shopify how to make footer centered

Dawn Theme - Center footer on mobile view welcome ladies and gentlemen for another,quick tutorial fo


Updated on Mar 24,2023

Dawn Theme - Center footer on mobile view

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to make footer centered

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shopify how to make footer centered catalogs

Dawn Theme - Center footer on mobile view

welcome ladies and gentlemen for another,quick tutorial for the shopify dawn,theme how you can center the footer on,the mobile view so let's jump right into,it,welcome ladies and gentlemen to our,beautiful shop page when you scroll down,you're gonna see that all these headings,here and these links are not centered,and even the contact details,um are not centered and for that to,center it we need to do a little bit of,modification of the section footer.css,it's pretty simple you're gonna head,over to your shopify theme um online,shop themes and on the actions click,edit code for,the english speaking people out there,and then we're gonna search for a file,called,section,footer dot css i'm gonna open it up,and then i'm gonna hit command uh f or,control f i think on windows and there,we're gonna search for,the property 989,for the media screen with the max width,and it's not line 275 because it's some,no script localization form um when you,hit like again enter or return,um you're gonna see media screen and max,with 989 we have the full block details,content and this menu item link that's,the code we want,and there we are going to add following,display flex,justify,content,center,this will center only links not the,headings and not the contact details,uh the next step,i'm going to do following,i think i got from the last edit one,parenthesis here too much,so,yeah we need to add another class and it,will be,folder,block,double underscore,heading as yes right this will be the,heading,and there we're going to add,display flex,justify,content,center,so now we've got in this block the links,edited to the center now we've edited,the headings to the center and now we,need to edit the contact details to the,center and for that i'm going to add,another class property here for footer,blog dot grid,double underscore again item,the css class,and parentheses again and here we just,need to write,text,line,center and that's it,um,uh oh,typo online yeah,now we got the correct one asset saved,and now we're gonna head to the mobile,page and refresh it,so after refreshing the page as you can,see we've got the heading center the,link centered and even the contact,details centered,perfect and on the normal desktop view,everything is like before so i hope you,like this tutorial don't forget to hit,the subscribe button ring the bell and,hope for more tutorials if you like it,leave me a comment i will be really,happy about it see you soon bye

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