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Shopify Tutorial Custom Collections Page Brooklyn theme hi this is kevin king from Pinehurst,website

Kevin King

Updated on Mar 10,2023

Shopify Tutorial Custom Collections Page Brooklyn theme

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Shopify Tutorial Custom Collections Page Brooklyn theme

hi this is kevin king from Pinehurst,websites and today i'm going to be doing,a tutorial on how to create a custom,collections page on the brooklyn theme,previously i've done them for the,minimal theme the debut theme and also,for a standard one that could be done on,any but this is going to be specifically,so that you can easily customize the,brooklyn theme it's going to be a pretty,quick tutorial as far as the process,that you take but I thought a written,tutorial would be very helpful all the,codes gonna be on my site so you can,just cut and paste the code so once you,see how to do it it's going to be fairly,quickly but I'm going to show you right,now what we're trying to accomplish so,I've set up a development store on the,Brooklyn theme and I've just quickly set,something up here and what we're going,to want to do is we're gonna have a,navigation menu like this jewelry here,and it's going to be connected to,instead of the jewelry collection it's,going to have all the different sub,collections within jewelry so you can,have any page of collections that you,want to show and you can have more than,one so for instance you could have,bracelets could have multiple,collections under it and then when they,want to see designer bracelets they just,click on that and it goes to the design,of bracelets collection like it normally,does with the collection so let's see,how we accomplish this I mean just go,back to bracelets and I want to show you,what we're going to be able to do with,this so if we want to customize this and,add additional content to this we can,just go into the admin and this is the,customized under theme right here I'll,just show you real quick if you want to,customize your theme in Shopify you go,to online store and then you go to,customize and I've created new tab,let's that aren't in your theme right,now but they will be when we finish so,we're going to go to the page that we,want to be customized and once you have,the templates you'll be able to do this,the same as me so let's go to bracelets,and see we've got this section here that,doesn't by default come on this in,Shopify on the Brooklyn theme so we've,added this and if you click on this,you'll see that now we can add,additional content we can also select,all the selected all the collections and,we could show all collections here or we,can just do selected collections so,let's say we want to add a collection we,will have a new collection here and you,can see it's over here and you just,select the collection that you want in,this case we'll do one that's also a,bracelet since we're under bracelets and,this is pearl bracelets and all you have,to do is select that and then click Save,so now when we go back to our theme,instead of having the two collections,here when we click on bracelets we're,gonna have three collections showing,there and you can add as many as you,want and you can create as many custom,pages for groups of collections as you,want so let's get started and I'll go,through exactly what we're gonna be,doing in the next second here so if you,head over to PI nurse websites and go to,my blog you'll see I've created a page,that has step-by-step instructions I'm,going to embed the YouTube video as soon,as it's finished as well and this is,just gonna walk you through on what,we're doing here and allow you to just,basically copy the codes and do this so,this is actually going to be my third,custom collection that I've made so,instead of being - one the only,difference is I'm gonna make it I'm,gonna make mine - three because I'm,going to create an earring collection so,um so let's go through and I'll show you,what exactly we're gonna do here so I'm,gonna copy this,and we're gonna go over to here I've,just made the earring collection and I'm,gonna go into the theme so what we want,to do is we're going to go to online,store and we're going to click on the,action button hit the drop-down hit edit,code and then we're gonna add a new,template so this new template is going,to be we're gonna choose the drop down,here and we're going to choose page now,we're just gonna name this template,custom collection in my case it's going,to be three,now you could name anything that you,want just has to have the proper code so,you know if you wanted it to be more,relevant like in my case I could just,name earrings,for instance or earrings collection so,I'm just gonna make it this so that you,can follow along easily okay so it's,gonna pre generate the code and you can,either just replace this code by,highlighting it and going to the blog,and you can just pull this and you can,just copy this directly on here so what,you can do is just sit copy and you can,paste this right over it now in my case,since this is gonna be three this is,this right here is the important thing,for me I've got to change this the three,you can leave the code just as it is as,one so in your case you're gonna make,when you create your page template,you're going to just use that part and,you're gonna have a - one so that's not,confusing for you so we've got a,template let's go ahead and save it and,now let's go create a new section so in,my case I've already created sections,for one into I create a new section and,if