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How to Add an About Us Page to Shopify Store come to your shopify dashboard and to,add an about us p


Updated on Apr 01,2023

How to Add an About Us Page to Shopify Store

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How to Add an About Us Page to Shopify Store

come to your shopify dashboard and to,add an about us page or any pages in,general you're gonna have to come down,to your online store right here so click,on this and then come down to this,pages section and you'll actually see,that the site i'm using,right now doesn't have any pages,whatsoever there's nothing here there's,no about us or contact us pages,so what you can do is click add page,here or it's also in the top right hand,corner you can click add page so,let's click on that and then we can,title our page so this is an about us,page so we're gonna do about us,you could also call this our story or,something that is more unique to you,and then essentially just write the,description and the content of your,about us page in here,so i've just written something there,maybe you're a tattoo artist or a tattoo,shop and,you know you need to sell some things or,whatever so we do tattoos we've been,around since 2000 whatever it is,so of course you can just write text in,here,but it won't really look that great so,you maybe want to use,some of the tools up here so obviously,this is just like microsoft word in that,you can,basically bold text or italicize it or,do any of that so you can just do that,as you want,but what's really great also is that you,can add media into this description so,you might want to do that you can come,to these here this one is insert image,this one is insert video and this one is,to clear all of the formatting,right here you can also insert a table,so there's a few things you can do with,this editor,you can also do this outside of shopify,maybe in microsoft word or a different,editor,and then basically copy and paste it in,here but what's really great,is that you can add images so let's go,and click on this insert an image right,here,and then what i can do is maybe get some,images from my computer,and then i can just drag and drop them,in here to upload them to shopify,if you do want to use this shopify,editor so for example if this,is one of our two artists and you want,to have a bio or description you can,insert that image and it's just going to,come,into the editor itself so you can edit,it here you can also click on it and,resize it so there's a lot you can do in,the shopify editor,if you don't want to do it outside of,this and then copy and paste it in,you can do exactly the same for videos,as well if you want to do that so,you can do all of that then as we come,down this is really important so,for a page in shopify you can change how,it's displayed online in google search,results so you can edit website seo,right now,and as you can see right now it says our,story because that is the title of our,page,but you can change this if you want it,to stand out way more on google you can,say,tattoo zg let's say i'm a tattoo shop,tattoo zg,about us page or something like that so,you can have that in google then you can,actually edit the description that comes,up in google too,to something a little bit more punchy,rather than it just taking the first few,lines of your about us page,so it will actually be a little bit more,meaningful to people searching for it on,google,once you're finished with that though,and your description is fine you can,come right up here,and essentially you want to choose this,one which is page this is not a contact,page,if you press that one a contact form,will be displayed on the page so you,don't want that because this is about,us so this run is correct then you can,come up here and essentially just have,it visible,as of when you save it you can also make,the page hidden,if you ever want to hide a page you can,just press this and press save,and then it won't be visible but i'm,happy with it being visible so you can,go up,press save and then that about us page,is published onto your site,now we still have a problem though and,that is the theme that i'm using,actually doesn't display the about us,page up,in the menu section and actually i think,i really want to tell my story so i want,to put that page up here,well i'll show you how to do that now,what we'll have to do is come actually,back to our shopify dashboard right now,come to your online store and then come,to navigation that's going to bring up,these options,so you can add the about us page either,to the footer menu that's at the bottom,or the main menu that's the one at the,top,i'm just going to put it in the main,menu for now so i'm going to click on,main menu to edit this,you can see that i've got a few,different menu items already i want to,add another one so i'm going to come,down to add menu item,it's going to come up with this you can,then title the menu item so,about us or our story or whatever you,want then come down to the links section,click on this once then you can search,and it's an about us page,so we want to link a page so we can,click on pages,it will then bring us up with all the,pages that we have and remember we just,added this one our story or about us,whatever it is so click on that one,and then that links to the our story,page you can press add on there,and that has added the menu item you can,go up to the right hand corner,click save and then that should be there,for us when we do then come back to the,coffee zg,website we can just refresh this and we,should have that up there for us,the about us menu item and there it is,it's been added on that right hand side,for us so,when you do click on that it will take,people straight through to the our story,page and we edited it right here,you can also change where about us is in,the menu just come back in here,click and hold on here and then you can,change this around to change where it's,actually displayed either on the left,hand side of the right hand side,you can then edit this because i made a,mistake capitalizing the b,about us absolutely perfect that's,adding an about us page on shopify and,putting it into your menu,check out the description for way more,information on shopify and some more,tutorials,if the video was helpful please give it,a thumbs up subscribe for more,and i'll see you in the next one

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