shopify tutorial for beginners 2018 - how to create a profitable shopify store from scratch

Shopify Tutorial For Beginners 2018 - How To Create A Profitable Shopify Store From Scratch okay so

Cameron Gray

Updated on Feb 25,2023

Shopify Tutorial For Beginners 2018 - How To Create A Profitable Shopify Store From Scratch

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shopify tutorial for beginners 2018 - how to create a profitable shopify store from scratch catalogs

Shopify Tutorial For Beginners 2018 - How To Create A Profitable Shopify Store From Scratch

okay so what's going on came here back,in for another video we're still here at,London in my friend's room here,we're spending obvious give me the first,video this series were actually gonna be,launching a new store live for you guys,I was going to be running a day older,day seven challenge like through the,thousand dollars and under a week time,but I just felt I didn't really have the,experience well enough to be teaching it,to you and I feel like now I actually,can promote that to you guys,so we're building a new store I set up a,bit of it already and I'll show you guys,basically what we've done so basically,the first thing I do when I downloaded,and created this top device store as I,put in over love now I'm going to go,into my settings I'm gonna go to my,checkout settings I scroll down right,here I can actually generate my refund,policy I generate my privacy policy and,my Terms of Service if I was gonna save,that and just leave that open in this,tab here and I'm gonna actually,duplicate this so I can do something a,bit other things that I'm just going to,quickly show you is I've created a,couple collections so if you go into,products if you go to collections now we,have some collections we have t-shirts,jackets coats hoodies Blazers polo,shirts and my regular homepage and I'm,the reason I did that was so when I went,into online store are you mode to,navigations and now I'll have drop-down,menus so for example in the main menu,now you can have men's section and to,add easy sections like this is as easy,as just adding something like for,example woman's here so you just have a,session here you drag it underneath men,and then it would plop down here and now,you have subsections as easy as that,now how do we take that out now you just,need to take that out,she was right you know yeah so we got,that oh I think yeah screwed myself okay,so now that I have that saved I'm gonna,quickly show you you as the store we,haven't really done much to it I gotta,get some stuff done Castro's their,clothing company you guys did not know,we're gonna be sending a lot of things,out here maybe something the cooling,room we're also gonna be selling a lot,of the things like the ads for example I,knew some on this site but you've got,listed but you guys met in the links,below I'm actually going to be selling,the faucet at down below as well as the,pretty set for that premiere so that,basically gives you the template so you,could put any video behind it and sell,things for $9.99 and then we'll also,send you the PSD which then you can,actually edit in Photoshop and make any,price you want if you are interested in,that let me know down below but it's,gonna be sold on this website and if,you're interested in it right now let me,know but it's gonna be update it really,really soon so we don't have anything in,the questions yet but I actually put the,hoodies the Blazers to pull those put,all these extras in here just so we can,start sourcing our products so a place,that I like to source my products that,I'm gonna quickly show you guys is Peck,stuff you guys can click on the link,down below in the description in this,video it will take you to the site here,you actually gonna want to sign up,because the pricing is like super super,dirt cheap it's the dollar 95 for the,first 14 days and I'm guaranteeing you,guys you guys are gonna make sales to,sign up the dollar 95 I'm gonna quickly,signed integer you guess what it gets,you so once I'm signed in here if I go,under browse products I can now see,different products here but like you can,upgrade to get better things but for,example here these are premium member,adamz here so you can click on it for,example the chance the rapper hat from,you advertisers and a lot a lot of,chance pages and make a lot,money with this president it gives you a,lot of premium services here for example,it shows you the selling prices go to,the product cost shows you the profit,margin intrusive the press the shipping,CPA which is to click her annalen,analyst or something like that I don't,really know what it means but I know,it's basically how much you're paying,for them to come and you're diving about,10 to 12 dollars income it's being sold,on shelf on and on and eBay if you click,on the Aliexpress here so I need to,upgrade now but you get access to the,Aliexpress we get an access to your face,because it existed your Shopify stores,and some iPad um but it's as easy as,just finding this item right here by,just looking up at our chance,hot I like this one during here,then all you normally do is I append it,to orders that ball right here you have,this hot here on the backs of chance,perfect time 798 like what was it on,Pakistan Papua 9 so you guys can sign up,for this and be two dollars off or you,just miss the one I just showed you here,and now what I like to do is once I find,a product I want to find,and I can advertise not maybe let's see,if we can find any chance the rapper,baby just chance the rapper fanpage oh,I'm gonna go meet that my examples,challenge why don't any why job to,anyone caught there we go,we can drop down this here see if he's,seen you in that house up not really so,we're gonna follow him just so he can,get some updates on him just to see what,he's publishing basically just we gonna,Hill the page around him the fanpage,around him no can go like that and look,and see see this one seventeen hundred,followers you can advertise some time,for probably free I'm gonna follow them,and the next part you do from your phone,number like spam called here wonder who,it is,it's gonna be a long walk vanya answer,but this one not that many followers,change the wrapper,she's gonna find these on the phone,actually you can just go to your hashtag,maybe chance the rapper okay maybe,here's where