shopify show collections on product page

Show product variants as separate products on collection page hello this is collins and on this vide

Collins Mbaka

Updated on Feb 17,2023

Show product variants as separate products on collection page

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shopify show collections on product page catalogs

Show product variants as separate products on collection page

hello this is collins and on this video,i'll be showing you how you can,show your product variants as separate,products on the collections page so as,you can see on the collections page here,i have this product it has like a lot of,variant support only the single product,is showing so i want to be able to,display all of the available variants so,if i click through to the product page,you can see the other,variants green,orange blue,so on the on the collection spread i,want you to display all of this as,individual products if you go to this,website milodox website you can see they,use this very well to display all of,their variants on the collections page,so these are the same products but they,are all,different variants so they are able to,display it on the collection speech as a,product so do this is very easy and,quick so from your shopify,admin you know it's always recommended,to duplicate your theme and have a,duplicate of the main themes i've,already duplicated this down same here,so i'm going to install it on this,duplicate theme to test it out first,before i then add it to the main theme,so i need to go to the apps then go to,recommended apps like,app store,so when you get to the app store you,need to just search for collections,filter,there are a lot of apps that can do this,for you but this is the one i've used,and does it the job very well so that's,why i'm using it on this video there are,a lot of other tools that you can use,that's even a lesser price,they all do the same thing,we use these two it has a lot of other,features too it has a smart search smart,merchandising and filtering as well as,well as strain your variants as products,so there's a lot of other tools you can,use right i'm just using this for this,video we just need to add this app to,the store and also leave a comment for,me on this comment section down below if,you want me to make a video on how to do,this with code without an app,all right thank you so much,so i'm going to install the app,so this is the process of installing the,app on your store it's going to first of,all index all of the products in your,store as you can see it is trying to,index all of the products in your store,so you just follow this process it's,quite straightforward so you just need,to just click through it might take a,little longer to index your store this,will depend on the amount of products,you have if you have like a very large,inventory might take longer to index the,whole product,as you can see it is done yes i'm going,to click through,some processes i just need to explain,what they do so the first setup is just,to select the theme that you want to,install this one so if your stock is,currently live like you have a live,store like you have traffic on i won't,recommend adding this to the main theme,so you should select a duplicate theme,so this is a demo store i can choose,this dawn theme but if your your store,is live you need to go back to your,themes,and,online store,go to your themes and make duplicates of,your theme,so this is because you don't want to,install an app on your live store so you,can just duplicate this,make it duplicate and rename the,duplicates you can just rename this to,testing,optimus,app,so we'll rename this to this so now that,we are done creating a duplicate theme,so if we come back here and,check the game you can see that theme,that i just duplicated now so the,essence of this is in the case here you,have a live theme,where you have a live store and you,don't want to disturb your sales,i have traffic and i wouldn't recommend,texting an app on a live stream so this,is just the process but if not,you go ahead and select your main theme,then there are two options you want to,you want to show this vertically or,horizontally like on this melodies,website they are showing it horizontally,but in this case i'm going to just,select vertical so you see what vertical,looks like,so that's why you click on install the,widget,this is the installation process,once this process is done,you just need to click on finish,right so you go to the dashboard of the,app,so this was the app dashboard those is,like a filter and it's like it's a,filter app it does a lot of things but,in this case we just want to use it for,the,display variants as products,so,go to settings,you need to skip all of this go to,settings click on premium,and enable this option it's going to ask,you which option which variant you want,to show as products so in this case we,just want to show the color options as,variants all right,so when we do this now we need to just,refresh,and boom,let's click on this again,okay,and that's it,so as you can see our product is not,doing so this products aren't showing us,variants on the collision switch,these are all the same products,but these are the variants of the same,products but they're trained separately,on the collections page so this is just,the process of it the pride the app can,get a little bit pricey but trust me it,is worth the money if you're looking for,a good discount on this app you can,reach out to me,and,i know the guys doing this and,they can give you a good very good,discounts well trust me it's worth the,money it has the regular features that,you can also utilize on but for me this,is usually like one of the most stuff,that clients requests for all right i,hope you find this useful see you on the,next one

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