shopify tv shows

Shopify Signature Series: Astrea hello,australia actually comes from a,playstation game i used to pl


Updated on Mar 03,2023

Shopify Signature Series: Astrea

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Shopify Signature Series: Astrea

hello,australia actually comes from a,playstation game i used to play a lot,with my cousin it's one of the fighter,ships in the game,back then i didn't think there was,anything particularly special about my,name since no one in elementary school,was like whoa max angel that's kind of,sick,all the commentators seem to like my,name so you know i add a little extra,ego to myself,that was one of his first video games,laser age,it was so cute,they grew up so quick,it wasn't until two years ago that i,would have considered calling myself a,professional but there's more,in my friend group and with my parents,it's probably more the norm to go to,college than not didn't make it to the,major leagues unfortunately but now he's,a starcraft player so that's okay,i probably did think about becoming a,professional once or twice but didn't,think it was a very realistic thing to,try to do back then my parents weren't,as supportive as they are now either so,there wasn't as much support for me to,try and go in that direction,for you guys with water,oh my goodness you're filming,i actually never knew what game he was,playing all i knew was come high school,i was dragging him out of bed he was,tired all the time he was gaming all the,time his door was closed and i'm,thinking oh my goodness,on the other hand he was still getting,the grades while not sleeping and gaming,all night,so,i feel like i should be doing something,funny,i think i kind of always knew at that,time my relationship was unhealthy but i,don't know i was highly schooled back,then and that's just the way i lived my,life i didn't really know what to do,about it i guess,everyone wants to be happy and you know,have good life balance and do things,they enjoy but yeah back then i just,wasn't able to um,we're going to my dad's house and,escondido,he moved there,i think junior year of high school,so my third year of high school,during high school he was going back and,forth between the two so that was kind,of rough for him getting up a half an,hour an hour early so he could make his,commute and everything,was tough on him so but he he did it and,i'm glad he did it,i'm a outdoors hiking person and max,most definitely is not,but he likes games so something like,golf or throwing the baseball kind of a,good,middle ground for us,we used to play chess,together but he got too good,for me,we like to both play the guitar,one day max just picks it up and you,know instead of like going a d g and,strumming you know he picks up,um some beatles tonight the name of it,the hardest chords i can't even play the,chords or they're so hard and that's the,first song he does and it's like geez i,hate the kid,this is all,within the last week,so everything's pretty new,i'm also new to gardening and so that is,why,i'm trying to go for more variety to,improve our soil health,so we'll see how that goes,i definitely don't,do this thinking like wow i'm gonna get,way better at starcraft if i just start,a garden,that's not really the thought process,going on here but um,just to enjoy it and i do think it's,important to have enjoyable things to do,outside of you know your job or,starcraft or whatever,for most of my college i wasn't playing,starcraft you know i played a few times,just for fun but i really wasn't taking,it seriously at all and i wasn't playing,in any competitions at that point,if i had to do it again i probably would,have tried being a pro gamer straight,away for who i was at a person and,mentally i just don't think that was a,real option for me so i don't know if i,can call it a regret or like a learning,experience for me making sure to be true,to your own path and what you really,want instead of you know the path that,your environment sets for you kind of a,cliched lesson but i really think it is,true in that case,back in the day i enjoyed making my own,strategies and even kind of as walking,home from school i would kind of be,thinking about what i would want to be,using and what i could try,five gate rush i had super optimized,against zerg that in particular was a,build that i was very confident in back,in the day i was winning almost every,single game with it even against really,good players,i noticed at one point when i was,practicing,like okay i really should be practicing,standard play because that's what's,going to make me better and i was like,losing every single game trying to play,these normal strategies as soon as i was,playing my own strategies i was playing,a lot better and i was enjoying the game,a lot more instead of calling them,australia builds europeans just call,them clown builds and uh that's fine,also,i can roll with that,whoa,oh my god let's go,why is everybody here,yeah okay so i've known everyone here,since high school a lot of people are,back here because of the pandemic we've,kind of just made a weekly thing maybe,like three four times a week we'll,get together and yeah it's been it's,been a really fun way to keep the group,together and it's brought us a lot,closer together,you all are great,of course,i think something i've thought about a,lot is goal setting because for a lot of,my career i never had a clear goal or,image in my mind of what i wanted to,accomplish i feel more internally driven,by just the desire to improve and just,enjoy the game for what it is and enjoy,practicing and enjoy playing,for now i decided to set myself the goal,of doing as well as possible i am,cannabis in february,i want to try to get to the round of 12,which is just past the group stage,which will be harder than last year,because i'm starting from farther back,from the tournament,the experiment for now is setting a goal,and seeing what happens if i really just,use that as my vision nothing else you,are just a very very powerful clown and,i will i will never see you in any other,way no,very well done i'm really not thinking,about the future at all i figure when,the time comes for me to get a new job i,think i should be able to do it and i,find what i'm interested then maybe,that's a little bit of a naive view,maybe not but i'm really hoping to get,at least another two three years out of,the game and out of myself for that,matter so,you

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