we go back over to here the important,thing is the name so now we're just,going to add a new section we're gonna,go add new section we want to make sure,we have this right here copied for our,section name I'm going to use three you,can use one or you can use whatever you,want to use but it has to match what's,in your page content so whatever is in,the page content here,you want to match so that's what you,want your section to be the same as what,is in your page and then you're just,going to replace this with this code,right here and you'll notice that all,the blue code is what you want but,you'll notice that part of it is in,green that's what I will need to change,and where you will need to change if you,use a different name you'll want that,part in green to change as you do new,sections and you're just going to copy,it to the end schema there you're going,to paste that code and in my case I'm,going to go to the first schema and,change this and you can always do a ctrl,F but this is where you're going to that,they only change to your code is going,to be here and this you'll want to match,what's in your page so whatever it says,in your custom page you'll want this to,match so if we go over let me just save,this real quick and that is the name,it's gonna be right underneath the first,scheme attack so if you did a ctrl F and,you type in name it's going to show,where your name is you want this part,that is highlighted right here to match,what is in here and that's so that you,can do different pages so if you have,one that's bracelets when the necklace,is you want these to match so now let's,go over and take a look at our page,you know all we need to do is go make a,page so if we go to pages so you can,name your page anything that you like so,let's go add a page I'm gonna call this,one earrings and then we just want to,choose that template so this one's going,to be this is the custom page collection,three we're just going to hit save on,that now we need to connect this page to,a navigation menu so all we need to do,is go into navigation and this is all,these steps are all listed here on how,to do create the page and to do create,connected to navigation menu so if we go,back over let's go we're on navigation,we want to go to main menu and we're,just going to add a menu item here it's,gonna be hearings and then we're going,to go to page pages and we're going to,choose earrings and we're going to click,Add so it's at the bottom I'm just gonna,drag it up so this with bracelets here,and hit save so now we should be able to,go in and customize this page so if we,go to online store click on customize,and let's go to the page we're looking,for which is earrings and by default,what it's going to do is going to add,all the collections that you have so,what we want to do is we want to click,on this collections list page in your,case it may be one or whatever you named,it - collections list page three when,you collect when you click on that,you're going to be able to change it,from all two selected so now you can,just decide which earring collections,sub-collections you want to be in here,so in my case I probably want designer,earrings and I may want to add a couple,more so I can add as many as I want so,I'll select that and hit save but if I,want to add additional ones I can do,that as well so let's add another,collection and go to select collection,and then we'll put in pearl earrings and,let's do one more and we'll put in,you can just remove content by clicking,and remove this is the last thing we'll,put in is turquoise earrings and you can,change that image by changing your,featured image in your particular,collection so let's just say for,instance I want to go to that collection,save this first go back to the,collection and let's just save the,featured change the featured item in the,collection so for your reflection let's,just change the one in turquoise,earrings it's going to use the first,usually the first one that is in stock,in the collection so this one it's the,one it's using right now so if we want,to be use another image we can either,upload an image here or it will,automatically pull the first available,image of the item that is in stock so,I'm going to just use this one I'm going,to change this to manual move this to,the top and now this one will be my,image that it will use so if I go back,over to my jewelry page go to earrings,I'm gonna see it's just changed my third,image so that's different and I can use,whatever image I want and I can actually,format my images so that I like to look,at them better as well so that's where,if you want to use a different size,image that is better for this theme you,could upload it right here and you'll,have a very specific one that matches,your theme and that's pretty much all,there is to it you can go to the blog,see how to finish everything up let me,know what you think and comment on my,blog or on YouTube and let me know how,it worked for you that wraps it up,thanks for tuning in to pioneers,websites and you can find more tutorials,by going to painters websites,just going to the tutorials the,tutorials tab or check out my blog the,tutorials tab has an index and I'm,trying to alphabetize everything make it,easier for everybody to find particular,tutorial that they're looking for where,you can go under the tutorials tab look,at all tutorials Shopify tutorials or,you can check out the vlog and find out,some interesting things on Shopify and,SEO as well hope this was helpful for,you have a great day

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