show stripe orders in shopify admin

How to Place a Test Order on Shopify | Development and Live Store hello today I wanted to show you h

Software Development Tutorials

Updated on Mar 21,2023

How to Place a Test Order on Shopify | Development and Live Store

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show stripe orders in shopify admin catalogs

How to Place a Test Order on Shopify | Development and Live Store

hello today I wanted to show you how to,place a test order both on a development,store and on a live store in Shopify,so first thing you're going to do is add,a product to your part your cart like I,have here,and then the next thing you're going to,do is go over to your admin dashboard,go over to settings and this is for the,development store,and then you're going to go down to,payments,and then you can see development stores,can only process test payments which is,what we want so we're going to say,activate the test payment provider and,it's going to take you to this this page,for the bogus Gateway so the bogus,Gateway is a testing provider for,payments that allows you to both to,assimilate An approved transaction a,declined transaction and a payment,failure with different card numbers one,two and three so what you're going to do,is you're going to go into check bogus,for testing if it's not checked already,and then I've already activated it so,it's going to say reactivate but yours,is just going to say activate,so I'm gonna go ahead and activate it,perfect so now it's activated and you,can go back over to your shopping cart,you're gonna check out,and it is going to load here and show,you,that it is,in the testing Gateway so I'm going to,go ahead and enter some bogus,information here just so that I you,don't see my information and I'm going,to show you what the checkout process,looks like afterwards,okay so I filled out some bogus,information here and I'm going to go,ahead and press continue to shipping,perfect now I'm going to go ahead and,choose my shipping method and continue,to payment,now it says here the store can't accept,real order orders or real payments this,is because it's a development store and,this is what we want so I'm going to go,ahead and simulate a successful,transaction by putting in one here,and we're going to put a bogus name here,and then an expiration date sometime in,the future so let's put August 2025,and any number of three any three digit,number here to simulate the security,code and I'm going to go ahead and press,pay now,and while it's been processed here I'm,going to go ahead and get over to the,orders page,perfect so it's been processed now,I'm going to come over to the orders,page and you're going to see here it is,here's the order,it says this is a test order created in,the payment Gateway was in test mode and,you can treat it as a normal order,during your testing,using the live store you're never going,to actually turn on the bogus Gateway,what you're going to do is take your,card or your other payment method and,purchase normal order as if you were,purchasing as a customer,then what you're going to do is head,over to the orders page here that shows,all the orders,and click on the order,and then you're going to click refund up,here in the top right now although this,says this is a test order you can still,treat it as a normal order and this is,going to look almost exactly the same as,a normal order will and so once you have,finished your testing you're going to,press refund and then you're going to go,ahead and well in this case there was no,refund,because it was a test order so I'm going,to say reason for refund I'm just gonna,put refund here and I'll put one dollar,just manually refund it here and press,refund,and perfect the order has been refunded,perfect so it says partially refunded up,here you're going to go ahead and get a,fully refunded tag if you put in the,full refund amount for a refund amount,that is equal to the full amount paid by,customer so I hope this video helped if,it did please leave a like And subscribe

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