shopify how to list products under navigation

How to add a collection to your Shopify store's navigation (2021) hello everybody this is element fo

Lean Media

Updated on Mar 18,2023

How to add a collection to your Shopify store's navigation (2021)

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shopify how to list products under navigation catalogs

How to add a collection to your Shopify store's navigation (2021)

hello everybody this is element founder,of i30 media corp and author of the lean,media book blog and video channel,available from today i'll,be showing you,how to add an item to your navigation in,this case it's going to be,a collection in shopify one quick thing,you're responsible for following,shopify's terms and carefully evaluate,risk before following any advice,online and your experience may be,different than what i show you based on,what type of shopify plan you have or,maybe how far in the future you watch,this particular video because shopify,does change things so,let's get started this is one of my,shopify stores i'm a publisher,these are technology cheat sheets and,books that my company publishes,and what i want to do is i have a,navigation up here,some of these are pointing to things,like an email address or a contact form,or just a page on shopify others are,pointing to collections like catalog,google and microsoft,so this is this is one collection,microsoft if i click on this it shows,all my,microsoft cheat sheets and some books,and then if i click on this one up here,on the navigation it goes to the google,one which is this is kind of the same,type of deal,i want to add another item to the,navigation up here called,new it's a collection that has some new,products i just want to highlight that,in the navigation here's how to do it so,go to your shopify,interface and collections is under,products but actually we don't want to,go there we don't want to go to,collections because we already have the,collection what we want to do is we want,to go to online store,and then navigation and a quick reminder,sometimes in shopify,if you have a special custom theme or,you've done some other customizations,things may look a bit different for you,so i have two menus here i have the main,menu that's at the top in the footer,menu which is at the bottom i'll just,quickly show you the footer menu this is,the main menu at the top,this is the footer menu down here so we,want to add another item,up here a collection called new so i'm,just going to click,on main menu and here are the items the,menu items,down here add menu item click on that,and then give it a name so um actually,what i'm gonna do is actually look for,it first so collections,and i'm gonna just scroll through them,until i find the one i want here it is,new,and it automatically gives the name it's,worth noting you can edit this a little,bit so i can just say new items,or i can say new exclamation point,so let's add that and then be sure you,click,save if you don't click save it won't,work menu saved,so let's go take a look at our,masterpiece,here's the old page here's the old main,menu let's reload the page,and new just showed up with an,exclamation point,also if i want to i can put this i can,rearrange this i'll quickly show you how,to do that actually,so new is now at the end let's say that,i want to put it at,right after home i'll put it there and,then click save,menu saved let's reload the page again,and new just moved right there for more,information on how to get the most out,of shopify,go to and click on the,video link in my youtube channel,it goes to my youtube channel which has,lots of videos about shopify as well as,other programs such as amazon,advertising amazon fba amazon fbm,uh amazon advantage i think amazon kdp,i've even done a few videos on unused,more unusual services or special,services such as,woocommerce which is part of the uh,wordpress,universe but anyways i release new,videos at least once per month,oftentimes once per week and it's a,great place to,get some tips and to improve your,business or learn more about these,technologies,my name is ian lamont thank you so much,for watching if you have a chance please,like this video or follow me on youtube,see you next time

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