showit vs shopify

Showit vs Shopify | Choosing a Website Builder for Your Business when you're choosing a website buil

Maya Palmer Designs

Updated on Feb 12,2023

Showit vs Shopify | Choosing a Website Builder for Your Business

The above is a brief introduction to showit vs shopify

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Showit vs Shopify | Choosing a Website Builder for Your Business

when you're choosing a website builder,for your business,it's really important to go with one,that has all of the,features and tools to set you up for,success in having a quality website that,works for your business,that's why in today's video i want to,compare,show it and shopify now this is a,question that i get a lot which one,should,i go with show it or shopify and to me,there's a,pretty clear distinction in whose show,it is for and who,shopify is for and why are these are the,two,website builders that i recommend most,often,so i'd like to break that down for you,in this video,and i hope that by the end you'll know,with clarity which one is right for your,business,show it or shopify so in case you've,never heard of it,show it is a website builder that was,created with photographers in mind,and now all sorts of different,service-based creative entrepreneurs you,show it like coaches therapists,copywriters designers and of course,photographers,show it features a drag and drop editor,where you can pretty much,put anything anywhere you want to on the,page with just clicking and dragging,your mouse,you can change colors and fonts and edit,text with just,the click of a button and it's a lot,like,using illustrator or photoshop,if you've ever used those programs,because you can just place things,anywhere,because of this show it has become known,for how easy it is to edit,a site with a lot of creative freedom,and you can completely customize,a website's layout on both desktop and,mobile intro,which is one of my favorite things about,it with very little restrictions,show it also integrates with wordpress,for blogging power,without the hard to edit site so,those are just a few key things to know,about show it,and now let's talk about shopify shopify,is an e-commerce platform that was,created for,product based businesses so if you're,looking to have your own online shop,shopify is the way to go shopify allows,you to have a theme which is basically,the template for your store's design and,then it also,has a bunch of features to help you,run the ecommerce side of your business,like,tracking products inventory creating,product listings,setting up shipping that sort of thing,so that people can,order items from you online so in a,nutshell,if you're a service-based creative,entrepreneur i,recommend going with show it and if you,run a product based online business,i recommend going with shopify these are,my two favorite website platforms to,recommend,and in this video i'd like to dive in,deeper,and tell you exactly why i recommend,show it and shopify,in terms of their price the quality of,the website that you can create,the customization features they offer,and,the convenience that they offer so we'll,go ahead and get into the good stuff but,before we do,i wanted to let you know that i share,design,branding and content creation tips for,creative entrepreneurs,on this channel every tuesday and friday,and if that's something that you're,interested in i'd love it if you hit,subscribe,and click the bell to receive,notifications every time,that i post a new video alright so let's,get into the good stuff,so the first topic that i wanted to,touch on is price there's a,lot of different website builders out,there and,they all range in the pricing plans that,they offer,and any additional cost that come along,with,using them to build a website and i know,that price,is often a big concern when it comes to,creating a website,understandably because it can get pricey,when you're thinking about,your website i want you to think about,it as an investment that will serve your,business,well the right website will work for you,and help you,grow your business and move it forward,and,serve your audience in a way that you,can't do,alone with just yourself and so in that,sense,you know your website is truly so,valuable,so when you're thinking about price keep,in mind,the other factors that i'll talk about,in this video like the quality of the,website you're getting,how customizable it is to fit your,business's needs,and how convenient it is for you because,that all,affects the investment that you'll make,for your website,as far as the pricing goes for show it,and shopify show it has three plans,available,and the plan that i recommend the most,often,is kind of the middle of the line plan,it's the,show it plus basic blog plan and it's 29,a month show it also has a lower priced,plan,that you can use if you just need a,website without a blog and then they,have,a higher priced plan that you can use if,you need,a more robust blog but typically i,found that for most of my clients the,show it plus basic blog plan,works fine and you can always upgrade if,you need to,and then shopify also has a range of,plans available and,the option that i often recommend is,the basic shopify plan which is also 29,a month and this allows you to have your,own website with,all the features you need to have an,e-commerce shop,and one thing that i do want to let you,know about both,show it and shopify is that once you,pay for the plan you'll still need to,create your website design,and on show it you can do this from,scratch or you,can purchase a template or hire a,designer to design your website from,scratch for you,as far as getting a template goes they,range anywhere from,free to a thousand dollars on up so it's,up to you,what you want your budget to be and the,type of website that you're,looking for and then of course once,you've purchased the template,you'll want to customize it or pay a,designer to customize it for you,but one great thing that i love about,show it templates is that,show it really is such an easy website,builder to learn,so once you get the hang of how it works,it's not too hard to,customize your template yourself the,investment for custom design is going to,depend on the specific designer that you,hire,and what their packages include in their,experience,kind of the average investment amount,that i've seen for short designer out,there,has been around three thousand dollars,but there's