the growth show ow shopify grew 10x in 3 years

How Shopify Grew 10X in 3 Years šŸ”„and You can do that toošŸ”„ | Growth Hacking Strategy 1|| hey guys tod

Curious Harish

Updated on Apr 01,2023

How Shopify Grew 10X in 3 Years šŸ”„and You can do that toošŸ”„ | Growth Hacking Strategy 1||

The above is a brief introduction to the growth show ow shopify grew 10x in 3 years

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How Shopify Grew 10X in 3 Years šŸ”„and You can do that toošŸ”„ | Growth Hacking Strategy 1||

hey guys today we'll be seeing how,Shopify grew 10 times in three years so,I mean just focusing on one aspect of,their growth and that's called growth,hacking for the rest of the aspects I'll,maybe discuss it in a later video but I,want to make this shot so we'll be,discussing about growth hacking today,and how Shopify implemented it you can,also implement the same strategy in your,website or in your own e-commerce store,let's get to it so growth hacking is all,about looking for creative ways to use,technology to acquire happy customers to,a product or a service of growth so if,your daily activities aren't producing,scalable growth then you on growth,hacking so who exactly is a growth,hacker a growth hacker is a person who's,true,not the screw everything that he does,some we produce a scalable group might,be in terms of revenue or it might mean,in terms of number of customers usually,growth hacking is for increasing the,number of customers using a power I'll,give an example of hotmail hotmail after,after six months of its launch hotmail,gathered 1 million users and in the next,17 months its user base increased from 1,million to 17 million and then later it,was acquired by Microsoft so that's,growth a key that's called scalable,growth now let's use the same example,for Shopify and I'll show you in-depth,I'll show an exact example that Shopify,uses in order to increase its customer,base so as you can see on x1 page it,says start your 14-day free trial today,so it's a free trial and for 14 days so,it gives you enough time to test out the,product to see if you like the product,in a way it's giving you an option to,see if we can make,we aren't able to make profit out of it,they can obviously leave it and in case,you're able to make profit out of it,then you can continue the subscription,using he's an example of get response a,website it says try get response free,for 30 days,here's another trial of their contacts,and says free trials at two places where,the top and why at the bottom here's an,example of fresh books it's taking a,company an email address and then it,gives you an option for the free trial,is the example of giving you know a,chapter of the book instead of selling,the entire I want you to give me the,chapter you know here's an example of,can you book the arrow says click arrow,to read the sample for free so you can,kind of read a couple of pages for free,and see if it intrigues you and then,later by the book this is like one of,the most straightforward way of growth,hacking so if you want to grow that make,a landing page keep something for free,and that way you can increase your,customer base so that's it for now it's,about the next couple of videos I will,add up to this topic of growth again so,if you want more updates then click on,the subscribe button and I like them so,that you get notified about my next,videos ASAP,see

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