shopify how to add onto the edit language

Shopify - Easily Change Any Text In Your Store Using Languages what's up guys today i've got a prett

Ed Codes - Shopify Tutorials

Updated on Feb 24,2023

Shopify - Easily Change Any Text In Your Store Using Languages

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to add onto the edit language

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shopify how to add onto the edit language catalogs

Shopify - Easily Change Any Text In Your Store Using Languages

what's up guys today i've got a pretty,quick tutorial an easy tutorial uh but,something that's quite underrated i,think and quite ignored by the majority,of shopify store owners and that is,editing your languages file in your,theme what is the languages file well it,contains,all the text used on your shopify site,that you did not enter yourself through,the theme editor or through like product,description or something like that so,obviously this text is something that,i've added myself right obviously all of,this is something that's done through,the theme editor,but what about text that's on the cart,page for example your card is empty the,text on this button,this text here what about the powered by,shopify text which people often ask how,to remove that well i'll show you a,really easy way to do that now using the,languages file there's also the text on,the buttons right the add to cart button,it doesn't have to say add to cart we,can actually change this we can change,this text included you know when we when,we do add something to cart it says item,added to your cart we can change that to,be less formal we can say like woohoo,you added it to your cart that's great,you know whatever,view my cart you can change this text,right,on my store this is a good example,actually this is a digital product right,it doesn't have shipping and we have,this line here saying tax included and,shipping calculated at checkout well,actually we can change this as well i'm,just going to remove that part so it,just says text included so i hope you,get what i mean with uh editing the,language or the wording across your,store now i'm going to show you how to,actually do that okay so there are two,ways to access the languages file if,you're inside the theme customizer then,you can click on these three dots here,and then click on edit languages the,other way is if you're on the themes,page and you're looking at your theme,here under actions will also find edit,languages here so once we click on that,we're inside the language file and here,we can basically see all the text across,the store it's separated into categories,so it's nice and easy for you to see,what this relates to for example i go on,products and i can find the add to cart,text you can also,search for something right so if i,search for add to cart or whatever i'll,find that quite easily so that's the,first thing that i want to change i'm,just going to change this to download,because all of my products are digital,products right i don't sell any physical,products so i want that to say download,just for an example the next thing i,want to show you is how to remove,uh sorry how to remove powered by,shopify so,yeah this text,this powered by shopify thing i've seen,other tutorials that explain how to,actually go into your code and actually,remove this line from your code and i,think that's just unnecessarily complex,when you can actually just go into your,languages file,find powered by shopify and,rather than leaving it blank because if,you leave it blank it's gonna show the,default text as you can see we can,simply enter a space,and now that there's a space there,it won't show anything so you can save,that,and refresh and you'll see that there's,no more powered by shopify text,on my site there you go so what's the,next thing shipping calculated at,checkout,i'll just search for it like this so,yeah on the card you know this one can,say taxes at checkout and this one can,say,tax included and that's it now if we,check my cart page we can see that it,just says tax included without the,shipping line which would have been,confusing for a digital product now also,if you're using a contact form on your,site,you can change all of these fields right,so name email website comment whatever,you can find all of this under the,heading templates,and there's going to be,cart and here's the contact form so we,can change the title the name of each of,these fields right and then the success,so for example when someone sends the,form,if you haven't tested your form you,might have not seen this but if you test,your form and hit send it will actually,show a small message below it like,thanks for contacting us get back you,back to you as soon as possible i think,that's actually not the default that's,probably custom text that i've already,changed but yeah you can change that,message to be kind of more informal more,friendly if you want lastly you know,there's the 404 page which happens if,you just go on a random,on a random broken link on your site you,can,make this kind of funnier text like for,example um,i don't know oh no,we lost that page you know a lot of tech,companies for example make really funny,404 pages so those are just some,examples on how you can use the,translation or the languages file,in your shopify store i hope you found,this useful,you can go ahead now and try to make,your store kind of more friendly kind of,suit your language a bit better,especially if you're kind of a casual or,informal store then you might want to,change a lot of these things or if you,sell digital products right if you found,this video helpful please subscribe and,leave a like let me know in the comments,if you have any questions and i'll see,you next time

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