shopify oauth error when checking sales channel

How to Setup Shopify's Google Channel App w/ Google Shopping Product Feed Ads (2021 Tutorial) hello

Nexus Digital

Updated on Mar 19,2023

How to Setup Shopify's Google Channel App w/ Google Shopping Product Feed Ads (2021 Tutorial)

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How to Setup Shopify's Google Channel App w/ Google Shopping Product Feed Ads (2021 Tutorial)

hello and welcome to another nexus,digital tutorial my name is brady and in,today's video we're going to walk you,through the app add-on process for the,google channel app made by shopify that,will link into the back end of your,shopify store website that will allow,you to start running ads through google,merchant center for google shopping and,also provide you with the free listings,for organic shoppers that are out there,now before we get this started and start,running through the process of adding on,the app and setting it all up there's a,few housekeeping things that i would,highly recommend you do in advance,before setting up the app you can do,these while you're in the process of,setting the app but it's going to speed,things up and save you some time in the,long run and i highly recommend that we,do that so we're going to start off with,that and then we're going to go into the,app add-on process with that said let's,get started,okay so i just want to quickly clarify,something before we begin this these,steps aren't necessarily going to save,you time in the long run they will save,you some frustration some headache but,it will ultimately make the google,channel app add-on process just a little,bit smoother for you so you're not,jumping between,the app um setup and then going back,into your page and going through your,settings and things like that so it will,kind of save you some time in that sense,and more so just some frustration just,making things a little bit easier to do,so what you're going to do,from your shopify account in your,settings section these are the areas,that you want to uh focus in on the,first one is your legal section which is,right here uh from your settings along,the bottom hand you'll see it along the,bottom hand side here,your settings section here and then,you're going to go into the legal,section,and you want to set up your refund,policy,your privacy policy,your terms of service,your shipping policy,okay now uh what's really great about,shopify is,if you don't have,access to these templates you don't have,this information um you can actually,create or shopify will create a basic,template for you and i just kind of go,in and modify certain elements if you,don't know what you're doing um,otherwise yeah you should have some of,the stuff on file or it should already,be existing on your actual website so,you're gonna put that plug that,information in,um and then along the bottom you'll just,see this uh save button just click on,that and you're good to go,after that you're gonna go back into,your online store,and you're going to go into your,navigation,and this is where you're going to click,on your footer and this is where you,want to add in and make sure that these,elements,are present on your website,after you've got them in place um,shopify will automatically kind of,include them or,look to include them onto your website,but these are the things you want to set,up first so you're going to click on,your footer menu,and you want to hook up your privacy,policy your terms and service your,refund policy and your shipping policy,and it's really quite easy to do,you'll be able to add them in but you,can just kind of see you're going to,click on the edit button,you're going to type in the name i've,already typed in the privacy policy and,then when the link comes up uh you'll,automatically be prompted to go to these,sections,or to put in like a url just kind of,scroll down and then you'll see like the,policies section,and then right away they've,automatically got them kind of prompted,in from that other page you just want to,click on,privacy policy and then you'll apply the,changes,right and you want to do that for terms,and service refund and your shipping and,then you're going to save the menu,and then after you're going to go right,back into,your um,online store,you go to customize,and then you want to highlight your,footer,and this is again where they're kind of,already in place but you're going to add,these elements in your,your address,your phone number,and your email google merchant center,requires that these are on your website,there's no getting around it so the,easiest way is to kind of chuck them on,your footer and then you're gonna add in,a menu,option,and that menu option will automatically,prompt you to allow,you to add in,those elements your and i've just,labeled it info but you can put in your,privacy policy your terms of service,your refund policy and your shipping,policy and then again including your,address your phone number and your email,it just makes things go a lot smoother,and there's no hassle from uh google to,give you approval and such,and after you complete those things uh,you're ready to move on to the next,phase,okay so you've added the legal pages to,your uh footer section you've added your,contact details your email phone number,and address so people can contact you,for google shopping requirements,and we're ready to set up the google,channel app now i'm not going to lie it,is a little bit glitchy at times and,sometimes it doesn't,function 100 smoothly however if you're,just starting up it is a free app if you,don't have a lot of products this is,probably the best route to start at,before you move on to something like,flexify or google uh feed for google,shopping which are paid service fees and,those depend on how many skus you have,in your or how many items you have in,your inventory that will affect your,subscription for those now,let's get going and we'll see how,everything goes,okay so to begin you're going to want to,open up your browser you're going to,want to go to shopify's app store,in the app section you're going to want,to select google,channel,and you want to find the one that's made,by shopify you're going to want to click,on that,and you're going to want to add the app,and you're going to put in,your,shopify url,and if you haven't already logged in,it'll log you in,choose your profile,it should redirect you back right into,your store,and you're going to go through all of,the app um guidelines and setup,permissions,you scroll down to the bottom add the,sales channel you can go through and,obviously go through all these things,and the requirements and stuff like that,but i'm just going to add beside the,sales channel,and the next step is to connect your,google account,and you'll log in with um the account,that you set everything up with,it's gonna say what they require,permissions for,i'm going to allow,okay um,you should be able to add the refund,policy and all the terms of service,i'm gonna add those policy pages this is,one of the things i suggest you do,before creating uh the account and going,through this process,i'm going to confirm that we have the,physical business address a phone number,and the email address i've added these,to the footer of the page so they're,visible and there's also a contact page,where people have,access to see all this information as,well i'm going to confirm,and once you get your account connected,or your google channel,connected through the app and the,channel and setup process,you can actually just create a brand new,merchant center account directly from,the tool,we are going to create a new account,now we're going to move on you're going,to select your target market,and here will be canada,language will be english,save,now the next thing that we'll have to do,is set up your,shipping settings or manage your,shipping settings you can automatically,import them from,your shopify account however if you're,using an outside tool um in this case,we're running things through canada post,it may not work,and yeah so there you go and you can,kind of set up a maximum flat rate,shipping but what we'll do is just kind,of click manual and we'll set that,within,google merchant center,after and then you go through your terms,of service this is the,last one here now that our setup is,complete and you can see that we've got,our products that are pending and this,could take a couple days up to,uh i've heard as much as a week but for,the most part um in my experiences or in,our experiences at 72 hours is generally,like the cutoff where everything kind of,goes in place and actually here you can,see google has said it could take three,to five business days,okay i'm not gonna lie there were a,couple glitches in there that you guys,didn't see one of the main ones i had,already set up a google merchant center,account for this particular client,and the system didn't identify or,recognize that uh google merchant center,account nor the sub account that was it,was listed for so i ended up having to,create a new one directly in the app,which was fine it all worked out there,was also the little bit of the snafu,with uh the shipping policies that,didn't get picked up regardless,everything's in place all of our,products are under review and they'll be,set to go which gives you enough time to,go into your google merchant center,account to set up the remainder of the,elements that you need in place your,shipping your taxes your brand,information,linking your account to your google ads,linking your account to your google my,business,there's a handful of things you need to,do but don't worry about it next is,digital housing covered and we've got a,tutorial for that as well uh for this or,any other tutorial information that,you're looking for a little bit of help,on please feel free to reach us at nexus,digital visit asari at nexus,check out our resource section visit us,on youtube or any of our social channels,please feel free to drop us a line let,us know what you're struggling with what,you need help with and we'll be sure to,have a video put out there for you to,help you along the way and with that,said we'll see you next time,you

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