pop-up sound when somebody,sends a message you can go and turn that,on and off if you want to so if you are,happy with the appearance then you can,just go and hit save and then what we,are going to do next is I am just going,to show you how you can go and connect,your Facebook messenger and your,Instagram to your tidio chatbot and that,means that you can basically go and you,can communicate with customers on,Facebook Messenger on your website,through email and through Instagram all,through the same chatbot and this makes,it super easy to communicate with,customers on all of your different,platforms so firstly if we come down to,email and you can click on create a,mailbox and then what you can do is you,can go and choose the email type so it,will say connect with your existing,email so you can just go and do that or,you can go and create a new email,address I recommend to connect with your,existing email and then you can go and,enter in that email address in here and,once you have done that you can just go,and click on next and then you can go,and choose your email provider so I'm,going to go for other provider and I'm,going to hit next but if you're using,Google or Outlook you can go and choose,those so I'm going to hit next and then,it's going to say to integrate your,mailbox set up an automatic forwarding,in your current email to the email,address below so what you can basically,do is you can click on is click here to,read Webmail integration guides because,it's going to be different depending on,the Webmail that you use so again if you,are using Google Outlook which you most,likely are using then you can just go,and follow the guides for that however,if you are using another provider for,example GoDaddy or one-on-one you can,click on this and you can just go and,follow through their guides so they have,guides for pretty much all of the,different potential email providers that,you might be using so just go and have a,look at this and then once you have gone,and set up that forwarding based on,these guides you can just click on next,and then it will say that your mailbox,has been configured so basically now,anytime somebody sends you a message and,if you're away then it will go and,forward those messages to that email,inbox that you just created now the next,thing you can do is set up your Facebook,Messenger so you can click on this you,can click on connect Facebook messenger,and then once you have logged in it's,going to ask you to choose the Facebook,page that is linked to your business so,I'm going to go and choose my Facebook,page and then you can click on next it,will ask you to Grant all of the,to tidio so you can go and Grant all of,these and then you can click on done,once you've done this it will say the,integration is complete so now if,somebody sends you a message on your,Facebook page it will come through to,your tedio chat as well and finally we,can do the same for Instagram so if we,click on Instagram we can click on,connect Instagram and then you can go,into choose your Instagram account and,you can click on next now I will say,you've linked tidio to Facebook now,don't worry it means Instagram as well,because they are both owned by meta so,you can then just click ok now you can,see here for me it's saying integration,failed if you do get this it's most,likely because you haven't allowed,access to your messages through your,Instagram account so just go and follow,this go to settings privacy messages and,toggle on allow access to messages and,then you can click on try again and it,should work if you do get this,integration failed message so now that,we have gone and set up Facebook,messenger and Instagram we can head over,to chatbot and we can actually start,setting up some of the chat bots on our,store so just click on on chatbot and,from here you'll see that we have two,different strategies so we have,increased sales and solve problems so,these are a group of templates that you,can set up for your chatbot so we'll,start with increased sales so we have,the prevent car abandonment chatbot we,have the increased repeated purchases,chatbot and the increased engagement,chatbot so if you click on learn more,you can see a little bit more,information about these chat bot,templates so you can see the cart,booster convince your customers to buy,it by offering them a small discount in,the cart this one says send next order,coupons to your customers to drive,repeated sales and boost revenue and the,final one is message everyone who enters,your site for the first time and,increase engagement by 400 percent so if,you want to set up all of these chat,Bots at once you can click on use,strategy and then what you can do is you,can go and customize these templates if,you want to so where it says save 10 on,its order you can go and change this,discount if you want to you can make it,fifteen percent twenty percent five,percent what if you want to and you can,of course go and change the messaging I,recommend just to leave it as default,because these chat Bots have been,designed this way so they work best so,we can do is you can just hit save and,then you can go and choose the name of,the discount code so you can see here is,your code enjoy shopping so instead of,having carts over code XYZ you could say,cart saver 10 let's just say for example,for 10 off to make it a little bit,easier so then you can hit save and then,you will see provide your cart URL so,what you can do is you can go over to,your store and you can navigate to your,cart and then you can copy the URL for,your cart head back to tidio paste this,in here and then just hit save and then,you can go and hit next you can then set,up the post purchase discount so again,you can go and choose your code so where,we've got next order XYZ again we can go,and change it to something like next,order 10 