shopify venture theme make cart button show biger

Add To Cart Button On Collection Pages (Dawn Theme) Shopify | Easy Way [100% Working] in this video

Amazing Learning

Updated on Feb 28,2023

Add To Cart Button On Collection Pages (Dawn Theme) Shopify | Easy Way [100% Working]

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shopify venture theme make cart button show biger catalogs

Add To Cart Button On Collection Pages (Dawn Theme) Shopify | Easy Way [100% Working]

in this video i am going to show you,that how you can add add to cart button,in your collection page of the shopify,store so if you have installed down,theme then this video will help you out,without knowing any single line of code,you only need to copy and paste the code,because i have already written a blog,post here and you only need to follow,the steps which i will be mentioning in,the video and how you can change the,color of these buttons and all so,everything you will get to know step by,step so for example i am refreshing this,page and now you will know more able to,see those buttons here why because i,have removed the code so let me show you,how i added the edit that code,so first of all you need to go to your,shopify dashboard here you should click,on themes then after you should click on,actions here we have edit code and here,you can see that this is down theme,installed and let me click on edit code,here you will be finding some folders,and files so we will go to a specific,file so let's follow this specific uh,blog post so the first step is go to,theme action edit code we already uh go,on here like edit code and stuff then we,have the next thing which is,snippets here you can see that snippets,then product dash card dot liquid so,let's find that file here is steam,snippets folder scroll it down and here,we have product dash card dot liquid,so once you are opening this specific,file,then after you should go to blog post so,here you can see that the second step is,paste below code at the end of this file,so this is the code code let's copy this,whole bunch of code from here and let's,paste it at the end of this file so here,we have the end,so i am going to paste it here right,click and paste it here and now you can,save these changes,and let's refresh this page again,now you can see that we have add to cart,button here so for example i am going to,home page here we have also some uh,products feature products products but,you will no more able to see that add to,cart button here why because i have only,added it on the collection page i mean,the products page,all right so first example you want that,everywhere it should appear then what,you have to do is you have to remove,this style tag so you can see that i am,going to delete this let me save these,changes,and let me refresh this page again,so here you can see that this is already,appearing but if you are going to the,home page,then you can also see add to cart button,here also so for say example you don't,want here then you need to again,undo the code,so i have undone this code and then,let's save these changes and let me,refresh this page again,now those buttons disappeared from here,and if you are going to the catalog or,maybe uh the shop page where all the,products are appearing so here you can,see that add to god button is appearing,here so for example you are interested,to change the color of these buttons you,can also do like that but for now these,buttons are taking the,style of the default theme color all,right first example you are not,interested to use this color then you,can write here,background,red for say example and then semicolon,so let me save these changes,and let's refresh this page again,here we go now you can see that the,button color is red all right so in the,same way uh first example you don't want,this these big buttons and you wanted to,reduce the width you can also reduce the,width for example i have written width,100,you can write here 50,and then if you are saving the changes,let me refresh this page again now you,can see that add to cut,card button is smaller and this is also,looking beautiful because we don't want,that big button here all right so this,is really simple so uh you can implement,it and if you are thinking that uh you,have any problem with that so feel free,to ask me the question below in the,comment section or maybe you can connect,me on the whatsapp or send me email i,will help you out in that and in the,next video i will be showing you,something else for now if you are if you,are a new user on my channel then please,subscribe this channel also like this,video thank you so much once again see,you in the next video

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