shopify how remove lucky orange

Quickly Grow Sales Using Lucky Orange Heatmaps & Replay - Shopify App Review By okay

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Mar 01,2023

Quickly Grow Sales Using Lucky Orange Heatmaps & Replay - Shopify App Review By

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Quickly Grow Sales Using Lucky Orange Heatmaps & Replay - Shopify App Review By

okay so you have a whole bunch of,traffic coming to your site but maybe,your conversion rate isn't,like you want it to be or maybe everyone,is signing up to your newsletter but no,one is,buying you want to understand what's,happening in the mind of your visitor,and that's exactly why you would use a,heat mapping tool,bonjour shopify world my name is andrew,from ecom experts dot io i have the,green tie and this week we are reviewing,an,app called lucky orange okay so everyone,wants a higher conversion rate but in,order to have a higher conversion rate,you need to better understand your,traffic and how it flows through your,website,one way to do this is to look at the,flow of your analytics,which will look something like this but,my personal favor is,looking at heat maps so that's where you,install a lucky orange from the app,store,and lucky orange will give you heat maps,to where your client clicks the most,device specific obviously this is the,21st century but they will also show you,recordings so you can exactly see your,visitors mouse and how they went along,on your site to me this is by far the,best way to figure out whether or not,your traffic is,good traffic or not in other words,should i change my marketing,and my buying persona and if you don't,know what a buying persona is,you gotta check out this video where i,explain the importance of a buying,persona or if you're sure you're,targeting the right people maybe your,website isn't laid out as,clearly as you think it's laid out and,with lucky orange you can,immediately see on the recordings that,users just,scroll over your buy now button because,they didn't even notice it okay now that,we understand what it works we're going,to go over,all these elements right here and the,first element,is let's install it see how easy it is,so for the installation lucky orange,takes about five minutes to install and,it,does slow down your site a little bit,because it's adding some tracking code,on your site which,is of course perfectly fine if you're,using it if you,uninstall it later make sure to remove,that tracking code because again,it does slow you down anyway in order to,install lucky orange you go to the app,section of your shopify store,you look up a lucky orange you simply,install it,you sign up for a seven day free trial,and you're pretty much ready to go,you'll be on the dashboard in,no time okay now let's talk about,competitors lucky orange has,three competitors in the shopify app,store and an additional one,outside the shopify app store which is,rather popular as well,i'm bringing in my cheat sheet here but,we have heat map by web buys react flow,recording,and heat map and order heat mat by csc,designs then you also have one of my,personal favorites whose hot jar which,is not,in the app store so it might be a little,bit more complex to install it and,play around and now if we look at the,reviews of,lucky orange they have a 4.6 out of 5,star out of something like 551,reviews i'm going to overlay the star,rating right,here and then overlay some positive and,negative comments so you can kind of get,a quick overview of,what all of this looks like all right,before i say,what i think about these heat mapping,tools and how i would use them if i,would be you,let's quickly jump to the uh,lucky orange integrates with a couple of,things but you don't really need the,integrations but we do this in every,video so they integrate with hubspot,google tag managers google analytics and,there was the last one,optimizely i completely forgot about,that i apologize optimize,so about the pricing once you have,finished your 7 day free trial,yep it's free afterwards you'll have to,choose one of the,different pricing methods that i'm,writing right here,next to me with the pricing it basically,comes down to three elements,how many page views do you have every,month how many different websites do you,want to track with one lucky orange,account and how many different people,in your team do you have to access your,lucky orange account,i am terribly sorry for the very bad,english in that last phrase,but i think the point came across now,what's super important here is the seven,day free trial,and let me bring that to my last point,is should you,install lucky orange is it is it for you,well hold on because i'm gonna be,referring to a whole bunch of strategy,videos,right here strategy videos are usually,on wednesdays on this account,so first and foremost we learned in this,video that data,is key it's really really really,important you,know how people flow to your website,who flows to your website what their,interests are data data data now with,this in mind,having a heat mapping tool is in my,opinion,hugely important like very very very,important now,in order to be reasonable though it is a,fair question to ask,does it make sense to have a heat map,installed all the time on your website,like,literally every day for the entire year,especially if you are a store owner,that's on a budget i mean there's so,many apps you need to prioritize,which ones are really useful from the,day to day and which are not with this,in mind,i don't really think having heat maps,paid on a monthly retainer,is really useful for your site you see,i'm recording this a couple of days,before,black friday and i did the super,important steps you need to do in order,to nail this black friday this might be,a,very good time to install and take use,of the seven day free trial of lucky,orange in theory you're going to get a,whole influx of visitors over the,weekend,and that might be the perfect time for,heat mapping and recordings to see,where those visitors get confused the,final thing i want to bring up about,elements such as heat mapping with lucky,orange,is wireframe now if you have no idea,what a wireframe is,you really need to check out this video,the wireframe is kind of the heart,of your ecommerce site and is everything,you do,having a heat mapping tool is kind of,crucial to building a very good,wireframe in short,not everyone flows through your website,with the same intent,and the same way some people might be,looking for wholesale some people might,be looking for sales altogether some,people want just,to subscribe to your newsletters you,want to give every single one of those,visitors a different path and if you're,a rockstar that different path,depends on the marketing channel in your,marketing message,that's why wireframes are important and,heat maps are the,ultimate way to measure if your,wireframe is working yes or no but,enough about all that,that is lucky orange in two words i,think especially with black friday it's,totally worth it to subscribe to lucky,orange for the seven day free trial,see how your traffic reacts over black,friday weekend,and then just simply uninstall it except,if you obviously,love it then you keep it just remember,that when you uninstall it you,also remove the code from your store,otherwise it's gonna keep slowing it,down and that's not very useful my name,is andrew from ecom experts dot io i,hope you enjoyed this video,i hope you learned a thing or two about,heat mapping and about lucky orange,please subscribe to the channel make,sure to check out all the other videos i,mentioned,about strategy and app reviews and i,will see you in another video

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