we can go and hit save and then,after that it's going to go and say add,the thank you page so again we can just,go and paste in the URL of our thank you,page and we can go and hit save and then,we can hit next and once you have set up,those chat Bots you can go and hit,activate you will then be brought over,to this page where you will see that you,have all of your increased sales chat,bots in one area and you can go and,toggle any of these on and off at any,points or if you click on the three dots,you can go and edit them you can go and,test them out so if we go and click on,test it out it will go and open up a,demo store and we can see it comes up,like this save 10 on this order somebody,can click on get the code now and then,it will go and send them that code so,it's going to say please provide your,email address so you can go and enter in,a email address,so let's go and enter this in for,example and then we can click on this,and then it's going to ask us if we want,to stay in the loop with the latest news,the customer can click sure or no so if,we just click sure and then it's going,to say here is your code enjoy shopping,and it will have cart saver 10 you can,use this at the checkout so that's how,you can go and test out any of your chat,Bots again you can just click on this,and click on test it out so now we have,set up the increased sales ones you can,go and add extra templates so if you,click on ADD from template and you will,see loads of other templates that you,can use so you can see at the moment we,have this Halloween sales booster one,that you can use but if you scroll down,you will see loads of different,templates that you can use and easily go,and set up chat Bots to increase sales,on your store so now that I've shown you,that I do want to show you how you can,go and solve problems so you can go and,make your customer service a lot,smoother and have to deal with a lot,less customer service emails which is,going to save you so much time so we are,just going to click back on chat Bots,and we will see this solve problems,strategy so we're going to click on,learn more again and this strategy has,three chat Bots again so we have an FAQ,for your online store which is just,going to give customers loads of,information about your shipping policies,your refund policies and things like,that you do have handled missed,conversations so if somebody writes to,you and you're away and you can't,respond to your chatbot messages then,the customer will receive this handled,missed conversation chat bot and then we,have them leaving the page chatbot so,you can see it says decrease your bounce,rate message every visitor who leaves,your website so again we can click on,use strategy so for your FAQ chatbot you,can go and edit the messages so we've,got what can we help with today I,recommend you just leave this the same,so we can click on Save then it will say,customize the shipping answer so you can,see here it says shipping usually costs,around five dollars blah blah blah what,you can do is you can go over to the,shipping page on your store so if I just,go to the shipping policy and then you,can go and copy all of this information,or you can just go and copy the URL and,you can go and paste it here so you can,go and say something like get all,information about our shipping here and,then you can go and paste in your,shipping policy and we can hit save for,tracking you can go and do the same so,you can go over to your tracking page so,I've got to track your order page on my,store I can go and copy this and then,what I can do is I can go and paste this,in here so I've just said to track your,order use our order tracking page again,we can hit save the same with the,returns now with the returns you might,want to give your customer an instant,answer so instead of saying you can find,out more information about our refund,policy here I'm actually just going to,copy all of this information and I'm,going to paste it straight into the,answer and then we can hit save again,and then you can go and click next once,your FAQ chatbot has been set up so,we're going to hit next from here you,can set up the handled missed,conversations chat bot you can go and,customize these messages if you want to,but I recommend just to leave them as,the default so you can see this one says,sorry for keeping you waiting we'll get,back to you as soon as possible thank,you for your pay,and the other one says looks like all of,our operators are offline let us reply,to you by email so those are perfectly,fine so I recommend to leave them as the,same and hit next and finally we have,the leaving the page message again I,recommend to this just leave this as the,default so it says please let us know if,there's anything you need before leaving,have you found what you were looking for,you could go and add a link to one of,your best selling products or something,like that if you want to so now we can,go and hit activate once you have,activated that strategy you will see all,of the solving problem chat Bots and you,can go and toggle them on and off again,you can go and test them out also if you,want to go and add an extra template,that is for customer service you can do,this again so if we click on ADD from,template and you will see loads of other,templates that you can use to solve,customer service problems so now that we,have gone and set those up you can head,over to your store and you can just go,and make sure that everything's working,correctly so if we click on chat with us,we can go and see what can we help you,with today so we have all of those Focus,set up we can also see that it's giving,us that promo code as soon as somebody,comes onto the site so everything seems,to be working correctly so now I just,want to show you a few other things from,your tedio dashboard so firstly we do,have visitors