also,designers out there that charge more for,anywhere from like eight thousand to ten,thousand dollars,and i'm sure that there are designers,out there that charge,less as well i'm a show at website,designer myself,and so i have show it templates in my,shop,and i also offer custom design,experiences,and i'll put links in the description,below for you to check out my show at,template shop,and my custom brand and website design,services,just like show it has free templates,shopify also,offers free themes of course if you,go with something that's free it will be,a little more limited,so they do offer options to purchase a,theme from their store,and kind of the middle of the lawn cost,that i've seen for those,is about 180 dollars but of course those,do range in price as well,and because i am not a shopify designer,i can't really speak on how much it,costs for a custom,shopify design but what you would want,to do if you're interested in that is,find,a designer that offers custom shopify,design and they can,help you go in the direction that you're,needing,showa and shopify are the website,builders that i like to recommend,because i think they offer the most bang,for,your buck you know there are cheaper,options out there,but i've tried some of them and it's,always felt like there's something,missing and it ends up hurting the,quality of the website,and i've also tried some more expensive,options out there,but in my experience those usually,required,more coding to have the customization,and then even if i customized it,it wasn't easy for my clients to edit,so that's why i choose to stick with,showit,and shopify when i'm recommending,website builders,they're easy enough that you can do it,yourself and have a quality,website that really works for your,business,with that said let's go ahead and move,on to the topic of quality,like i was just saying when you're,choosing a website builder you want to,choose one that will allow you to create,a quality website that really,serves your business well and the,quality of your website truly does,matter,research has shown that when someone,lands on a web page,they decide if they want to stay or go,in just,a matter of seconds so you want to be,able to make that great first,impression so now you might be wondering,well,what makes a quality website and in my,opinion,it's a combination of intentional design,well-written copy which is the text on,your website,and then being able to have any features,that you need,to truly serve your audience and make,using your website easy and convenient,for them,some key things that you'll want on your,website include,a layout that's easy to use on desktop,and mobile,and i can't stress enough that mobile,optimization,is so important these days because so,many of us are browsing on our phones,first,you also want your website to reflect,your brand well and make it clear,what you offer who you serve and how you,can,help them throughout the entire website,so people know right away,that they're in the right place you want,an intentional design,that guides people through your website,and makes it easy for them to find what,you need,and it's also a plus if you can have,your website seo optimized to help you,rank,on google and of course part of good,design,is having something that looks pretty,but again is also,intentional and helps guide people,from becoming browsers to fans,of your business and then eventually,paying customers or clients,and the good news here is that the,reason that i've chosen,both shopify and show it as builders,that i recommend,is because they have all the features,that you need to make,those things that i just listed possible,so that you can have,a quality website and i'll explain that,more,in the next topic which is customization,so when we're talking about,customization i mean,how easy it is for you,to make a particular website reflect,your brand and your personality well,and have the features that you want you,know,when you're comparing websites some are,so template based that you pretty much,have to stick to the template,and then others allow for more creative,freedom,like i mentioned earlier show it has a,lot of creative freedom,it has the most creative freedom that,i've ever experienced in a website,builder,where you don't have to use code so,let's talk about some of those features,that show,offers one of the things that really,made me fall in love,with show is that you have complete,freedom,over how both your desktop and mobile,sides are laid out,and they don't have to be dependent on,one another so if i want to display,something on only mobile and not desktop,i can or vice versa and this is just so,freeing because i've used,other website builders where the mobile,layout,depends on the desktop layout and you,can only change it up so much,this can cause problems because you know,that screen,you have on your phone is a lot smaller,than what you can,display on desktop but you still want to,use,both layouts as well as you can because,again,so many people are browsing on mobile,first these days,and since show it offers so much,customization as far as your layout goes,the only limit to what you can do is,pretty much your imagination,they really don't block you in you can,click and drag and place things wherever,you'd like,you have the ability to optimize all of,your pages for seo,and you can also add a plugin called,yoast,to your blog to help with your seo,optimization,and besides moving things around in the,layout changing up colors and fonts is,totally possible too,that's just scratching the surface of,what show it can do i can go on and on,but those are just some highlights that,i wanted to share with you,so now let's talk about some of,shopify's,customization options i'll be honest and,say,that shopify is more restrictive than,show it,but they're also doing something a,little different with helping you to,create an e-commerce shop with shopify,you can choose your theme and within the,theme,you're allowed to have custom color,palette,custom fonts and you can choose,from different layout options for each,section,i'll also be honest here and say that,anytime that i've used shopify,i was using a free theme and i do have a,feeling,that if you get a premium theme that,will,allow you more customization options so,that's,something to keep in mind but they do,give you the,basics of what you need to create a shop,design that fits your brand well,another thing that