shopify how to combine variants

How to merge several Shopify products into one with Variants? so if you find yourself in the situati

How to merge several Shopify products into one with Variants?

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to combine variants

Let's move on to the first section of shopify how to combine variants

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How to merge several Shopify products into one with Variants?

so if you find yourself in the situation that  you have in Shopify your products as a separate  ,product but you want them to turn into the  variance like the variance of the of the  ,same product then you can do it with Excel if  I like this I'm now switching to the excel if  ,I AB and here in the export section you choose  at first you would need to export your current  ,products you choose export and select I don't  choose these collections because you don't need  ,them here definitely choose inventory variance  and if you are using the variant cost then check  ,this checkbox but if you are not using then don't  check it because it quite significantly impacts  ,the export speed let's assume you are using them  and the same with the inventory levels if you  ,are using multi location inventory then definitely  check this checkbox otherwise don't and definitely  ,check the images checkbox then about meta fields  if you are using meta fields then include them  ,but if you are not using them then don't include  them because that also significantly impacts the  ,export speed and if you don't know what the meta  fields are then most likely you are not using them  ,so don't include them and yeah this would be the  most typical export things which you need also if  ,you want to work with a smaller set of products  you can apply some filters here to export only  ,those but since we have just three demo products  I'll export them all so scroll down here and just  ,press the export and wait for it to export all  right so then download the exported file open  ,it so this is how the exported file looks like so  you have the ID'd handle and all the fields of of  ,your exported products and overall what we will do  now we will not change those existing products we  ,we'll create a new product which will consist of  the data from from this from those three products  ,and then after that we will delete all those old  products but only then when we are sure that our  ,new product is like fully merged into the variants  first things to do is I'll take this export and  ,save it to the new file which is like merged into  one so we definitely need to delete the ID column  ,so that we don't recognize the original product  and then we would need to create like at the  ,moment we have the three different handles for  those products we will need one handle for all  ,these lines so my suggestion would be to like  insert a new column and this will be our new  ,handle with the name handle and we will rename the  old handle to like handle old and for example this  ,will be the like that merged product we apply this  new handle for all these rows so that Excel if I  ,knows that this is going to be our new product  now about a title like very typical case that  ,the title actually contains some kind of variant  in this case like the color and so we would need  ,to split this into the pradhan new product title  and the color for the options so again I would  ,propose to do like a new two new columns one would  be the title and the other will be let's say the  ,color and we rename the old title as title old  and here I'll show you one very cool feature of  ,Excel the newest versions of Excel contains a  bit of artificial intelligence there so you can  ,the product like we are taking the part of the  title which will be the same for for all the  ,products and and there is a data tab here is this  flash feel what it requires you to like enter one  ,sample or a few samples of the data transformation  as you want it I mean then you just press flash  ,fill and it will guess what's the like what's the  way how to fill it and the same for the color here  ,we just feel red and again press flash fill and it  will fill them for us from the old title it will  ,extract those colors there how cool is that ok  so now about body HTML or the descriptions since  ,we had three products originally then we have  obviously three different descriptions and what  ,xliff eye does it actually only reads the first  row of this like it sees that okay there is like  ,this is all one product now and for description  it just reads the first row and most likely it  ,depends on on on the situation but maybe you  would need to put those all three into one like  ,of course if it's just one product it's very easy  to do right you just copy and paste let's paste  ,those here and clear those out so we have merged  but of course this then depends how you how you  ,want to merge your descriptions then just you can  for example one thing that you could do is add  ,additional tag like merged to this product so that  after the work is done you can identify or filter  ,all the products which are merged or which are not  merged and like delete them in bulk like if you  ,need to delete the old products you can filter  everything that's not merged okay and then you  ,just keep scrolling to the right to see if if this  is the day you are going to need for example the  ,images in this case all these images from the all  three products will get imported as images for the  ,new product and so you can of course the image  positions you might want images to be in this  ,order as they are here so you can clear image  positions and it will maintain this order then  ,very important thing for the variants these green  columns are the variant columns then you just need  ,to delete variant inventory item id and variant ID  delete them from this file because you don't want  ,to update any existing variants you want these  as new and so here we have those actually variant  ,values and I would suggest to apply the filters  because you see there is like this is a row with  ,a variant data and this is not not the variant row  again this one is a variant row this is not very  ,narrow and so on so I would suggest to just filter  so that we work with variant rows and for example  ,give here the name for this will be the color and  the value will come from the extracted value here  ,our color like this and of course the like the  variant position you can you can clear them out  ,then there will be as as visible on the screen or  you can put like one red green blue for example  ,one and all this data can can be kept as it is  because it's it's the variant date right they will  ,turn into variants and then one more important  thing is the variant images the variant image  ,and like let's assume that we want just the first  image of each product to be as our variant image  ,so again here we just pick image from the image'  SRC column and remember to copy and paste for only  ,the rows which are the variant rows because if you  will fill all these rows and for example like when  ,you like copy the formula and so on like it fills  all the rows here then obviously the excel if I  ,will think that all these rows are the variant  rows but actually like only those three are the  ,variant rows alright so it looks like we are done  with merging our products then we save and close  ,the file and now we import let it analyze the file  is found one product there so it's like a double  ,check that don't care this is we are definitely  importing one product pressing import ok so it  ,importing one new product that's what we expected  now we go here and refresh and indeed we see that  ,there is one new product open it and here's our  description our all images from all three products  ,and our variants with each its own image of course  the variants can have only one image per variant  ,so so we pick the first ones and here is our tag  and the handle everything is here and so that by  ,my suggestion that I do process will be that ok  you are you see that you have merged all your  ,products into the products with variants and then  basically you take your originally exported file  ,and you can delete them or you can for example  filter by the tags until that contain none of  ,merged by this way you will export only the  products which are not the merged products and  ,then if you will export and download the exported  file you will see that the export is our only they  ,those which are not merged but of course you can  just take your originally exported file with those  ,with those products which you were about to merge  and then what you want to do is you of course you  ,want to delete those original products but I  repeat only when you see that your like that  ,your new products which you have merged that they  have all the images everything basically images  ,is the most important part because if you do once  you delete those products then those all the image  ,links they are gone but of course this new product  it has the images so it has its own image links so  ,if you see image is here so then they are safe and  so for all products we can just mark them command  ,as delete copy for all of them save file as like  step 3 delete old and import this file again now  ,we see that we are going to import 3 products  because we merge those three into one do the  ,import and we see that we have deleted 3 products  and now if we go back to the Shopify admin we see  ,that those three products are gone and there's  just one merged product with all its images and  ,variant images and so on yeah and of course  the same approach works as with one product  ,as with 10 or 10,000 products you can do it all in  bulk through Excel and as always if you have any  ,questions or issues definitely reach us on Excel  advice to support we will help you and good luck

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