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How To Market Your Clothing Brand To $10,000 A MONTH In 2023 (Complete Guide) family what is that we


Updated on Mar 08,2023

How To Market Your Clothing Brand To $10,000 A MONTH In 2023 (Complete Guide)

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How To Market Your Clothing Brand To $10,000 A MONTH In 2023 (Complete Guide)

family what is that welcome to another,episode of talking with tony also on,today's episode we will be discussing,how to market your brand,to 10k months in 2021 i'm super excited,to give you this information,because i know a lot of people want to,start their clothing brand this,year so i want to help you out as best,as possible and you guys know on this,channel i always give you guys,the secret sauce when it comes to this,social media marketing and just this,marketing game,so if you're excited go ahead and thumbs,up the video and if you like the content,go ahead and subscribe,because you will be getting more videos,like this,but without further ado let's get into,the video at you guys now before we even,get into,the marketing strategies i do have to,bring up two topics,which is the niche that your clothing,brand is in,and your clothing brand's brand store,and i see so many people get these two,things wrong,which make it very very hard for them to,sell their clothing brand and get their,clothing brand,off the ground okay and when i'm talking,about,niche i'm talking about the designs that,your clothing brand falls within,everybody wants to have a supreme or,off-white,or fear of god but they don't realize,how long it took those clothing brands,to get,brand authority and as long as you know,that if you do take that route,right you just want to stop a logo on a,t-shirt that it may take,longer to you know get brand authority,with your brand as long as you're okay,with that,you know you will get sales eventually,but it's gonna take a lot of grinding,to get there verse if your clothing,brand is in a particular niche,like something like god is dope right,god is dope,was able to scale their business so fast,because they're,in the christian niche right if you're,like god,and you think god is dope i know,specifically who to target,but if you slap just a random brand logo,on a t-shirt you're not going to really,know who to target and it's going to,take longer and longer and longer,you know to grow your brand you're going,to have to have a lot of influence,um to grow your brand so that's why,niche is so,important and then to couple that,with your brand story what is your brand,about,why did you create this brand who does,this brand resonate,with right so for me i created my,clothing brand mob clothing,uh which just stands for movements over,barriers clothing,is for people that were struggling in,the area of self-confidence you know,they were living their life,in fear that's one of my main things,with my clothing brand is stop,living in fear so for people that,resonate with that,will buy my clothing right so,what is your brand about how do people,resonate with their clothes,right so that's why branding is so so,important you guys and if you don't get,those two things correct,off the bat i'm telling you it's going,to be very very,very hard to sell your clothes online,so hopefully that first part made sense,for you guys and even if you really,don't understand it completely you're,going to understand it more and more and,more it's going to resonate with you,once i start giving you these marketing,strategies because it's going to make it,so much easier for you if you know your,niche,and you know your brand story especially,once we get into some of the,deeper marketing strategies but the,first marketing strategy that i want to,give you,is to make sure that you get your,content down,content is so important right now you,guys you want to make sure that you do,your brand photo shoots and you give bts,of your clothing brand,tell people how you got it started,what's your mission like all these,things are so,so important you guys and you know if,you want to figure out a way to do photo,shoots without having to hire models i,do,have a video on that right here,definitely check it out or it may be,over here i don't know,but definitely check it out because i,know that we're still,in these you know covet 19 times and you,may not be able to hire,you know models and stuff like that so,definitely check out this video so you,can definitely get mock-ups for your,clothing brand so you can post some,you know for your marketing campaigns,but yes content is king you guys so,you know probably your first couple of,customers are going to be your friends,and family,and you want to make sure that you get,that user generated content so you can,post it on,your instagram you know or uh your,facebook pages so,you know your first couple of customers,definitely reach out to them email them,let them know hey,i want those pictures of you in the,clothes and then if you can have models,and hire them or you can you know watch,that video and learn,how to get those mockups without having,models right you want to be able to post,that to,your instagram to start driving traffic,to your website okay and why this is so,powerful is because most people are very,visual they want to see,what your clothing looks like when you,just put a t-shirt,on a blank background it's not going to,really entice,people to buy so people want to see what,your clothes look like,you know in videos and photos and then,they want to see,you know how you got your brand started,if you have a warehouse or if you're,shipping,you know your your clothes from your,home like that's why,youtube and instagram and these you know,tick tock instagram reels are so,powerful because people want to invest,in you right,sometimes people will