show paypal buttons on non sectioned theme shopify

Dawn Theme - How to Add PayPal Smart Buttons in Shopify Store | Boost Sales hello peeps in this vid

Amazing Learning

Updated on Mar 28,2023

Dawn Theme - How to Add PayPal Smart Buttons in Shopify Store | Boost Sales

The above is a brief introduction to show paypal buttons on non sectioned theme shopify

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show paypal buttons on non sectioned theme shopify catalogs

Dawn Theme - How to Add PayPal Smart Buttons in Shopify Store | Boost Sales

hello peeps in this video i am going to,show you that how you can add paypal,smart button into your shopify store so,this video is specific for down theme if,you have installed that then this video,will work for you so currently on my,screen you can see that i have the card,page and here i have added paypal button,simple and then we have debit or credit,card so if i will refresh this page and,it will still appear because i have,added the code let me remove that code,and then i will add it again so here i,have that code so i'm going to keep it,original,and then let me click on,save these changes and now if you will,refresh this page again then it will no,more able to appear here,so here you can see that,now these two buttons will disappear,from the cart page can you see,so let me add it again first of all you,need to go to,the shopify dashboard and here you need,to click on actions but before that you,should confirm that this is down theme,so here you can see that this is down,theme version 2.3.0,and here we have actions click on,actions then we have to click on edit,code,and once you are clicking on edit code,this will actually open up your backend,folders and files and from that folder,we need to find that file where we have,the code of cart page alright so we have,to wait for a while,here we have some files and folders you,need to click on sections and scroll it,down and down below you will be finding,uh man dash caught dash footer can you,see this dot liquid so you need to open,this and this file is inside the,sections folder all right once you are,opening this file,then before,editing anything you need to download a,file i have added the link below in the,description so you should click on that,and then download it and after that you,should uh,you should open it in your text editor,so let me show you here i have that code,which is down theme so i'm going to,right click on it open with notepad all,right so these are few steps which we,need to follow,so the first thing is the first step is,i need to add this code,all right,so i'm going to add this script on the,top,so here we have,the first line,so in the first line you need to add,this line of code all right,then in the second,the second step is you need to copy this,script,which is from here to there,you need to copy it and then you need to,paste it at the bottom,so here we have the place,i have,pasted it at the bottom,then you have the third step which is,which is this one so this is a single,line of code which you need to copy,again and then paste it just below the,checkout button so here we have the,checkout button and,below this div element you need to add,it here all right then you need to click,on save changes,but before that you need to also follow,one more step which is,uh this fourth step which is some style,inside of it so let's copy this out and,then paste it in the second line,so i have pasted it in the second line,and then you need to save these changes,and finally let's refresh this page,again,all right so here we have the paypal,button and then debit and credit card,button if you will see in the mobile,view it will look like something like,this all right,one more thing is if you are interested,to keep the checkout button as that as,it is then you can actually delete this,none for example name equal to checkout,so you can remove this code and then,save the changes again and now if you,will refresh this page again now you,will see that checkout button is also,there all right so this is one of the,best way if you wanted to keep that,checkout button as it is then you need,to undo these changes save the changes,again and then refresh it,once again and now you will see that,that button checkout is disappearing,from here all right so if you are adding,some more uh products,for say example this one and click on,add to cart and then let's move ahead,with the view my cart page and here you,can see that we have two products and we,have,paypal buttons over there,one final thing that you need to do is,you need to go to again main,dot footer dot liquid file and here we,have,client id equals to sb or maybe sometime,you will see test in place of sb there,will be test so you need to replace it,with your paypal client id which should,be live client id all right i will be,adding the link below in the description,uh,the video from where you will find that,how you can actually copy that client id,from your paypal account or maybe create,that id and then after you need to paste,it here so in that way the transaction,would be done successfully i mean the,payment would be a transaction,transacted to the to your bank account,in that way i mean your or a genuine,paypal account would be linked through,that client,id,if you want you can also change the,currency here so for now we have us,dollars so so i have written usd all,right,if you are interested to remove these,buttons again you can do one thing you,need to go to your file again then click,on older versions,and here we will be getting a drop down,and then click on original so in that,way all the additional code which you,have added just now that would be,removed then you can save these changes,and if you will refresh it once again,then you will no more able to see any,button here and it will be default,let me show you an interested thing,which i recently created that is,a website which has a lot of tools,you can use it for free so i have these,tools for example keyword research,toolkit if you have a website you want,some keywords related to your website,you can actually explore it for example,i have keyword volume checker if you are,interested to search any specific,keyword you will get proper detail of,each and every single keyword like,monthly searches uh,cost per click add competition here we,have the graph of last seven month,searches we have some volume data,related keywords you can copy these,keywords and we have also some,tools for youtube tools for example you,want to generate keywords so for example,this is english speaking click on,generate you will see that there are a,lot of keywords which you can generate,these are actually the tags youtube tags,you can filter it out and finally you,can copy this from here and then paste,it into your,video then we have something like,description this is just description,generator you can actually edit these,things and then finally click on,generate and then you will see that,these are,this is over here and you can copy again,and then paste into your video,description so there are a lot of tools,here which you can explore for example,unlimited keywords we have keywords for,e-commerce keyword for publisher then we,have keywords for digital marketers,website tools like readability checker,word counter for example here you can,see that how beautiful this unit is all,right so this is live,word counter,so you can use it into your computer,because these are free of cost so you,have no need to worry about any payment,or something like that instant keywords,we have for example english you have,google youtube yahoo and all the other,search engines uh,where you can actually compare the,keywords and copy and paste into your,blog post or maybe youtube channel,so that's it for now,if you are facing any issue then please,connect me i have added the contact,details below in the description if you,have any project to work on related to,shopify or any other relate,related to coding so you can ask me i,will definitely help you out with that,thank you so much for watching this,video if you are new on this channel,then please subscribe this channel also,like this video thank you once again see,you in the next video

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