print on demand via shopify, how to create privacy policy, l

👉How to Create Shopify Policies | Privacy, Terms & Services, Refund Policy, Shipping Policy🔒 hi guys

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Updated on Feb 25,2023

👉How to Create Shopify Policies | Privacy, Terms & Services, Refund Policy, Shipping Policy🔒

The above is a brief introduction to print on demand via shopify, how to create privacy policy, l

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print on demand via shopify, how to create privacy policy, l catalogs

👉How to Create Shopify Policies | Privacy, Terms & Services, Refund Policy, Shipping Policy🔒

hi guys in this video i am going to show,you that,how you can add the policies into your,store,properly so there are different policies,like privacy policies,uh terms and service refund policy and,shipping policy,so let me show you one example that how,people are making the mistakes,so you can see that i have this store of,my uh,friend and he added the uh default,template of the shopify but,there are a lot of issues inside of it,you can see that uh he has not,added these placeholders these are as it,is he has just copied and pasted the,things but have not uh cross checked,that,this is not these things are not,required all right so,we need to filter few things which are,not needed,so i will be showing you step by step,that how you can add,uh policies into your store uh,properly right so first of all you need,to go to your dashboard,so here i have the dashboard and then,you need to click on,settings so once you will be clicking on,settings then you will be,seeing on the right hand side we have,legal,so once you are clicking on this legal,link,then you will be redirected to this page,where we have refund policy privacy,policy,terms of service and shipping policy all,right,so let me show you how you will be,adding all these things so,first thing is like refund policy so,shopify is always,providing a template template means uh,pre-formatted things which are,mostly common to all the stores so for,example i am clicking on this button,create from template,so you can see that all the things has,been automatically filled here,uh for example in uh the common uh,common thing is like if we are refunding,anything,then at that time we have the 30 days,refund policy,after that we the seller will not be,accepting the,accepting the product right so this,means that you have the 30-day,warranty or maybe guarantee right so,whatever email address you have,added into your store that would be,shown over here if you are interested to,uh get the notification on the or maybe,uh,giving the support to your customers,through another email address so you can,add that one over here,and here we have all the important,things like damages and issues exception,non-refundable,returnable items so all the things you,can mention here so,by default all the things which are uh,mentioned here these are relevant so we,need not,uh edit these things right so this means,that we have refund policy that is,okay now so if you want you can add more,things,then after we have privacy policy so,this is the important thing first of all,you need to click on,create from template so you will be,getting this type of template,by shopify itself so you have to make,some editing,inside of it because this is the common,thing and,you have to make some changes so firstly,you have these things like,placeholders so you have to remove this,placeholder from here,then we have another placeholder here,and below this we have,one more placeholder,so we also need to remove this,then we have disclosure for a business,purpose,so we also need to remove this,then after we have a customer support,information example of,personal information collection,collected,so all the things you have to,modification of the information listed,below are additional,uh additional information as needed,right so,you need not the,this thing over here and discloser for,business purpose this is also not,required,so you need to remove all these things,from here,then after you have to go down below,so we have another thing here so we also,need to remove this,then we have behavioral advertisement,insert it applicable if applicable for,example you have,google analytics connected with your,shopify store,so here you can mention that you have,the,shopify analytics where you are tracking,everything,all right but you need to remove the,placeholders which are over here,because we have not needed these things,and lastly we have this one,uh then you have to go down and here you,can see that we have different,uh social media accounts so if you have,they are,providing shopify is providing default,like mostly people are using facebook,google bing,so if you want you can edit over here,you can paste,your accounts link,so placeholder is not required here if,you have additional uh,additional things like instagram and,other social media accounts so you can,also mention over here,so you need to modify these links these,are important right,then you have to go down and here also,need to remove this,and lawful basis include all these,applies,so you have to remove this,retention and then automatic decision,making,for example you are we do or do not,engage in fully automatic decision,making that has a legal or otherwise,significant,effect using customer service so you,have to,add do or do not so you need to add,one of them not both,so for example i am adding here,we do engage in fully automatic,decisions,then we have additional additionally,these things this is also a placeholder,so we need not add here then we have,selling personal information so for,example customer has some personal,information,and if you are collecting those details,and you are selling to other companies,other third parties,so here we have the those things so you,have to,remove this placeholder and if you are,interested to mention the specific,things like email address phone number,or store name or your name so you can,mention uh,in the list right then you have your,rights include the following section if,you,your store is located in or if you have,customers in europe so for example your,store is located in europe then these,below below,policies are important all right,so if you you are living in europe i am,considering you that,you are living in europe if you are not,then you have to remove this,gdpr ccpa these two are,applied only for customers who are uh,who are living in europe and you are,selling to,the european countries right so you also,have to remove this one,this placeholder,you need to remove all the placeholders,but these policies are applied only,on uh european customers all right,so these two policies like ccpa and gdpr,and you also need to remove this,placeholder from here,then we have cookies all right so these,policies are common and,we have to keep as it is report and,analytics and then we have this,placeholder and we have not needed this,anymore and if you will,go down you will see that we have the,contact details here,so you have to modify the contact,details for example,uh i am just removing uh here my contact,details,so if you are interested you can add,your contact details here,right then last updated for example you,are updating your policies today,so you have to mention uh the date here,for example,i am updating in 31st of,31st of,october 2020,so i have to mention here right then,after,on the down below we have information of,the website for example you have any,website,so you can mention here the