shopify where to find full width header

How To Add a Full Width Banner To a Shopify Single Page on Debut Theme how to make a pull with banne

Linas Design

Updated on Feb 24,2023

How To Add a Full Width Banner To a Shopify Single Page on Debut Theme

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How To Add a Full Width Banner To a Shopify Single Page on Debut Theme

how to make a pull with banner,on a shopify page so,here you can see i have a page,it just has some text in there and,i want a banner an image banner going,all the way through,now how do i do that,so to add an image say,a hero banner we will have to go into,the liquid code just a little bit,and now we need to find the page,okay this is the page this is the code,for any page you make,and to this we need to add,the hero banner on top,which will let us have a full width,banner,um so we need to add a section,and we can see examples of sections and,other liquid codes,say here see it's adding the collection,template,i'm just gonna be a little bit lazy and,i'm gonna copy that,you could obviously type this out as,well,and i don't want a collection template,on that page i just want a,hero okay let's save this and see what,we have,let's refresh the page there we go,now we have the default,hero banner on this page,now you can go into your online store,customize,go into the page and then you can change,it,just like you would be able to on the,homepage,you can add an image if you like you can,change the text,there you go now,the difference between the home page,and the images you put on the homepage,the section for on the home page,and regular pages is,the home page is pulling from a library,and it's dynamic so you can you know,have,like multiple banners or multiple other,galleries with different images,with this if i change it to something,if i change the overlay,now i've changed it and say i want,another page with another hero banner,if i,just waiting well this is if i go and,make a,another page,i'm just going to call it test,chew for the sake of clarity,and,okay made that page,just add it to navigation so we can,actually find it,page two pages,now we have two pages,if i go look at it,page two has the exact same image,the exact same text as page one,and this is because,um only home page sections are dynamic,the other pages are static so,whatever i set the page to be,all the pages are going to be like that,like the only this,only just this bit that you type in will,be different,everything else will be the same there,is a way around that,you can have multiple different banners,and different pages but it is,a bit of a hassle in the way of doing it,um probably is a better way,there probably is a way to make a,dynamic but then you have to,go into the database and,that's a i guess even more hassle,now to make page two image different,we need to make a whole new,hero for it and a whole new page,i'm not that complicated either,so go into the code,now let's find hero dot liquid,there it is,okay let's add a new section let's call,it,um i don't know,alt hero,okay we have some,default code in here let's replace that,with,the codex in hero so,go into hero liquid select all the code,there,copy it go into the new liquid file you,made replace that code,save it basically two identical versions,just with different names now we have to,do the same,for page,okay add a new template with this we can,just make a copy,page called alternate great create,template,copy it for us so no no need to do that,here,now we have two pages page and page,alternate that both have section hero,we want the second page to be using the,page,dot alternate dot liquid code with its,own,with its own um image so let's use the,hero alt or was it alt yeah it was all,here,to use the alt hero that we made,and now we should have,um a fresh hero section,and a fresh page that we can use for the,other image,okay now we need to go into our pages,i'm going to um ah called test2 should,called,page 2. i'll just,you know it really doesn't matter but i,just want to change it,okay so it's using,the page code so let's change that to,page,alternate that we made save,now we go into view,go into page two bam new first thing,it's different,than the other one there's running on,different codes,and have different static images,different static sections sorry attached,to them,and just like the other one we can go,into online store,we can go customize,and go on page two and then,we can change it to whatever,i'll remove all the text just to make it,just the image,save we're good to go,two different pages two different,banners and,that would be same for adding any other,section,um that's it

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