mailchimp popup not showing up shopify

Fixed - Mailchimp Popup not working on WordPress hi and welcome so if you've ever tried,to add a Mai

Ricky Wahowa

Updated on Mar 31,2023

Fixed - Mailchimp Popup not working on WordPress

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Fixed - Mailchimp Popup not working on WordPress

hi and welcome so if you've ever tried,to add a MailChimp popup on your,WordPress website you may have found,that it doesn't work even after you,embed the code on the footer one of the,reasons why that happens is because the,MailChimp jQuery code usually collides,with the WordPress code and in this,video we're going to see how we can go,about that and we are going to see two,ways in which you can make the form show,up on your WordPress website without,using any plug-in so one of the reasons,why I decided that I should start using,the MailChimp form without using any,plug-in or any third party like Melman,is because I've been using mail munch on,my site for a very long time and when I,do an analysis of my web of my web page,I realized that mail munchies really,really adding to the load time on my,website and you can see all this old of,code from mail munch CSS and JavaScript,files that my website has to wait to,load before it can actually tell the,browser that it is fully loaded and,that's why I have decided that I will,start using the MailChimp default pop up,without using any third party plug-in or,any third party platform like mail munch,so the first way in which you can do,this is you will just take the code and,you'll add it on your header which is,not recommended in most cases when,you're adding any third party scripts,you need to add them on the footer of,your web page so even though this will,work for you you shouldn't do it because,it is not recommended it's going to slow,down your web page the browser will have,to download everything in the form,before it can actually go down and,continue loading the other things that,are on your web page okay that is not,true for HTTP too but most people are,still using HTTP 1 so if you want to add,it we'll just come here click on View,code and let's just copy this code ctrl,a ctrl C and I will put it on the header,and if you're putting it on the header,make sure make sure this is very,important you put it before the WP head,because this is where all the scripts,all the plugins are loaded for WordPress,okay so that's why you need to put it,before this because if you put it after,this the jQuery will have already been,loaded and we don't want that we want,this to work out without really having,any issues with WordPress so you put it,before the WP head that's the most,important thing and then if I just,update this and then I clear my browser,cachet I clear my wordpress cachet then,I come to a new private window and if I,load my website I should be able to see,the form okay so you can see even mail,munch is loaded but you don't mail much,so this is the one for MailChimp and you,can see it works if you put it on the,header above the WP head it's going to,work but that's not recommended so let's,see which is the other way we can do,this so that our pop-up MailChimp pop-up,works on WordPress by default if we add,the code on the footer so I'm just going,to close this for now and if I come here,I'll remove this code so that I can put,it on the footer control X and then I,will update and come to the footer and,here on the footer let me add it before,the mailman and I can add it after that,WP footer you can add it anywhere you,can most cases you should add it here,before the last one I can just put it,here,he doesn't really matter and now we,think that I want to that I want to do,to make sure that it works is to make,sure that I add something that tells,jQuery not to conflict with this okay,you see the second script this is where,we're having conflict,and so if I just add here no conflict,I'm sure it's going to walk so let me,just copy it from here instead of having,to type it copy jQuery now conflict,based and since this is what press in,most cases if you are if you're using,other things you're going to use the,dollar sign here like that,but since this is what press you're,going to use jQuery just the query,instead of using the dollar sign,so just by adding this jQuery no,conflict before this okay you add it,before this this is going to make sure,that jQuery does not conflict with any,code that comes next and so if I update,the file and then clear the cache a and,if I open Chrome let me just open Chrome,this time around and I will open new,incognito window so there we go you can,see that well chimp is loaded and made a,munch is also loaded but I will be,removing this moment elements very soon,so that's how you can add the mail chimp,pop-up on your WordPress website and the,way that you do it in brief is you can,add the code on the header where is the,header you can add the code on the,header and make sure you add it before,WP head because this is where all the,plug-in injections all the script,injections will happen in WordPress so,you add it before the WP head and then,the other way is you can add it on the,footer and this is a recommended way you,add it on the footer and then on the,second line on the second script where,is the second script there we go now on,the second script right there you will,add the query no conflict before the,required statement and this we,helped to prevent any conflicts between,the MailChimp jQuery and the WordPress,jQuery so if you come here to take the,code the second script here just before,there you'll add you add the no conflict,okay right there on the second script,and then you can copy and put it on the,footer or you can put it on any webpage,where you want it if you want it to,appear on specific pages only on your,WordPress website maybe you don't want,it on the home page and you're running,WordPress you can take this code and you,can put it on a sidebar so if you take,the code you put it on a sidebar widget,and you'll use the HTML code widget on,your WordPress and it's going to work,okay as long as you have the jQuery no,conflict it's going to it's going to,make sure that it doesn't conflict with,WordPress and that's what usually makes,it not work so that's it for this video,and I say that if you didn't watch the,video if you didn't watch the video on,how to how to work with the MailChimp,pop up the name pop up area just go back,to that video and you're going to see,that we covered different parts how you,can create all these different types of,forms in MailChimp and you can see they,added a bunch of things so you can just,go and see which one you want you can,see they even added an exit intent,pop-up so if you want an exit intent go,ahead and watch that section just go,ahead and create it right here so that's,it for this video if you have any,questions make sure you let me know I,will see you in the next one

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