my shopify store doesn't show up on google

How to get your Shopify Store to appear in Google! “X Products didn’t publish to Google” FIXED hell

Eclipse Botanica

Updated on Feb 20,2023

How to get your Shopify Store to appear in Google! “X Products didn’t publish to Google” FIXED

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How to get your Shopify Store to appear in Google! “X Products didn’t publish to Google” FIXED

hello everyone my name is sarah i go by,g sarah on instagram and today i'm going,to be showing you guys how to fix the,error in shopify that keeps all of your,products from publishing to google if,you're new to this channel this is a,safe place to come to for mindful,motivation in all aspects of life as,well as a personal blog for my business,eclipse botanica now i have made a huge,marketing mistake in my shopify that has,gone ignored since i launched back in,september just two weeks ago i figured,out how to fix this but basically,there's an error that i had dismissed,that made it to where none of my,products would post to google or,facebook or instagram but basically in,case you haven't dismissed this error,and it's still on your screen it says x,number of products did not publish,correctly to google or facebook or,instagram or tick tock or whatever,platform,platforms you have in your sales,channels this error stems from google if,you can fix it in google it will fix it,in facebook and instagram and tick tock,and whatever else you use as sales,channels in your shopify because my,products weren't showing up on google i,would type in the entire product name,some of the description and even my,website at the end and nothing would,show up at all,and i looked through all of the pages of,google it it wasn't publishing and i,realized i remembered seeing this error,message forever ago and i dismissed it,and it was that error message i'm gonna,walk you guys through what i did to fix,the problem it's actually super simple,it just took me forever to figure it out,because one my internet sucks and two i,didn't realize,how important it was to,to do this step for your products in,your shopify store so,let's get right into it if you make the,products yourself homemade it's not,gonna have an npn or gtin that's only,for stuff that you're like reselling so,i thought for a long time okay then i,don't have to put anything here and so i,dismissed the error message,that didn't solve the issue though,because it was still not publishing to,google so this could have also happened,to you maybe you have dismissed the,error and so it's not on your home page,anymore and so you might think oh okay,then everything's fine but just double,check type in the name of one of your,products on google type in the full name,and even put your website at the end,and if it doesn't pull up that means,that it's not publishing to google so,here's how you fix it either you will go,and click on the error message but if,you dismissed it like i did you can,still go into it by going down on the,left side of the screen go down to the,bottom underneath where it says sales,channels and it has a list of all of the,different platforms that you're selling,on click on google because it's on,google that this error stems from if you,fix it on google it will fix it on,facebook and on instagram in the google,sales channel there's going to be this,little like chart and there's going to,be green and orange showing the number,of products you're going to want to,click on the orange one the ones that,are not approved if you have a bunch of,products that weren't published it'll,bring up this really long list of all of,your products from there you're going to,want to click on google fields it'll be,this little link to click on and then,that's where it's going to ask you to,put in the mpn gtin for products that,you create yourself like candles or wax,melts you don't need to have,a g10 or mpn my god i can't remember,what it is i don't even know if that's,correct i,will share it on the screen here,hopefully i'm right and i don't sound,like an idiot right now your product,requires an npn or gtin,that's probably way off but i'm going to,put the correct error message right here,so you can see what i'm talking about,this error in shopify keeps all of your,products from publishing to google into,facebook and to instagram instead what,you want to do for these products is you,want to assign it a product category if,you scroll down a little bit there will,be an area where you can put in the,product category this part took me,a while to figure out because when you,go into the product categories there are,hundreds of categories and then there,are hundreds of subcategories and even,more subcategories so i was actually,able to figure out the code there's a,code number that will pull up the exact,category subcategory subcategory of,candles or wax mounts so for instance,for your candles if you just type in 588,that will automatically pull up the,category the sub category the,subcategory all the way to get to,candles for the category,click enter click save for wax melts the,code is 592,and that pulls up home fragrances i did,google this to see if wax melts should,be with candles or if they should be,with home fragrances and what i found is,that it should be with home fragrances,but i'm not sure if it matters,that much you really just need to assign,it a category and this is an accurate,way to do that now once you have,assigned a category to all of your,products,bear in mind that it can take a couple,of days not just for it to get approved,by google but for that to go through to,facebook and to instagram and for all of,that stuff so all of those error,messages that are in your