shopify how to customize sign up

How to Add a Customer Registration Form in Shopify are you looking to add your jot form to,a shopify


Updated on Feb 23,2023

How to Add a Customer Registration Form in Shopify

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How to Add a Customer Registration Form in Shopify

are you looking to add your jot form to,a shopify store but you just don't know,how well on this video i'm going to show,you two methods to accomplish this so,follow me to my desktop right now,welcome to job forum my name is george,and today i'm going to show you how to,embed your jotform now it might be a,little bit tricky at the beginning but,once you get the hang of it it's going,to be easy now let's get started by,creating our registration form that,we're going to embed on shopify now,let's start with create a form and in,this case we're going to use a template,let's select the registration form,category and we can go ahead and view,these see which one we like we can go,ahead and preview them by selecting it,and we can use the template if we don't,like this one we can go ahead and close,this and select another one so for,example we can see this one simple list,form it's a registration for a guest,list um it's kind of simple we'll choose,this one just to make it really easy,let's go ahead and choose this template,and remember once we choose a template,we can go ahead and edit our form so we,can customize it to our liking we don't,have to stick with what it says there we,can customize any aspect of this form,but for this case we're going to keep it,just like it is now,let's go into,publish,platforms,and we're going to search for shopify,we're gonna select this and this is the,code that we are going to need this is,for method number one let's go ahead and,copy this code and let's head on over to,our shopify store,so this is my shopify dashboard this is,how you're going to be greeted and we're,going to view our online store here if,we click on online store we can go ahead,and view it there but what we're going,to go is head on over to pages,and in pages we're going to add a new,page,for this one we're going to call it,registration form,and for the embed code to work we're,going to click on this one show html,code and this is where we're going to,paste the code that we grab from,dot form so that way we have this so,let's go ahead and save this,right let's go back into our pages,and we have the registration page,available now let's go ahead and view,this page,and there we go our job form has now,been embedded on a shopify store now we,can use the jotform form as our native,form that way we don't have to use the,built-in form from shopify that's way,more limited than the jotform one now,the second method to embed the form is,this one so let's go back into shopify,and the first thing that we are going to,have to do is to add a special app,that's going to allow us to add an html,code now let's go into apps,and we're gonna go into apps and sell,setting,we're gonna go into apps and we're gonna,go into recommended apps and right here,on the bottom we're gonna see find more,apps in the shopify app store so let's,click on that and this is going to open,up the whole range of apps that are,available on shopify and we're going to,type in html and hit enter,once we click on that we're going to get,a list of apps that have html and the,one that we are going to use is this one,right here easy content html css embeds,so we're going to select that and we're,going to install it in this case i've,already installed it okay so once we,have installed it let's go back into our,shopify section and we're gonna go into,apps,click on the one that we've installed so,this is the installed apps available,let's click on it,we're gonna go into global,settings we're going to make sure that,the app is activated if it says no,change it to yes and save the changes,right so now let's go into content,and we're going to create a content so,let's go ahead and click create a,content and we're going to name this,something that you might find later on,so in this case i'll just call it,jotform1,and we're going to use html so custom,html now for the content we're going to,need the embed code from iframe on,jotform so let's go back into job form,and in this case we're not going to use,the platforms we're going to use the,embed code from over here and in this,one we're going to select iframe in,iframe let's go ahead and copy this,go back to shopify and let's paste our,code right here now let's scroll all the,way down here and save this,there we go it's been saved let's go,back,and we're gonna need this code that this,app provided us okay so let's copy this,code so now it's been copied let's click,ok and let's go back into our theme so,we're going to online store,this is a theme that we're actually,using right now let's go into customize,and be aware that this type of method is,not available on all the pages of,shopify so do consider that so for,example if i click on add section we,don't see the apps let's go back here,you don't see the apps right here,there's no blocks here but if we go to,different type of pages so for example,if we go into products,and default products just for example,and in this section for example we're,able to embed it so let's just say that,we want to embed our,shot form right here so we'll click on,add a section,and we can see this let's go down here,on the apps we have custom content embed,so let's click on this one,and then we have the settings here on,the right now this is where we're going,to add our code so let's go ahead and,paste the iframe code over here,sometimes we have to enable render,content on all products,there we go so it doesn't rely on,products,and now we have embedded the our jotform,here on shopify now one of the benefits,of this second method is that we can,embed this in different sections of our,theme,but the downside of it is that it's not,available on all parts of the theme so,do consider the pros and cons of using,this second method,but there you go that is how you're,going to embed your registration form on,shopify we thank you all for watching,and we'll see you on our next tutorials,foreign

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