shopify venture slideshow overlap off by product

[2022 FREE] How To Add FEATURED PRODUCT SLIDER To Your Shopify Store - Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial he

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Mar 11,2023

[2022 FREE] How To Add FEATURED PRODUCT SLIDER To Your Shopify Store - Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial

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[2022 FREE] How To Add FEATURED PRODUCT SLIDER To Your Shopify Store - Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial

hello shopify world happy 2021 my name,is andrew from ecom experts dot io and,in this video i'm going to show you how,to code a,feature product slider into your shopify,store,right before we continue if you go down,below right next to the subscribe button,there is a,link if you follow that link you put in,some information you are going to,receive,a file into your email that file will,have all of the code,that we are going to go over and paste,into our shopify store so you don't have,to rewrite it and pause the video and,just copy and paste it follow the link,down below and that's done,after this video is done you will have a,feature product slider that will look,just like this and actually let's stop,talking and start coding so let's just,straight into,our demo store and here we are into our,demo store let me,show you right now so that you know i'm,not bamboozling you,um and there is no feature product,slider right,here it's a horrible ugly store,sorry about that so let's change that,we're going to go into the online store,section right here and this is a super,important if you skip this step,you are a idiot i apologize but you are,the first thing you have to do super,important,is go to your live team or the team that,you want to install,your changes on go to actions and click,on,duplicate the reason is we're going to,be working on a backup version of the,live team so,if something in the code here messes up,or if it doesn't fit with your team or,anything else,at least you're not stuck with a broken,store you can just continue on the live,team so you can mess up,all you want right here it's not going,to affect your life of visitors,so please duplicate it super important,okay,once that is done we're going to go on,the copy as i mentioned so we can mess,stuff up,and we're going to click on action and,then edit code,because it's time to jump into the code,i'm sorry this is a little uh,a little app normally you don't have,this section but you will have this,entire section right here and so we will,go to,the sections section here on the left,we're going to,choose add a new section the blue button,and when,we have to name this section we're going,to use the exact,naming provided in the document below on,the link,so again just follow the link put in,your information you should get it into,your email address,so this is the exact title make sure,there is no spacing,before or after oh i wasn't connected,before or after so make sure it's,exactly the same,and then we create the section once the,section is created something like this,should pop up so a little,basic piece of code and we're going to,be replacing that,with the code that is provided in the,document granted it's not,the shortest piece of code but we're,going to select,all of this delete it and then just,paste,the entire block of code that is,provided like i said in the link now,it's,pretty long so make sure it starts with,um pop-up up,make sure it starts with script source,and then, and it ends,with the end schema and this is how it,ends you should have around 207,lines of code all right so that's done,correctly,let's click save right here now we just,have to go to the theme.liquid which is,all the way,up here in the layouts directory you,have team.liquid,you open that and then anywhere in the,head right here we're going to be,putting,um that other piece of code that we,pasted i like to put it,uh let's see yeah i like to keep it,pretty simple,put it actually right after the head tag,so right here you can do as many,spacings as you want,so this doesn't change anything,so um it's purely aesthetical,and then i'm going to be pasting those,two lines right here,personally i like to comment also so i,do this by doing exclamation mark,dash dash dash this,is two lines,for the products,um feature,slider dash dash,and there we go and then uh the future,actually i can even do start,clients so what i'm doing right now is,i'm just commenting it it just,makes it easier for the next deaf to,kind of,understand why this is here um,you know as they say in development work,you spend about an,one-tenth of your time actually writing,the code and 9 10 of the time trying to,understand what other people wrote,so good commenting is actually really,really important and obviously this,would be the,end at that point all right so we can,save that,there we go um and that is it for,everything that's code so we're gonna,jump back,into the online store right here,obviously we have not worked on this,version we have been working on this,version right here so we click,customize and then we just do add,section right here and then it should be,under slider here collection,slider we select that and then it's,going to ask us which collection we want,to showcase so,i'm going to showcase this oh no maybe,not that collection,um,there you go the all connections,select how many products to show images,widths so you can play with all of that,right,here,and then if you save,you have the nice little slider that,works,so let's actually double check that,we're going to exit right here,we're going to go to actions preview,see if it's here yes the feature,collector slider is here,indeed perfect so we like how it looks,and we want to go back to the online,store,themes the version we have worked on we,click on action,we click on publish it's going to ask us,are you sure you want to make this,version that you just created,live for everyone to see and yes i am,pretty sure,and we click publish and that's it now,it's,live on our theme um,well i'm gonna say it looks good but it,doesn't really because,the design of my team now sucks but i'm,sure it's going to look fantastically,good,on your theme it works exactly as,expected,so there you go that's how you add a,feature product slider onto your,homepage i hope this information was,pretty useful for you if you want more,shopify development videos like this,where you learn new stuff,make sure to subscribe make sure to tell,your friends that have shopify stores,that this was useful make sure to ask,all of your questions below i actually,answered them,here below and not like on facebook or,an email don't do that,just ask them right here below my name,is andrew from ecom experts don,io i also do strategy videos i do app,review videos everything that has to do,with shopify make sure to check out the,channel,i love you all and i see you in another,video adios,you

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