shopify how to move the paypal button checkout

How To Hide The Paypal Button in Shopify’s Cart Page & Checkout Page hey there guys Mike Wagoneer Mi

How To Hide The Paypal Button in Shopify’s Cart Page & Checkout Page

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How To Hide The Paypal Button in Shopify’s Cart Page & Checkout Page

hey there guys Mike Wagoneer Mike wagon,calm and in this video I will explain to,you how to remove the paper button in,Shopify cart page and checkout page now,if you have been using the PayPal,Express Checkout on Shopify you'll,notice that the button is available in,your cart page similar to this one and,the problem that we have when this paper,button is available is that it can skip,the option to to have a shipping so if,you have a shipping policy that has a,payment then this button can ultimately,skip that and also it can also skip the,calculation of the taxes if you have,implemented specific taxes per location,so I created a blog post on it on my,blog my craving calm but I'll also,explain this on the video and how you,can hide the PayPal button in checkout,page and also in the cart page so ok let,me show you how it looks like in the,checkout page so this PayPal button is,also available here so it also tries to,skip the customer in filling out this,form it is also essential that the,customer fills out this form so the goal,here is to hide this PayPal button ok,so this is the first step so this is the,steps to hide it in the cart page so,here we have another site we will go to,the online store and in the themes we,choose to edit the code under the,actions and when we have access to the,codes okay this is the access to the,codes right now we will go under,templates and under templates we will,have to click the card not liquid,final so inside that file we can see the,code that is available here in my,instructions you will need to paste this,code all right so you copy that code and,actually it is already pasted here so,originally this is how it looks like and,I just pasted it here and click on save,so that will hide the button on your,card page next step is to hide it in the,checkout page right to hide it these are,the steps it's also posted in my blog,and we will follow that steps here so,first we will go to preferences,and under preferences we will go to the,Google Analytics area under the,additional Google Analytics JavaScript I,have pasted here the code that is,necessary so we will copy it and paste,it in here so right now it is already,pasted and then it is automatically,saved so like for example this we will,view it on this actual store so if you,can see the PayPal option is also,available here,let's just try to use a this specific,checkout,okay as you can see the PayPal button is,not visible we'll try to check out again,we cannot see the PayPal button as well,so we'll just try to fill it up with,some information so we can see the,PayPal button at the end,okay here you can see that to complete,the order it you will use the PayPal,checkout so we have been able to hide,the PayPal Express Checkout buttons from,the cart page and also the checkout page,so if you find this video helpful please,leave a thumbs up and share it with your,with your Facebook groups and give the,information to those who are also having,this type of issues so thank you and,have a great day

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