rev slider not showing on shopify

How to Setup a Coming Soon/ Password/Maintenance Page on Shopify with Slider Revolution | ShopiDevs


Updated on Mar 17,2023

How to Setup a Coming Soon/ Password/Maintenance Page on Shopify with Slider Revolution | ShopiDevs

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How to Setup a Coming Soon/ Password/Maintenance Page on Shopify with Slider Revolution | ShopiDevs

hello everybody this is rahat from,shoppydevs welcome back to our channel,today i'm going to show you how to set,up a coming soon page or maintenance,page,or password page to your shopify store,moreover i will show you how you can do,this with your shopify theme,and,how you can do this with your slider,revolution app so what is a coming soon,page or password page,or maintenance page in shopify,basically a password page is a landing,page that adds password protection to,your store,so when your store is under maintenance,or you are still developing or editing,your store,you can make your store password,protected,and,the people who is visiting your store,they can only see the password page,and this is the only page that is found,by search engine and others,when they look for your site,and that's why it is called,maintenance page as well,and you can use the,page to show important messages to your,visitors,during the maintenance time,and you can also start collecting emails,from those visitors,so that you can use for later marketing,activities,so it can be a great way to start,pre-marketing for your brand,so now let's see how you can set up this,special page,to your shopify,first log in to your shopify store,then from shopify dashboard click on,online store,and then go to preferences,now scroll down a little bit,and you will find password protection,section here,and now you have to enable password,and you have to give a password for the,store,and,here you have to,write a message that you want to show to,the visitors,i'm writing one,and now click on save,you can see our store is password,protected now,so when someone,search our store they will see only the,password page,so let me check,i'm copying the url of my store,and then i will,search it on a new browser,you can do it on a new window where you,are not logged in,and as you can see our store is password,protected that's why,i can only see the password page,and the message i have written is shown,here,and if i share the password of the store,to someone,they can enter the password here,and login to the store,so this is how you can set up,a password page or coming soon page,but,it is,very simple,now i will show you how you can edit the,password page,the way you want,so let's do it,so let's see how you can edit your,coming soon page,so from your shopify dashboard go to,online store,and then themes,and then go to the customize,and from the drop down menu find the,password page,so this is the page that we are going to,edit,from the left,you will find all the sections,password header,email signup banner and the password,footer,so let's change them,so first password header,i think i'm not going to change it,and then the email signup banner,i'm going to change this section a lot,so first remove,this block,this one as well,and also this one,so what is left here is an image banner,and i'm going to change the image,and now i will add a new section,and here,i will give,a,new title,or you can call it heading,and then the description,i'm not going to change the description,for this video but,you can change the description and you,can write,what you are going to,say to your visitors,but i'm going to,remove the button as well,and,i'm going to,put,this section,to the top,i think it looks better,now i'm going to add another section and,that will be email signup,and i'm not going to change anything,in this section,but i will going to change the,background,of the header,to create some contrast,and i'm going to also change the,background of footer,and i think,now it looks,more,attractive,so for this tutorial this will be my,design for,coming soon page,for your store you can come up with,any design you want,but i'm just showing you how you can,edit your coming soon page,so that's it now i'm going to click on,save,yeah,our page is,completed now i will check,again i'm comp,i'm copying the url,yeah you can see this is our new coming,soon page we have changed,it a lot from the previous one,so this is how you can easily editing,your coming soon page,but now i'm going to show you how you,can,take your game to the next level how you,can create an attractive coming soon,page that will draw,attention of the visitors,so now i will show you how you can,create a communication page with the,slider regulation app,now we are going to create a coming soon,page with a slider revolution app,first go to apps,and here i have already installed slider,revolution,if you don't,first you have to install slider,regulation app from the shopify store,and then click on it,this is the dashboard of slider,revolution,here you can start from scratch,click on here,but i'm going to use the ready template,so i'm going to click on newsletter from,template,here you will find 200 plus,ready templates that you can use,for different purposes,for coming soon page there are some,specific templates,let me show you some,this is a,multi slider,coming soon,on page template,that you can use for your coming soon,page,this one is also attractive here you can,put your website name,your message,and a good,visual countdown,you can also add a social sharing button,here,this one is very,interesting,it is,it can be used for coming soon page and,also for,announcement,and,this is another one,this can be very,good for maintenance page,or you can also use,this for coming soon,so for this tutorial i'm going to use,this one,this one,so let's do it,so type coming soon,and i'm going to use this template so,i'm going to click on plus sign,and then click on,install template,so as you can see the slider is,installed now i'm going to edit it,so this is the editor where you can edit,the slider,you can change the text click on here,you can change the color,and you can also change the,background,image,of you can or you can also,use a transparent background,or a colored background,as per your requirement,and in order to change,the countdown,you have to go to the add-ons,and here you will find all the add-ons,for this template,the add-on named coming and maintenance,is used you can see,so click on it,here you have to configure,as you can see it is already clicked,selected slider,and,here you have to,select the,uh your template,so it is coming soon add-on,and title is coming soon,and here you can use the timer or not,so i'm going to use it that's why i'm,um keep it on,and here you can select the date,so let's select 15,and you can also select the hour of the,day like when uh will be your store,opened,you can change it like,15 that means 3 p.m you can also,give here a minute if you want,and you can select whether you will,continue this slider after the time ends,or it will be disappear,so,select according to your preference,and then click on save configuration,so now,as our slider,editing is complete i'm going to click,on save,now i'm going to publish the slider to,the store,as we are going to publish the slider to,password page,you will not get the password page here,so what we have to do is select the,sections,and then click on next,so our slider is published successfully,to the sections as you can see,now go back to the shopify store,and go to the themes,and click on customize,and again from the drop down menu find,the password page,so this is the page we have created,so so now i'm going to,add the slider here,and i'm going to make some changes as,well,so first,hide the sections,and now i'm going to add the slider here,and click on save,so as you can see,our slider is displayed here,and if you want you can also,keep the,email signup form so i'm going to,keep the email sign up from,here but i think i will,put the section below,and if you want you can,add other section as well,with the slider,but i'm not going to add any other,sections i think,it's okay,it will serve the purpose like,it is showing the message,and also,showing the,countdown,and,i'm going to,collect emails,from the visitors,by this,uh email form,but i think it will be better if i,change the background of the,email sign up here so let's change it,so i think,it's better,or we can change the,background to white so let's see how it,looks,so i think it looks better than previous,one,so let's skip it,and click on save,so let me check again,i'm copying the url of the store,and as you can see,this is our new password protected page,or you can say it's a new coming soon,page we have created with a slider,regulation app,i believe after watching this video you,will be able to create a coming soon,page or maintenance page,for your shopify store,using your shopify theme and also using,slider evolution app,all right this all for today if you like,this video give us a thumbs up subscribe,to our channel keep watching our videos,to learn more about shopify

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