so if you click on,visitors you will see all of the people,that are coming over to your site,antidio is completely compliant with,things like gdpr and things like that so,you can see it might show you what,country they're coming from what browser,they're using and that depends on what,country they're coming from and then,when you see a user here you can start a,chat with them so you can start chatting,back with your potential customers that,are on your site if you want to go and,communicate with them and if they're,still on your site so it will show green,if they're still active on your site you,can go over to contacts and this is,where you will see people that have,entered in their email address into your,chat bot so for example earlier when I,wanted to get a discount code I entered,in this email address and now we can see,it here when they clicked sure to,receive updates that means that they,have subscribed if they click no it,means that they haven't subscribed so,they haven't given email consent that,means you won't really want to go and,send them marketing emails and things,like that because it's against their,consent now you can go and add filters,if you want to go and find specific,contacts so if we come into the filters,you can go and filter out any contact,that you want to to go and find specific,contacts now if we go into analytics you,will see all of the analytics so you see,how many conversations you've had each,day you'll see how many conversations,have been handled how many conversations,have been missed and how many,conversations have been handled by the,chat Bots themselves so then what you,can do is you can go into operators and,you can go and have a look at which,operators are handling the most,conversations if you have a lot of,customer service virtual assistants and,things like that you can go and see,who's doing the best if you click on,leads you will see all of the potential,customers that might purchase from you,so for example the customer earlier,where I entered in an email address in,exchange for a discount code that goes,down as a lead so we have one lead,within tidio so all of those people that,are leads are people that are likely to,purchase because they've shown some,interest in getting a discount code,entering in their email address into the,chatbot and things like that and then,finally of course I do want to show you,how you can respond to customers who,have written into your chatbot about,something so if we go into inbox and in,your inbox you will see all of the,messages from your tedio chat bots on,your Shopify store so if we go into,unassigned we will see that we've got,this chat here so if we go and have a,look at the chat we can see that this,person says I haven't received my,tracking number so what you can do is,you can instantly go and click on join,conversation and you can start writing,back to them so you can say for example,can you provide us,with your order number,so we can find your,tracking number something like that for,example and you can go and hit reply so,now we have replied to that customer and,we're going to wait for them to reply,back now that's going to be open so,that's going to be an open conversation,what you can do is you can go and add,this as a solved conversation so if the,customer comes back and says for example,this is my order number and then you say,oh no worries this is your tracking,number and they say fine that's great,then all you need to do is just hit Mark,as solved and then if you go into solved,you will see that we've got the solved,conversations if the customer is unhappy,again and you need to go and speak to,them again in the future then you can,just click on start new conversation and,you can start chatting with that,customer through your chat bot and again,if everything is fine again all you need,to do is just hit Mark as solved now if,you do need to escalate conversations,further for example if you have a very,large website and you're using virtual,assistants for your customer service you,can go and add a ticket so you can go,and say let's say for example tracking,number lost,so the customer can't find their,tracking number you've got their email,you can go and set the priority so we,could say this is urgent with this,customer needs their tracking number,right away and then you can go and,assign it to one of your operators now,when you first sign up for tidio you,might just start out with one operator,which is going to be you but you can go,go and add other operators so staff,members that will actually go and handle,your customer service using the chatbot,so we can just assign it here and then,you can go and add an internal note so,you could go and say,customer number customer order number,is one two three four let's say for,example,and,not sure if using FedEx to ship,let's just say something like that so,then that operator can go and look up,which carrier has been used for this,order number and they can go and locate,the tracking number and send it to the,customer so then you can just hit submit,as open to go and open a ticket so that,is how you can see your inbox and if you,did connect your Facebook messenger and,your Instagram DMS all of your messages,will come into your tdo inbox and you,can go and reply to them here so that is,how you can set up a chat bot for your,Shopify stores using the tidio app and,as I mentioned this will help you to,increase sales and revenue and also just,reduce the amount of customer service,emails that you need to deal with so I,will leave a link in the description to,tidio and as I mentioned you can get 20,off of all the tdo plans if you do use,that link make sure to subscribe to the,channel for more Drop Shipping and,e-commerce content and hopefully I'll,see you in the next video

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