shopify,whether you've dismissed them or not,they might still be there for a couple,of days you have to give it some time,because google has to go through and,look at your product i don't know how,this works i don't know if it's robots i,don't know if it's aliens i don't really,know how to do it but you have to give,it time for them to go through look at,your product look at the category and be,like oh yeah that makes sense and then,approve it mine actually went through,like right away for the google stuff so,all the google error messages,disappeared and then i had to wait a,couple of days and then the facebook,ones all started appearing so finally,all of my products showed up on facebook,and then i looked on google and all my,products showed up on google and from,that point i started making so many more,sales since i have assigned categories,to everything in the google sales,channel in shopify i have gotten my,first random customer i hadn't had an,actual just random customer that wasn't,like friends or family from facebook or,somebody that used the youtube 20 off,coupon that's down below i hadn't had,just like a genuine random,customer before and so i thought that's,weird like maybe i'm just,you know i haven't been around for that,long and so,i i don't really know i just i kind of,assumed you know i'm new so this,probably is normal that i'm not having,any you know random,customers,but as soon as i fixed that within a,couple of days i started getting random,customers so,it's really important to assign all of,your products a category in the google,sales channel in shopify didn't know,that at first i wish someone would have,told me that i had no idea so,i'm so glad that i figured that out,because i launched my business back uh,september 25th so it's,i mean okay yesterday was christmas so,it's been three months that's not the,longest time to go without making a,whole lot of sales but it has really,changed i mean i've actually been,hitting my sales goals i started off,with a certain number for my sales goals,per week and i hit that number on launch,day,and then i didn't hit it again,until like two weeks ago so um these,bangs are pissing me off i went to go,see the matrix,resurrections and i wanted to look all,like,90s goth you know i wanted to look like,i was from the matrix so i cut my bangs,and and then i like french braided my,hair down and i wore like super smokey,eye it was actually really cool the,movie was great but now i have to live,with these,freaking,bangs,i've had bangs for most of my life i,just i finally grew them out and then my,dumb ass was like oh i want to have,bangs to go to the matrix,i should have just bought that fake like,headband that has the bangs that come,down whatever they'll grow it's just,hair but anyways this is just this is,something that i learned that has helped,my website traffic and my actual sales,so so so much so i really wanted to,share this with you guys because i'm not,i don't know,anything about marketing or social media,and i'm learning it it's so,it is so hard to,research stuff on the internet in this,freaking house in east texas because the,internet sucks and my attention span is,not that great so whenever i'm searching,something on google and it takes 15,minutes to load the page i've already,forgotten what i'm trying to research so,i'm not,the best but i'm learning and as soon as,we move which is happening soon and,we're going to get a house soon and i'm,so excited for that but as soon as that,happens and our internet goes back up,i'm gonna be,doing all the research that i possibly,can on marketing and social media and,how to get your website and all of your,products to show up higher on google,that's kind of like my main focus right,now,so this is just something that i,discovered and it actually had a pretty,big impact on my sales so i wanted to,share that with you guys i know that,it's not,a lot of information but it is something,kind of easy that i just i didn't even,know would have an effect and and it did,it had a huge effect so,hopefully y'all are able to figure out,how to do that by what i said um if you,have any questions at all leave it down,in the comments and i will do my,absolute best to try to kind of walk you,through it better or maybe if y'all want,me to go like more in depth i could try,to maybe do a screen share i just,i don't have the error anymore so i'm,not really sure how i would do it but i,i can figure it out,again thank you guys for watching this,video and if you did like the video if,you could give it a thumbs up that would,be helping me out so much and if you,would like to subscribe to the channel,that button is down there and um,i don't even remember what i say,um,to sign off my videos it's been like a,month since i recorded a video it's been,a while thank you guys again for like,the fourth time third time i don't know,thank you guys again for watching this,video and as always remember to be,excellent to each other quote from bill,and ted said bye oh actually they all,say it but mainly keanu reeves and you,know the matrix keanu reeves and my,candle the john wickhandle kiana reeves,i you know what i've been debating,whether i should add,like a ton more pianory's stuff to,my,to my brand because i just adore him so,much he seems like the nicest human,being on the planet and i just,i'm gonna stop cheesing over here real,quick y'all let me know if if you would,like to see like a neo,candle or i don't know a bill and ted,candle what would that smell like it,would have to smell like rock and roll,or stupidity i don't know um anyways be,excellent to each other and i will see,you guys in the next video bye,you

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