we're finding some things,so like this page here DM for promos I'm,gonna follow them and I'll basically try,to find out if they have an email but,like usually from your phone you could,DM them for promised you know as you can,see they post everything of a chance you,get like a pretty good amount of views,on their video it's only 3,000 likes,though on their pictures I she didn't,target that with a nice video ad I feel,like kicking a viral and make a lot of,money so basically what I would do I,would order that product to myself but,like see how long the shipping time is,16 to 26 days so it's not that bad but,if I actually opened up an amazon top,you're gonna be paying a bit more but,think about all the money you're gonna,be making off of it we're gonna look up,a chance the rapper,fifteen bucks I can have it on Monday,like perhaps that I want so there these,at the cart ordered it won't be here on,Monday 15 bucks easy as that not gonna,be a quick video ad promoting it and it,just goes viral much easier I can have a,lot of different things going on I can,put it in my mints I don't have one,right now in the Hat selection area and,it just pulls people their little,funnels into your site cheap little,sales and stuff there lots of people,into your site so now I can import,hoodies and stuff like this so how I,sourced my products knows I would just,go into Aliexpress well you smell,winning products on our site to bring in,sales and when you want your site to,look very official so you need to have,lots and lots of items on your say for,example my site that right now is a,general store that has over 200 like 85,items on it just to make a look more,official and only advertising on before,I I notice that I've made me over like,six grand within a couple days so like,you can tell it's worth doing it so we,can now just look up men's sweaters and,stuff like that and just go through I'm,not really going for this type of,fashion trend I'm going for more so,we're for the background music that it,was saying about my friends res here but,we're looking for it's maybe pullover,sweaters still looking right here,hundred men's clothing and accessories,driving styles maybe like camel is,really in style she'll shut orders,hmm these are kind of in style,oh hey I feel like these would be these,would sell well then these are great -,so baarish nice here and that's where,this is where I find out my products,winning products is like I can use these,ads and they convert pretty good like,they're not bad odds,and I don't have to order the product,myself like if you scroll down you find,more things for example this photo just,jacket here it's not that bad-looking,because it's $54 myself for 125 you can,get some sales,if you got a cell cut a bit let's see as,you can see dealer ordering it's still,not that many people right now but think,about when it would have been trending,and how much money am i sold then,okay so pretend me sourced a bunch of,products now we're gonna go into my over,though and we aren't going to name our,products and this is kind of like a free,little course video I'm gonna basically,teach you guys a bunch of stuff for free,here uh and hopefully you guys will be,more comfortable buying my advertisement,if this helps you guys at all I do,suggest you guys investing in my course,because it's just a well produced,version of this just making you guys,even more money so if this video made,you 10 bucks 20 bucks why not invest out,20 bucks into my course where it can,make you a hundred or a thousand dollars,and just make you guys more and more,money so how I start for example I'm,going to scroll down to the bottom of a,yes from what I first had in I kind of,like we'll start with this coat here so,this code here you guys the original,photo of it pretty nice coat I want to,remove this out of it let's do that I'll,show you guys in a bit,we're gonna price it $17 coat and they,have a bunch of different sizes so,that's perfect that's great to have,shows great store skills and stuff that,you could seize $39 that I'm selling it,for I'm gonna go for 17 so it's a great,price compared out 119 I could,definitely you see this jacket being,sold at 119 is that a season that's why,I can see you even going for that now,this is where this doesn't convert this,doesn't help the conversions on your,site I would go and delete that if I,were you and now this is where the fun,part comes in um literally just looking,for a coat nuts dials so where did I,have that,so you gonna look up grandma's bomber,jacket men's pitch we'll see on that,maybe open up an Amazon and I know you,go to like you are selling you're,stealing other people's styles if you,know just copy this yes it's true look,like your drop shipping so like other,people are doing it as well big deal I,don't find it hard to sleep at night and,I know you're probably like that's not,the same description but like it's the,same style of coat,so I know it's gonna work fine for me,and then I'm actually gonna add a couple,more things in so now I just just enter,enter I have a list of stores here that,I'm gonna give away free for you guys,right now these are stores that I,actually use in my general store when I,was creating it just musi stores to to,build a safer story so for example I,really liked this door I'm sure you have,it right now I actually copied a lot of,their products and if we go into here,you can go to best-selling and let's,pick one of their newer products I think,this is a newer item on there 1017 but I,think it will be fine mm-hmm no not that,one,see maybe this might have more info hmm,this is a nice thing to have to so I'm,gonna steal after my site I had that all,on my site put that underneath just,makes it look more official the man seen,on that and just becomes a rhythm now so,now that this is a coat that's way,cleaner I just got in there so far,there's a couple more things I want to,add though might be some other stores,those too so that's good take a look,might be this store that I was looking,at,freaking me Missy,nothing on that's either I'm starting to,get,maybe like every long shopping had a lot,of the things that we said probably it,will have instead of looking for if you,can do a lot of these rolled down that I,speaking I need to figure out the one,product though that is taking all that,good stuff from I think it's right