seguno email shopify how to transfer from mailchimp

Seguno Overview: Email Marketing Inside Shopify Welcome to Seguno, where you can create manage and t

Seguno Software

Updated on Mar 25,2023

Seguno Overview: Email Marketing Inside Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to seguno email shopify how to transfer from mailchimp

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seguno email shopify how to transfer from mailchimp catalogs

Seguno Overview: Email Marketing Inside Shopify

Welcome to Seguno, where you can create manage and track your email marketing without leaving Shopify.,That's right,,whether you live in the Shopify admin or the Shopify mobile app, the entire Seguno product lives there too.,It's an experience like no other and we're so excited to share with you.,For this overview, we'll use our demo brand, Madison Paige, a children's clothing shop. Now, let's jump into Shopify.,From the apps section, you can log into Seguno and that brings us to your dashboard.,Now, not only is the entire product embedded within Shopify but your data actually stays there too. That means a few things:,It means your data is never out of sync when we use it,,it means you can leverage collections, customer groups, and discounts,in amazing ways that save you lots of time, and you can actually use all the great reporting,Shopify has to track the sales generated from your email marketing.,When it comes to your contact list, the customers within,Shopify that have the accepts email marketing status set to true are considered your subscribers.,If you've been using a different system to send marketing emails,then you need to update the status of customers within Shopify before sending an email.,You can learn more about this from our Help Center or you can reach our team by simply clicking the,Talk to support button in the top right corner of your screen.,Let's start by creating a newsletter.,Now for this, all you really need to do is think about what you want to promote.,You could feature products, you could feature a collection,,(the products within a collection), you could feature multiple collections,,blog posts - so let's try a feature collection and we'll select our pants collection.,Now, you can choose to include a discount for this newsletter and,you have the option of sharing the same code with all recipients or you can actually have us,generate a unique code for each recipient, which is great for personalizing your marketing and protecting your profits.,Now this PANTS-SALE discount is for five dollars off the pants collection.,And that's just a discount that I created right here in the Shopify Admin.,So let's go ahead and create this newsletter.,And just like that, we created this beautiful looking newsletter that populated,with the products from our pants collection. It looks beautiful on desktop.,It looks beautiful on mobile.,And all you had to do was pick which collection you wanted to promote.,Now, you'll also notice some other smart things going on such as your discount details. So, you can see five dollars off with an example,unique code, when it expires, and "See details below." So we look down below and,this discount only applies to specific collections and, actually, there's a minimum purchase of fifty dollars required.,So, providing these details to your customers helps ensure that they don't have a bad experience,when they get to checkout and realize that the discount doesn't work how they thought it did.,You'll also see that the prices are discounted accordingly based off of the discount since these are all pants.,Now, let's jump in and customize this message.,The subject and preview text here you can modify those.,The header, footer and theme settings are consistent across all your messages.,So you can modify things like colors,,typography,,button styles, and your social media accounts.,The header has your logo,,you can choose to show your first three social accounts or have your logo centered, and,then you have your menu items.,The footer has some company policies if you want to include those.,Your email and phone, if you have it, for customer service and then your address, which is required for anti-spam laws.,So, this editor looks and feels just like the theme editor does within Shopify.,If you know how to use Shopify, you already know how to use Seguno. It's familiar and it's a great experience.,So, we have this email here and let's go ahead and add a featured collection down below.,And we'll select our recommended products,,which is a collection we create by default for your best-selling products that are in stock.,We have this down here, let's call this our trending products.,We have our best-selling products here that we're including as recommendations to kind of round out our email here.,You'll notice we have this leather jacket as part of our collection.,Now, if I were to add a featured product section here and select that leather jacket,What you'll notice is the leather jacket is no longer shown in the recommended products.,We don't want to end up with a duplicate product in our email like that,so we move on to the next product in the collection, automatically.,We've got our our leather jacket featured product here, it pulls in all the details.,You'll notice it's full price. That's because the discount on this email that we selected is only available for pants.,Let's remove this section and we'll just go back to having our leather jacket here as a recommended product down below.,Let's save that and now let's go back to the detail page for this newsletter.,Now, let's change up our discount.,We have it set as that five dollars off with PANTS-SALE. Again, generating a unique code for each recipient without you having to do any extra work for that.,Let's change this to FALLSALE.,Another discount I created in the discount section which happens to be for 15% off.,Now, when I click Save you'll notice the message has already been updated.,The details