shopify cart asks for email as customers contact info how to chanfe

Shopify: How To Replace Add to Cart Button with Email Link or one welcome everyone to my little,vide

Tripster Developers

Updated on Mar 06,2023

Shopify: How To Replace Add to Cart Button with Email Link

The above is a brief introduction to shopify cart asks for email as customers contact info how to chanfe

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shopify cart asks for email as customers contact info how to chanfe catalogs

Shopify: How To Replace Add to Cart Button with Email Link

or one welcome everyone to my little,video this is person from developers and,in this video we're going to learn that,how to replace Add to Cart button with,an email link or a contact us link and I,remove the quantity and yo keep rising,as but you won't be selling this product,you only de prices or the quantity so,you can ask customer to have a quote,instead they can mail you and you can,give them the code as per their,requirements so this is how we do let's,start it all right so you go together,force upon online store in every Shopify,admin and go to over themes in your,themes you will apply the trade off,click Edit HTML / CSS,and as it's been basically open your,food editor,as you are here you will not touch,further drop liquid in here you will,just have product you can have new,template instead when you pull that,template stood up not for sale,boy and be the template,this we basically just copy the words,drugged up liquid template and make it,new one,so you now will be having two templates,you can use for your products so future,robots are for sale they will stay in,fill up templates and whichever products,are not for sale will be changing to,product not for sale,alright so first of all we will find the,a petard place and we will remove that,Add to Cart button and instead will put,a custom text which you would like to,have a fur coat alright so me first if,you are using Mac's and junk a lap of,come on death and it turns using Windows,and ctrl F in between ctrl F all right,you will see the search bar s thank you,card and as you type in in there you,will we will have to find the button you,can have the person type submit' and at,the bar this is what you have to look,for and you have to comment out the,whole thing not the whole thing actually,only the button will lead to div tags as,it is and you will have,commend it out like this,right and this top of the button ND,comment,all right and you will deceive them,now are you also don't need to conjugate,cousin totally fine for the quantity as,well because it's the product is not for,sale you will need the quantity as well,so just right above the Add to Cart,button you will find this quantity you,can do the same thing with commenting,out like you did for the Add to Cart,and then at the :,all right this is what you have to do,and now you need a custom content for,your quotation so you want your customer,to have contact you via email and have,clothes for their requirements for the,custom requirements for example what you,can do is we haven't done anything with,a div tag so just after the end comment,and before the closing div tag you will,paste in our own custom content which,will basically say that this product is,only available upon request and then you,will have the link and shop dot a mail,and you can actually make copy the same,what I have here I do not need to change,anything you can directly you have your,shop name because we have it in our shop,team at home because we have it our,doorstep we do that and save it and make,sure it's in the paragraph tag and the,link is the in the a tag all right,now we also believe lead rises to,research for this rising price and look,for and where exactly the prices started,if you basically after the form tag see,starting contacts is going to sign it,right there and said actually part ad,and here it is and you will do the same,thing like we have done with the couple,of chains comment it out the thing is,which you donated I just comment it out,and just replace it with your in dip,your own custom content is really easy,we can do things not just earnings is,replacing the epicardium that you can do,many more things by like this you can,comment that out and you can have your,own custom,can,go Adam end the terminal end and the,comments stated now you need to make,sure that whatever rivers are and for,not for sale which this will be going,into your template which is called web,not foresee all right okay actually we,haven't commented out the compared at,price as well so we have to comment out,until ended after the compare price,because it will still show the compare,price if you just hide the product by so,do the whole thing and commenting as syb,sees an error and then save it,these are small things we have to learn,always we we have kind of things more,experience and we have safest now you,have to make sure that all the chrome,handles are so is templates affix our,photo card for searching for the key,products,and you can't give up or you can also,choose indulge if you wanna edit all of,the critics you can of course do that to,value now you're in products you can you,can select autofit with us for example,women studies or division went off and,just scroll down a bit and here you will,find clean tablet indented suffix you,will change it to Quebec mark for beer,and then take this another new option,coming up not forcing the choices would,only have only product but now you have,to let not facility a fader the new,template yeah you will go see the,website and refresh the Pavin check it,out how things are working laughs yes,all these three things are disappeared,and we have our own custom content you,can contact us our code okay now we are,using jumpstart into the title of people,but it's just right and so about but the,team has designed that way but most of,the team have a product title or name,just right here so you have a title here,from the type to name your custom,campaign and the description if you own,and the share button you can edit them,all in that tunic dot are liquid to run,or percent of liquid which you've,created right and if you would like to,have both products if you have long list,of new books and you wanna don't go to,each of your paper can change this,template supplies then you can of course,a good for you,let all the products from here and you,will click on edit products,and when you go to the Edit product you,can edit bulk products like this,basically so you can exchange the,templates of it for all of them just,like you can you have two options to the,hospital and the bug save all changes,and you can then have the same thing on,all the river let's just change the go,to catalog and you can select any of,other products all the products have the,same thing like we explained before,alright so this is the simple quick,thing which other things you don't need,amenda style guide that's all you have,to do and this is the quick fix you can,have many of the merchants that these,days are looking for this kind of,customization and here's this quick,solution just command it out and you,have your solution right there,alright guys we just wrap this video,gonna wrap this video right here and,thank you for watching guys do subscribe,leave a like thumbs up and do comment if,you want to know something more about,customizations alright then,you

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