buy your clothes,just because you know they want to,support you so,you want to show people the process of,creating the clothes you want to show,people,you know what your clothes look like you,know how it looks like on different,models and it's definitely going to help,bring that brand awareness to your brand,and again,people will support you if you start,putting that content,out and start building that relationship,with,your target audience and that's why i,say you know your brand story is so,important because if your brand story,resonates with people and your clothing,brand matches that,it just makes it 10 times easier to,remove,those you know barriers from people,buying to support you so the second,marketing strategy that i want to give,you,is influencer marketing you guys,influencer marketing is so powerful,especially in 2021 but you've seen,influencer marketing,uh so many times with nike with jordan,adidas and yeezy and then all clothing,brands use,other people of influence to really,market their clothing brand so what i,recommend you doing especially if you,have,the budget is to find uh micro,influencers,that's typically anywhere between i,would say 10k,to 100k um or even lower depending on,your budget and just reaching out and,saying hey listen,i have a product i want to give it out,to you totally free if you make,a post right for a lot of people,that is fine they won't even charge you,for it because they just feel like,they're getting pretty good so that's,cool,for other people they may want some type,of compensation,um so definitely work with the,influencer to figure out what makes the,most sense,and then what you want to do is make,sure that they send you their,demographic because you want to know,their audience,you know what is the age range you know,what type of content they create,and again the reason why your niche is,so important because if you know that,you create,fitness product and fitness apparel,right and you,reach out to a fitness you know,influencer it makes more sense,it's gonna drive sales so much easier,versus you creating content,uh having a brand that where you really,don't know who your audience is,who your niche is you may send your uh,you know brand to this influencer and,you have you know,not a lot of data to work with so you,know having your niche in place and,knowing your brand story to make sure,that they align with that is going to,make it so much easier to find an,influencer,that lines up with your brand now the,third marketing strategy that you,probably saw coming,is some type of paid advertising,strategy,okay and that's something like facebook,ads instagram ads or,google ads okay and why facebook ads and,google ads are so,powerful is because of their detailed,targeting okay and you can get very very,detailed so depending on,your clothing brand let's just say you,make dog apparel you can literally,target those type of people,you can target engage shoppers you can,target demographics,like local areas like you can get very,very detailed what you're targeting when,it comes to facebook ads,and google ads as well so you definitely,want to make sure,that you study facebook ads and learn it,as much,as possible now if you would like help,with your facebook ads or running paid,advertisements hit me up,you can hit the link in the description,we can set up a consultation to see if i,can help you out,but you definitely want to have some,type of paid,strategy especially when uh you're,trying to drive traffic because social,media and just the internet in general,is a very very saturated and crowded,price so,running these facebook ads even at five,dollars a day,can get you a very good starting point,to see how people are resonating with,your brand now i do also want to talk,about a sleeped on,strategy that a lot of people don't use,enough which is email there is so much,money,in emails you guys i literally made a,video on it a while back talking about,his email marketing dead definitely,check that out as well,email is so powerful um especially when,it comes to e-commerce,because a lot of people are not gonna,buy from you when they first see it,there's,you're gonna have so many abandoned,carts but if you have a very very good,abandoned cart sequence you can close so,much sales,uh that probably wouldn't close if you,didn't have that abandoned cart sequence,up so you know one of my favorites is,clavio because you do have,text messaging and email which is a very,very powerful combination,um if you want me to do a tutorial on my,own personal clavio i can,but if you don't use clavio you can use,mailchimp or whatever you like,but definitely use email you guys,there's so much money in emails if you,can email your list two to three times a,week,i would definitely recommend it um and,then two especially if you're sending so,so much traffic,with facebook or influencer marketing,you know you're,probably building a big email list so,you know not reaching out to them,um will be a detriment to your sales so,definitely use,email as much as possible now,these are all the marketing strategies,that i have used and some of my clients,have used to reach,10 k months but again you do have to do,these pretty much simultaneously,and consistently and then also depending,on your profit margin which are closed,so if you're using print on demand it is,going to be so much harder,to reach 10k months because you will,have to have a lot of,volume and depending on your ad spend,will make it kind of difficult but if,you are,sourcing your own products and services,it will make it that much,easier to reach 10k because obviously,you have a bigger profit margin,so let me know if this video was helpful,again,thumbs it up i would greatly appreciate,it but until next time,y'all be easy

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