shopify how to improve your cart

Shopify Cart Optimization [Quick Tip Guide] hey klaus here with another quick tip,episode of the eco

Ecommerce Coffee Break Podcast

Updated on Feb 27,2023

Shopify Cart Optimization [Quick Tip Guide]

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to improve your cart

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Shopify Cart Optimization [Quick Tip Guide]

hey klaus here with another quick tip,episode of the ecommerce coffee break,today i want to talk about your card,page and the advantages and,disadvantages you have while using,different styles of cards,now first of all,you can have the original card page as,most or a lot of stores have you can,have a slider or pop up card or you can,take people directly from the add to,cart button to the checkout page,now let's go into the advantages and,disadvantages of each of them,the most stores that you see nowadays,have a slider or pop-up card which makes,it sort of very quick for people to add,something to see visually that they have,added something to the card and then,from there they can go directly to the,checkout,disadvantage there is that because of,the size you're very limited what kind,of information you can put into this,card pop-up or card slider usually it's,just the overview of what the product is,the quantity of the product the price,and the overall total of the price,and then you have a button to either go,to cart go to check out or continue,shopping,now disadvantage there is obviously you,can't put any more information in there,to build additional trusts so that,people do not drop off on your checkout,page,that's where the traditional card page,wins so you have more screen space,you take them to this card page you can,highlight um reviews customer,testimonials you can give more,information about the shipping times and,terms you can,give information about return policy and,so on so forth and all this this is made,just to confirm to them that you're a,legitimate store and you're trustworthy,and they can buy from you,and then from there they would go to the,checkout or continued shopping,if you have a store that only has,as an average,one item in the cart so people do,usually not buy more than one item,one product one item and then you can,take them directly to checkout page so,skip the,card page all together so it makes the,whole checkout process,faster quicker,again you will lose the ability to show,more trust building factors in there,but it might be a way to increase your,conversion rate to take them directly to,the checkout page now this only works,really if your,average,quantity is one product and people do,not buy more than that,as always in ecommerce it's about,testing so in my own store just to give,you an example i found out after a lot,of a b testing that the traditional card,page works much better than a slider,card,reason for that is that i cater to a,older audience so they're usually about,60 years and older,and they just want to have more,information,also with that comes that on the card,page i can use a larger font size,and,give them a easier easier navigation,through,the store or through the card page,on the other hand a younger audience,usually is very well used to a slider or,a pop-up card,and for them it doesn't really matter if,there's a smaller font and information,is more squeezed in,but again i said you need to test that,out to work,out what works better for you,important there to make a educated,decision,for the a b testing,you need to have at least,100 better 500 transactions for each,store for each card to find out where,your conversion rate or,is higher so basically the conversion,rate from card to checkout page,so make sure that you get that to get,statistical significance,and,then test out which variant works better,for you,now usually there is a good percentage,of people who drop off from the card to,the checkout page anyway so basically,they will go through the card and be on,the checkout page and then for some,reasons that might be either on the,checkout page or it might be just,reasons that i can't find their credit,card they will drop off anyway but,testing the card,traditional card page,slider or pop-in card or taking them,directly to the checkout definitely,brings you an advantage because you can,for sure see differences there depending,on your audience so don't just go for,what your theme,supplier,provides you,really go ahead and test the different,options of cards,and you will see a difference there and,that will help you to improve your,conversion rates so i hope that makes,sense,as always,if you have any questions leave them in,the comments and i see and hear you in,the next one have a good one,hey claus here before you leave i have a,question for you are you a shopify store,owner and you're feeling stuck,overwhelmed not sure what to do next to,grow your business do you struggle to,convert traffic into sales and turn,website visitors into buyers do you want,to have direct access to a mentor who,can assist you with your store your,strategy offer marketing sales and,anything else you might need in your,business then i would invite you to,apply for my get conversions program,where i show you how to remove the,guesswork out of growing your shopify,business and create clarity to optimize,your business for maximal growth and,profit this is a application only,program to apply go to,to learn more and finally please do not,forget to subscribe like and comment,it's a huge help and allows me to reach,more people with this channel thanks in,advance and until next time at the,ecommerce coffee break,hmm

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