website name,all right,so for example i have my own personal,website,so let me tell you that,rem zn,malik dot in,so this is my website so people,can connect me through this website,all right https colon,double forward slash and this then after,uh so we finalized the uh privacy,policies so make sure that you have to,modify the contact details here i have,just,written three dots so you have to modify,these,uh contact details of your store which i,mean your office,contact number as well as address all,right,so we are finished with privacy policy,this is important so we have,removed all the filtered all the,placeholders which was not,useful then we have terms of service so,you also have to create from template,so this is also okay because we don't,have any type of,placeholder here so yeah this is good,enough,so if there will be any placeholder so,you have to remove that,so all the things down below you have to,mention your email id,so i have already written by default the,email id,through which your store is connected,that would be over here so if you want,you can modify that email id,because the person who is buying your,product he can able to connect with,you according to the policies you,mentioned all right,or maybe government can take the actions,so lastly we have uh shopif,shipping policies shipping policies,means you have some physical products,and you have bulky products like,refrigerator or television or,a fan or other big products so at that,moment,maybe your shipping process is little,late so you can specifically,mention here that these products if you,are,purchasing then these many days would be,spent to,reach to you so a dish to a specific,customer right,so you can mention those policies over,here,and maybe you can speed up the,process by mentioning that these are the,extra charges if you are,adding while purchasing then we can ship,to you,uh very fast so those things you have to,mention,in the shipping policies right,so i think that you got the basic,understanding that how you can,add your policies uh in this,template i mean you can modify these,templates which are,already provided by shopify so you,already know that,these are important why because if you,have mentioned it,com if you have mentioned the things,over here definitely the government can,take the actions,according to your written policies all,right so you have to keep an eye on,every single thing which you have,written here because,you are dealing with the customers you,are selling online,so if there is a scam or there is a,problem,with your store so you are responsible,according to your policies,so it is important that you have to look,to your policies every single line you,have to read because,these are the things that you are,committing to your customers that these,are the things we are following,and we are responsible for uh such type,of issues,all right so you are also committing to,the government as well because you are,providing,services online so you also have to take,the permission from the government,so you are defining those rules and,regulations uh,according to the law of the country in,which you are selling and from where you,are selling,all right so these things are really,important and we have to,think about it deeply so these are the,critical,points as well so once you are finished,with everything which you have mentioned,over here,i mean you added all the things so then,you have to click on save,all right and,once you are saving all the policies,which you have generated through the,templates of the shopify,then you can add those things onto your,uh,onto your front page for example we have,online store so let me click on this one,so this is test store i have added here,so,i have not added anything over here so,on the bottom,quick links i am interested to mention,here all the policies,so how i will be adding that is uh you,have to click on online store,and here we have navigations,and on the navigation we have footer,menu,and in the footer menu you can mention,all those,things like you have to add new item,so for example we have privacy policy,and here we have policies,and this is privacy policy then you can,add here,so this will be shown on in front and,then we have,terms and conditions or maybe terms and,services,then click on policies this is terms of,service,and then you can add in the same way,another thing which is like,a refund policy and here,we have the policies so,you can mention here refund policy so in,the similar way,you can add the shipping policy as well,currently we,have not added anything in the shipping,policy that's why,that is not showing here so once you are,done with this one,click on save and now if you refresh,this page,on the front end you will be getting all,the things on the,bottom so you can see that we have this,search we have privacy policy terms and,condition refund policy,so if you will have added the,shipping policy let me tell you for,example we are,clicking on legal,so we have at the last we have,this one so this is,shipping policy,so actually i am just adding two words,so that,the page should be created,so once this is created successfully i,mean once this is saving the changes,which are over there then you need to,click on online store,and here again you will be getting the,navigation,and then click on footer menu,once you will be clicking on footer menu,then we have add menu item and here we,have to add,shipping policy,and once you are clicking on link then,we have,policies and we have shipping policy,here,so you need to click on add and this,would be automatically added,and then you need to click on save menu,and refresh the store,so you can see that we have shipping,policy as well if you are clicking on,privacy policy,then you can see that we have everything,looking fine we have removed all the,placeholders,but make sure that you have to improve,these facebook google and whatever,social media accounts you have,so you have to modify accordingly then,you have to add the contact details and,everything,right so everything is okay and if we,are clicking on any,other thing for example terms and,conditions,so that is also looking good here and,then we have refund policy so you can,see that different policy is also good,and shipping policy currently we don't,have any content then,uh that's why we are getting only uh two,words,all right so you can add multiple things,uh mention,the things which we have discussed,earlier so i think you got the,fruitful information from this video so,if you are thinking that this is useful,for you,you can also share with other people,share this video on facebook or,any other platform where you are,interested in where your friends are,so if you are new on this channel just,uh subscribe this channel as well,because in the coming videos i will be,uploading lot of good content for you,and uh once again uh,i'm also telling you that i'm a website,developer i'm doing freelancing,so if you have any type of issue,technical issue in websites like,wordpress,react.js and any type of technology if,you are not in uh,not good in coding then i can help you,out with that,so if you have any question you can ask,me through whatsapp i am,adding the contact details below in the,description,you can ask me the question on the,comment section so,everywhere you can connect me and in,this way we can,help each other and by growing uh the,business of each other right,so thank you so much for watching this,video see you in the next video

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