shopify fraud customer orders then cancels when order is shipped

Shopify Fraud Protection: How To Handle High Risk Orders [2021] if you're running an e-commerce busi

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Updated on Mar 31,2023

Shopify Fraud Protection: How To Handle High Risk Orders [2021]

The above is a brief introduction to shopify fraud customer orders then cancels when order is shipped

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Shopify Fraud Protection: How To Handle High Risk Orders [2021]

if you're running an e-commerce business,there's a good chance you've already,experienced some fraudulent orders,some scammers out there just take,advantage of the online shopping world,steal credit card information from,innocent people and place fake orders on,your website,and later on the credit card owners ask,for their money back hey guys what is,going on this is eric from steelops and,in today's video i'm going to teach you,everything you need to know about how to,handle high risk orders for your shopify,store,let's just jump into the video,customers can file a dispute using the,payment method they used and asked for,the money back,based on few different reasons one,payment,wasn't authorized two product wasn't,delivered,three product not as described four,product was damaged during shipping and,five,wrong items sent this is where you send,let's say,an extra large t-shirt when the customer,ordered a large t-shirt these,mistakes happens every once in a while,once a dispute has been filed a case is,being opened against you,in your payment processing account as,the seller if the customer wins,he gets his money back and you lose the,product as well,and if you win which rarely ever happens,you get the money back and the customer,doesn't have to get a compensation,managing high-risk orders,in your e-commerce stores and responding,to disputes is,highly important and if you're going to,ignore that it's going to cost you and,fortune i want to tell you a personal,experience,i had about three years ago i got a,charge break for five thousand dollars i,lost the money that was super painful,and very traumatic for me and my,previous business partner but i can tell,you that ever since we took this subject,very seriously and i highly recommend,you guys do the same,and use the tips that i'm gonna say in,the rest of the video,okay guys before we move on i just wanna,ask you please if you like the video if,you like the content make sure to,subscribe,so you know whenever we release new,videos also if you have any comments,questions or anything regarding high,risk orders or anything else just,comment them in the comments section,below and we'll make sure to answer,each and every one of you let's continue,with the video it's important to,understand that orders that come,through search engines like google have,a higher chance of being high risk,orders,let's say you're a scammer and you just,stole a credit card,there's a good chance you're not just,gonna go through facebook feed and then,find an ad,with something you want to buy and buy,it there's a better chance you're just,going to head over to google,find the thing that you want to steal,and just buy it,this way so just be aware that google,have a higher tendency,of generating high risk orders so the,order's origin,can be one sign of a high risk order,let's talk about some,other like red flag that could mark an,order as high risk first of all whenever,you see a billing address that is far,away from the shipping address,that might cause a red flag and you,better look into this order,another red flag that you can notice is,whenever someone,changes the shipping address after the,order has been made you better look into,that,many times scammers just place an order,with the original billing,and shipping address and then just call,the support and ask them to change the,shipping address to their actual,location,or a po box or anything they can take,advantage of and stay,under the radar another thing you should,be worried about or just have in mind is,phone orders many times scammers,uh try to place orders over the phone,instead of the online store because this,way,you have less information about them but,there are systems in place they can,verify phone orders i highly recommend,checking it out we'll talk about it,later in the video another thing that,you should be worried about,is large orders let's say that your,store have on average,i don't know average order value of 50,and suddenly you get an,order for 5 000 you need to,make some due diligence contact the,customer and make sure that this order,is legit,especially if they're placing such a big,order without content you in advance,usually before placing,a big order like that the customer is,going to contact the store and if it,doesn't,that's a red flag you better look into,that and a final,very big red flag is whenever you see,that there were multiple attempts to,complete the order,and only like after five different,credit cards the order went through,that's a red flag you better look into,that as well okay guys so we talked,about,some of the red flags that can mark an,order as high risk now how do you,handle each and every order like that,first of all luckily for you shopify,have a built-in fraud detection system,that's going to mark each order as,either,low medium or high risk of fraud let's,talk about how to handle high risk,orders first of all,if you see an order that is marked by,shopify is high risk order,i highly recommend diving deep into this,order and either,cancel the order immediately because,there is a good chance the disorder is,actually fraudulent or,make some due diligence and contact the,customer and ask him for a few things,that going to make sure that you are,risk-free let's call it this way first,of all you want a government issued,id by the customer you also want a,credit card,picture the customer used to pay for the,order and you want to make sure that the,name of the customer actually matches,the government issued id,you can ask him to hide all the details,except for the last four digits of,payments and the name,last thing you want to make sure is you,want a proof of date so,a picture of a newspaper or anything,like that i know,it sounds very harsh and very extreme,but that's the only way,that if you get a dispute later you're,going to be risk-free and there's a good,chance you're gonna win the dispute,the second thing you want to do is use,automations,so because you already automatically,recognize some of the high-risk orders,you can utilize some automations to try,and solve them,and don't have to do it all manually one,example,is you can use reconvert to detect,high-risk orders and display a message,on the order confirmation page,explaining the customer that this order,is a high risk and if he's not going to,comply and send you the following,details you're going to automatically,cancel,the order so this is one second you can,do the same with emails and sms if you,find an order that is high risk you can,send an sms or an email to the customer,letting him know all right we have an,issue with this order if you're not,going to provide the following details,we're going to cancel it okay and the,third automation that i,recommend using this one is if you're on,shopify plus is,using shopify flow to set up an,automation that after,72 hours if you didn't get these uh,details,the order is automatically being,cancelled and the money is being,refunded it's much better then later on,uh losing both for um the,product price shipping price and lose,the money that the the customer paid,so it's better to just cancel the orders,if you're not sure how to handle them,the third tip that i got for you,is use some fraud detection and fraud,prevention apps,that connect to your shopify store and,deeply analyze each and every order much,better than the basic shopify for,detection system,they can also offer you protection for,phone orders,because they sending the customer,through a particular ip or anything like,that,i'm not sure about the details but it's,working very well they are also going to,offer you,an insurance in exchange for a small fee,from each order,so that even if you do get a chargeback,you get the money back from there so,that's a great insurance to have in,place,the last tip that i have for you and,it's very important to understand,not all chargebacks are happening,because of fraud sometimes it's just the,customers,not being happy maybe they didn't get,the product because their sister got it,from the mail and they didn't saw it,maybe,the product actually got broken so a lot,of these issues can be solved,during the dispute process and before,the chartbook so it's super important,that you log into your payment processor,if it's paypal stripe, or shopify payments,every once in a while and make sure you,get all these disputes in orders maybe,try to solve them with the customer,before they,escalate it to a chargeback this is very,very important your customers are going,to love you for it and it's important to,understand also that if,if your account have a high percentage,of disputes eventually,your payment processor might close your,account because they're going to think,you that you're,a fraud take care of these disputes,respond to them maintain a high and,positive,rating score with your payment processor,and you're going to be good to go,okay guys this is it for this video i,really hope you enjoyed the content and,you now know how to handle high-risk,orders much better than before,if you have any questions if you have,any comments if you have any other tips,that we forgot please make sure to,mention them in the comment section,below,if you haven't already make sure to,subscribe to our youtube channel so you,know whenever we go,live or release new videos and hit the,notification button,so you know whenever we release new,videos i'll see you on the next video,you

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