i wanted to touch on,with shopify,is that besides giving you the,customization features that you need,for the design of your shop they give,you a lot of things on the back end,to help with the structure of your shop,like,setting up product listings setting up,your shipping setting up your sales tax,collections,lots of important stuff that you'll want,to have to,make sure that your shop is working how,you need it to,and that is a big reason that i,recommend it as an e-commerce,platform and one last thing as far as,shopify's customization you can add apps,to your,shopify store to allow you to be able to,do more with it,so with a little ingenuity you can,really,make your shop work how you want it to,but that's all i have to share as far as,customization goes,again i could say a lot more but those,are just the highlights,so let's move on to talking about,convenience,i included convenience here on my list,of how i kind of grade a website builder,on how good it is and why,i've chosen to recommend these two,because i believe,that your website should be,easy for you to edit even if there is a,bit of a learning curve,at first you should be able to feel,confident in editing it,when i'm custom designing before client,i still,train them on how to edit their show at,site when i'm done,because i want them to be feel capable,in,making quick updates if they need to in,the future or,blogging through their website i don't,want it to be something where,i set up this beautiful website and then,they log,into the back end and want to cry,because they just,don't feel like they can do anything,with it as a business owner,i really think it's so important for you,to feel empowered,to know how to work with your own,website or have someone on your team who,can do that for you,i rank show and shopify highly,in terms of convenience because again,while there might be a learning curve at,first,especially if you've never worked with a,website builder before they are easy,enough,that you can learn them and be able to,create great sites with them without,being,a designer or having coding experience,and one other thing that i love about,both of these builders is they have,extensive support available to help you,show it has,an amazing support team that you can,message directly,inside of your short account and they'll,chat back with you,and they also have an extensive library,of help articles,and shopify has a really extensive,library of help articles as well with,tutorials,that walk you through how to do things,so they've really,done what they can to set you up for,success when it comes to learning,how to use their platforms you know it's,pretty clear that if you're service,based you show it if your product base,you shopify,but there are times when you might want,to use a blend of the two,so let's say you're a photographer and,you want to have a small,shop on your website selling just a,handful of items,what i might recommend doing is going,with show it,and then you can integrate with shopify,lite by adding,a shopify buy button to your short,website for,each of your products and you can design,your shop pages within show it and then,just,add the shopify product listings to,those short pages,and that will allow you to have your,photography services showcased on your,show at site,but then also have a small shop on there,where people can buy things from you,so i think that's a great way to blend,the two now if you are looking to have a,large shop but you also offer services,what i would probably recommend doing is,having a show site for your,services and having a shopify site for,your products,and you could have a shop button in your,navigation,that when people click on it it takes,them to the,shopify site and the reason that i,always recommend going with shopify in,terms of,selling your products is because show it,just wasn't built,for selling products and so it needs,some of those e-commerce features,from shopify in order to do that another,option,with selling products through show it is,that if you're selling something like,digital templates like my website,templates or a course,you could integrate with something like,thrive cart,and have people place their orders that,way that's how i sell my,short website templates i designed all,the shop pages and show it,and then when you go to purchase the,template that's all done through thrive,card,but that's just a little bit of a,different situation because,those are digital products and there's,not that many of them so it's a little,bit,different than selling physical products,online,so there you go there's my take on show,it versus shopify i hope this video has,been helpful for you,in a nutshell if you're a service based,creative business owner i recommend show,it,and if you're a product based business,owner that's looking to have an,online shop i recommend shopify and if,you're,a service provider but you're looking to,sell a small amount of products on your,website,i recommend doing show it plus shopify,lite,or you could check out integrating show,it with something like thrive car,if you're selling digital products or,course,also if you've decided to go with show,it you can learn more about my custom,brand and show it website design,services over,on my website which i'll put a link to,down below just go to, services,or if you prefer to go the diy route i'm,so excited that i now offer,show it templates and you can check out,my show at template shop,at my shop,and i also have a free guide that you,can get right now,to help you choose a show a template for,your business because i know there's a,lot of options out there,so it can be hard to know which one you,should go with so this guide will help,you,clarify what you're looking for in a,website template so that it's easier,for you to choose one that works for you,again it's free,and you can sign up and get it by going,to,,template guide and template guide is all,one word and i'll put that link,in the description below as well and i'd,love to hear from you i'd love it if you,commented below and let me know,what your business offers and if you've,decided to build a website using show it,or shopify if you need any more help,deciding on what website builder to use,for your business,feel free to reach out to me you can,email me at my, don't forget to,subscribe,and thank you so much for watching i'll,talk with you again soon,you

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