here,so you can go,right click on that,you can also copy it you can see as soon,as that's a Shopify store and you're,building a Shopify store when being on,that wall just easily is that just go,like that but I'm looking for one more,thing I think it'll be easier to find my,friends are a janitor,that's cool but I gotta get some work,done so,I,so we'll find one another thing like,their logo - so like that's another,thing I could take he really wanted to,get some take designs not really,stealing their designs but just,reference that and find people so she,gets what graphics knows well you guys,can make graphics for your site just hit,me up with my email I'll have the email,tab below as well we can design,nice-looking logos for you as well furs,really really cheap prices where is the,item I'm looking for,help us into this,I don't know where it is but like a cuff,it don't need you right now I'd like to,have let me take it off tonight but I,don't need a positive but for example,now you not copy this before and since,you know these other people who drop,shipping to you know that they are now,talking about things that you don't have,to talk about anymore for example 15 to,20 working days and stuff like that you,have to worry about that night so you,know your product just nice the pricing,you just switch all this so you know at,eighty nine ninety five and it's all,just like a thing that you learn from,doing overtime just me through 95,I need to change the finger put,recommends waterproof tactical jacket,we're going to perform collections and,you fit under jackets and pants and they,were description me of the variance,that's a push to shop so for this video,this proportion you see the bottom of,this,the will do for all of these real quick,visually have an all time let's get this,job,now that I have a lot you know these,descriptions over it just becomes,procedure that you need to the note do,that kind of lifestyle comes and yep do,history itself or 1989 makes me prop it,off of it,retail you know so I mean t99 so it's,pretty decent sale you can see,switchover looks good so we're gonna put,them,you want to make it look like a store,that you would shopper so now we're,going to put our T's description this,good variants are good they're good,they're shop despite them here,mints jungars you know but high quality,men through immense male fitness,struggles and you can remove that now,and as easy as putting it under I don't,have any subsection 40's can you leave,it for now I'm gonna make it like a 34.9,I'll lose a bit of profit but people,happier customers well I'm running 89-85,that's better editor price part she's,good,sniffing it's good and just look good,next is here we have brand-new jogger,pants camouflage camouflage other pants,camouflage hugger men's camouflage pants,camouflage you have a category for that,yeah scriptures good variants you can,sell these for 2995 you value originally,15m and I'm you know you're gonna want,to list some items here as a national,price no prices this is a Cardian,sweater they're gonna put control-c,men's cardigan sweaters i'm going to put,that there,casual Slim's might as well go fat,Travel sweater and the hoodies and,sweatshirt section with the description,that looks good,variants of 3295 we can make that 4995,sweater that's very 890 images a good,specialist head part skip push the shop,this jacket here put on a new autumn,I'm sure this minute spring this spring,is coming new spring nice jacket bomber,jacket,that already jackets and coats,description experience in a shop so this,code here is gonna be my brand wish,polymer jacket pilot with patches casual,pilot bomber jacket immense casual as,you will pilot bomber jacket I think,that damned if that jackets with the get,description the variants are good and,the pictures look good so we have to,push that the shop coat here to the,men's men's rows,I mean breaker,we're gonna put under jackets and coats,scription there's good variants look not,so good so we're gonna change that and,sent new we're gonna make it forty five,forty five forty four ninety five images,look as well ready there's nothing just,have pants on this page I think we have,a couple more items to put us we're,gonna look for all up on the coat or,bomber jacket section description,doesn't look good the various thing to,be changed you know I believe as that,I'm not gonna push the shop though I'll,show you guys what you can now do and,now if you under men's you can see you,don't like what each section,yeah so it just looks clean I don't even,have a lot of things yet I'm gonna move,these over so it's right here,customize the theme of it,fish show quani don't want to see the,fender like that I like that shirts have,okay like box I like that and now we can,see that and now it has clean look to it,okay another thing going to theme,settings it's good,this good shooter his head looks kid,keeps I guess can update all of this if,you watch are you looking for one thing,though,this is what our store looks like we,have some theme settings hmm and you're,going to make sure you can update all of,these things too,can't really find the thing that I'm,searching for but it's basically just,show us the other products that category,we'll talk about it in a later video,you're gonna clean up a lot of this,without showing you guys just because,like it is a lengthy product process and,you guys can just see basically what I'm,doing,but basically what I'm about to do show,you guys how to clean up a product,easily within shop fight how it even,editing in these software's so you guys,I'm just click on this image here or,this right on pen go under color she,draw color picker and all that stuff,with white and now as easy as this we're,just gonna clean this off it'll quick,life acts like max,laughs Chris apply save let's see how to,kind of that gross logo 34 at took two,seconds update the story cleaner than it,did before,anyways guys I hope you enjoyed doing,one of this series and tomorrow's video,really has a lot more things so stay,tuned for the Harry show you guys how to,find your influencer on my phone I'm,Archie was had a message to the,influencer in a bit more on the site,back with a brand and build some trust,with customers so we'll see you guys in,tomorrow's video but until then peace,out

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