shopify how to add microsoft uet tag to checkout

How to Set Up Shopify Conversion Tracking for Bing Ads - UET Tags what's up guys matt with search,en

Search Engineers

Updated on Mar 30,2023

How to Set Up Shopify Conversion Tracking for Bing Ads - UET Tags

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How to Set Up Shopify Conversion Tracking for Bing Ads - UET Tags

what's up guys matt with search,engineers here today we're going to be,talking about,setting up conversion tracking through,bing into,shopify this is going to be a quick,video we're going to jump right into it,alright so you want to open up microsoft,advertising,go at the top here click tools under,conversion track and click,uet tag okay over here you can see,my main uet tag what you want to do is,you want to create a uet tag,i'll name my test uet tag what that's,going to do is that's going to populate,a little,snippet of code this is your universal,event tracking tag,okay easy you copy and paste this right,here,into the back end of your shopify theme,so you want to click,online store actions edit,code you're going to click theme dot,liquid,scroll down all the way right above your,closing body tag,copy and paste that little snippet of,code and then,click save now one more spot we want to,place this little snippet of code,go under settings checkout scroll down a,little bit,under additional scripts you're going to,place it there as well,click save you're all good now,one thing that you want to do you want,to download,the google chrome extension microsoft,advertising uet,tag helper just search for it in google,it should be the first thing to pop up,you want to download that,then what you can do is you can go into,your website,make sure you have it tracking correctly,open your uet tag helper,turn it on refresh your page,and then you will see this uet tag is,set up correctly,now uet tag helper really does not work,as well as facebook pixel or google,analytics,it's not as high quality it's just not,the same at all uh,we have to go a step further to track,uh conversion values on our website so,the next thing we're gonna do go to,tools at the top,conversion goals create a conversion,goal,conversion goals now if you see here,it's given us the direction saying,create your uet,tag once add the tracking code to your,website we did that,now we're going to do create a,conversion goal,or an audience so that's what we're,doing right here so there's a few ways,to do this we're going to do this in the,in the simplest way possible we're going,to do this by,clicking create conversion go we're,going to do this by destination url,i'm just going to title this made a,purchase,um scroll down a little bit we're going,to click next,okay select goal category purchase,destination url it contains we're going,to click destiration you destination url,contains,thank underscore you so that,is the handle of the purchase page the,the thank you page for after somebody,makes a purchase on shopify so that's,the same for all shopify stores that is,going to be the same for your store,that's easy way to do it so you scroll,down a little bit each conversion,action has the same value under revenue,value,um for this is the easier way to do it,there is a,more complicated way to do it where you,can customize your uet,tag to track the exact number,that the conversion is worth we're gonna,do this the easier way i can do that in,a different tutorial,now each conversion action has the same,value if your average order value is 75,bucks just do 75 bucks whatever your,average order value is,so scroll down a little bit here this is,all looking good,that's our uet tag we're gonna click,save,make sure you have your correct uet tag,selected at the very end and then click,save,you're all done so that's going to,automatically track all the conversion,events,in your bing ads account if somebody,makes a purchase on your website,it's going to come up with the average,order value,that you created in your conversion,tracking tag,that's it guys now you know how to set,up conversion goals inside of bing to,report,all of the data that you have going on,on your website for any more tutorials,if you guys have any ideas,please leave a comment let me know,please subscribe if you're getting value,send me a like,for the youtube algorithm and if there's,anything else you guys,need for me please let me know i'd be,happy to help you thanks for watching,bye

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