shopify whats the final url in order processing

🤔 What Is Final URL Expansion and How Do I Use It? what is final url expansion,um i think this is pr

Solutions 8

Updated on Mar 14,2023

🤔 What Is Final URL Expansion and How Do I Use It?

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🤔 What Is Final URL Expansion and How Do I Use It?

what is final url expansion,um i think this is probably the coolest,part of performance max this is the,thing that just really blows my mind i,mean you know the fact that google,writes ads for us they've been doing,that so that's no big deal um,dynamic prospecting was in smart,shopping so and i shouldn't say it's no,big deal it's you know like a modern,miracle but we've seen it um final euro,expansion though,and i realized there's something kind of,like it with dsa,uh,and so it's like taking dsa into inside,of pmax but this just feels,feels more dynamic um,so i want to explain what it is and then,how to use it,uh,when you have final url expansion,enabled google is going to choose what,page to send users to now here's what's,interesting google's documentation says,that uh,based on the user's search query,which which would would make you assume,that google's only using this for search,um,which i think is interesting because i,think this is just as applicable for you,know,display based or gsp or whatever,uh,and i i would i would be really,interesting to see if that's true the,problem is we can't tell because,google's not telling us,you know where people are going at what,point we don't get to see the funnel we,might at some point hopefully but right,now we don't so,um if anybody has any insight on this,i'd love to know is this search based,only or is this going to be applicable,across all the other channels,um,and then of course it's using user,intent it customizes the ad headline to,match whatever page you're sending,folks to which we're used to,here they are again reach more customers,matching your business through new,relevant queries that may not serve,through your regular campaigns,increase ad performance through more,relevant ads with dynamic headlines,great,um,you can exclude facets exclusion rules,fine cool so how does it work awesome if,you're in a performance max campaign,when you're building it google asks if,you want to enable,final url expansion in the settings of,any performance max campaign you can,come in and decide to use final url,expansion and so you would just go to,the pmax campaign go to settings scroll,down to campaign settings and then under,final url expansion you're going to say,send traffic to the most relevant urls,on your site or,you can choose a specific url,which i do not recommend,because it's limiting it or do it,there's use cases where it works but,make sure you know why you're doing it,what's cool about it is it allows you,exclusion rules so you might say like,hey my blog goes off the rails there's a,bunch of stuff that's not even,applicable don't use anything,that is in my blog or in this product,category um,and so you can put some guardrails up,but what i like about this little,graphic here is it shows,based off of,what google thinks is going to perform,whether or not you know you can actually,see they've got about page products page,contact page final url expansion helps,you find new converting searches it uses,landing pages on your website to,identify relevant search activity and,show ads with automatically customized,headlines for better performance,so,the way that this is being explained,makes it seem like google's cataloging,all the pages,distilling the information on those,pages to build what,amounts to just a,search term list,and then when those search terms pop,sending people to those relevant pages,that's,that's,counter to the way that it's presented,because the way that it's presented is,oh build these audience insights,and then we'll send people to the,relevant page based off of everything,that you've provided it so they're not,starting with the audience and finding,the page they're starting with the page,and finding the audience,at least that's the way that it seems,and that's hyper relevant,because it means that,to identify the right audience you need,to have,you're going to start with your page,when you using final url expansion as a,matter of fact the way to think about it,is your website pages are a new audience,so when you're building out your asset,groups if you have final url expansion,on,then you are,potentially adding asset groups with,every page that you allow google access,to is the way that i'm thinking about it,now and i'd really love to be challenged,on this by the way because i don't know,this for a fact like i'm intuiting it's,based off of google's documentation the,way that it's currently working so if,somebody out there wants to call bs,that'd be great i think it'd be fun to,have this conversation,but the way that i understand the way,that it's being presented is,google's starting with the page,pulling what's relevant,and then using that to identify the,audience and connect them back to that,page,which,is great but it's different than,the way that it's currently being,presented which is google's,taking an audience that you provide it,and then trying to match that audience,to a page and hopefully,hopefully the importance of that is is,self-apparent uh self self,yeah apparent right,self-evident i did it um,anyway i'm rambling now but uh,it's crazy that a machine's gonna pick,where people traffic goes and probably,beat us um and definitely beat us,actually so if you're using final euro,expansion in a nifty way i'd love to,hear about it,otherwise,i'll see y'all manana wait before you go,i'm constantly looking for amazing,people to come join our team so if,you're passionate about google ads and,you're passionate about customer success,please go to,forward slash apply and we'd love to see,you as a part of the solutions 18. also,if you like this video give us a thumbs,up it lets the youtube algorithm know,that we actually know what we're doing,and uh don't forget to subscribe we,shoot a video every single day and i,don't want you to miss out on any of it,lastly if you have questions comments,concerns confessions or you just hate my,face my voice go ahead and hit us up in,the comments we get very little human,interaction and even the heckling is,something that i kind of get a kick out,of so thank you so much for watching,thank you for being subscribers if,you're a subscriber don't forget to,apply if you're interested in working at,solutions8 otherwise i'll see you,tomorrow

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