of the discount now reflect FALLSALE's details.,The prices have changed accordingly.,And if we had our leather jacket there, that would also be shown as on sale now.,Now, we can go ahead and edit our recipients.,You could choose to send this to all your subscribers, subscribers within specific groups of customers,,and you can even exclude groups of customers.,For this, let's just exclude those that purchased in the last week.,This is simply a customer group that you create in the customer section of Shopify.,So, all that great data that you can filter on right within Shopify and save as a search,for a customer group, you can leverage as targeting or excluding for recipients of your emails.,You'll notice the summary is updated here as you make your selections. Now, let's go ahead and schedule this for Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.,So now, this beautiful email is ready to be sent and will go out on Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.,Let's jump over to automations.,Now, automations are automated touch points that are triggered based on customer behavior or commerce activity.,We have a handful of these in our library. Pre-built, automated touch points.,We have a Coming Soon, which is for welcoming your pre-launch subscribers.,So, if you are just building out your store and you have the coming soon page up,,you still want to be collecting emails and driving traffic to get those subscribers and,you should be sending them a welcome message as soon as they subscribe.,You can configure that here. We also have a regular Welcome message for,when someone subscribes when your site is live.,We have a Discount Reminder to remind someone of a discount that they were given if they haven't used it two days before it,expires and we can actually include that same unique code that we sent them before.,On the commerce activity side, we have Abandoned Checkout,,we have a way to thank people after their first purchase,,a way to thank them after their second purchase, and a way to try to win them back,after they haven't purchased in a couple of months.,Let's take a look at the Abandoned Checkout automation.,So on this detail page again, you see the the preview of the email.,Now, this has some placeholder content because the items will actually be based on the checkout.,Again, it looks beautiful on desktop and mobile.,Now, something that's really cool here this recommendation,collection that we have down below: "Other customer favorites.",Just as when we added that featured product of the leather jacket,and it was removed from this collection, the same thing will happen,based on the checkout items of someone's checkout.,So, if a customer abandons a checkout that happens to contain the leather jacket then we will not show that in the recommended products down below.,It's just a wonderful experience that you don't even have to worry about.,On the right-hand side,,you'll see the the summary of the automation.,There are some settings depending on the automation and then there are conditions.,For example,,for this advantage checkout email to be sent,,no orders can be placed since the checkout was abandoned and at least one of the items in the cart must be in stock.,You can choose when to send that,and you can also choose how to dish out the discounts.,If you choose to set a discount, you can either give that to every person who gets this email or,you can choose to only give it to people that have not purchased yet.,It's a great way to protect your profits by not always giving out discounts,,protect people from potentially trying to game the system.,And really get those people,,incentivize those people that have not purchased yet.,Let's go ahead and set a discount.,This is a discount that I created within Shopify for 20% off.,Now, with automations,,since those are long-running programs,,you cannot set an expiration date on the discount,but with our automations we have the ability you can choose to have us expire codes seven days after they've been sent.,It's a great way to drive that sense of urgency.,If the code is not used after seven days, we'll go ahead and delete that from Shopify so it's no longer available.,We added the discount and now we have this beautiful discount section here,explaining the the details of the discount.,So, that's a quick overview of automations.,Now, if we go over to Content, we have templates.,These are the templates for your newsletters. Now that Featured Collection is the one that we just used earlier.,You can see we have some placeholder,content here, since it doesn't get populated until you create a newsletter and select the collection that will be used,,but let's say that we want to save ourselves a step next time and,we'll add that trending products collection down below.,Now, this collection will always be in the newsletter when we create it so we don't have to add that every time.,We can obviously make changes after we've created it but this just saves us a couple of steps.,It's all about saving time.,Now, if we go back to Content, the last thing I'll touch on here is your unsubscribe page.,When people unsubscribe,,you should think of it as a good thing. You only want engaged subscribers on your list.,Keeping people that are not engaged on your list will only hurt you in the long run. It's okay for people to unsubscribe,but what's the right way to do it? It is to provide a nice experience when they do.,Someone may not be interested in your emails but they may still be a loyal customer.,When someone clicks the unsubscribe link in your email,,we will actually take them right back to your shop. So, the 'unsubscribe successful' page here,allows them to continue shopping if they want. It's not a dead end. It's a beautiful branded experience right on your shop.,That's the last thing I wanted to touch on. Please reach out with any questions. We'd love to hear from you. Take care

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