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Best Product Reviews App For Shopify - How To Use | Product Reviews For Shopify he

Knowledge By Marcus

Updated on Feb 11,2023

Best Product Reviews App For Shopify - How To Use | Product Reviews For Shopify

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Best Product Reviews App For Shopify - How To Use | Product Reviews For Shopify

hey there guys my name is marcus and in,this video i'm going to show you step by,step process how you can easily use,judgement product reviews so the first,thing what i'm going to do,i'll just simply install it,and let's scroll down below and install,application and then i will show you,what you can actually achieve so first,thing,you can have just me set up and now,installation but judge me,or installation by you i would just go,with the judge me,that's like the best thing i think if,you're advanced and if you really want,to play around with things,you can click buy you now,which of these widgets would you like to,install and now we recommend installing,all of them,so preview batch on collection page,preview batch on product page and,review widget on product page let's,click for next,then you have like theme here which,theme would like to install widget on,and try to keep the original theme name,my current live name or unpublished i'm,going to,install it for my current live team,and now it's installing by the way if,you can have any questions,uh you can just easily ask them and,write them on their site,to support,i can check it out directly and then i,will see it right here,so i have the product the reviews here,and voila,so i'm installing a lot of i'm making,tutorials for a lot of our review,products,so as you can see i got a lot of them,here,so just ignore it you know yes looks,great,now welcome to judgement,first thing first how you can actually,play around with it when you're gonna,scroll down below you would see,statistics,and then you would click here reviews,use a request dashboard,settings and more so what you can do is,to simply add a widget so let's click on,it,and you can start installation this is,what we,did already then you can customize the,widget,and here you can customize it as much as,you want,so widget header,we're gonna see widget body here review,date,date format review length,verified by branch but you need to,actually upgrade it to to edit,this is like the advanced editing widget,form,again you can edit that too and also we,just preview,how it looks like and you see like the,heading here so i,just go to the right to edit,and then you're gonna see also review,form here,and you can edit how it actually looks,like,so that's what you can do,and you see also main section but to uh,to be able to,uh like edit that you need to upgrade,your version but this is how you can,actually find it,then you can like widget themes here,what kind of theme you want,to have and then other widgets,so you see as the preview widget here,questions and answers,reviews carousel all reviews page,verify reviews count batch you get,plenty of what you can enable plenty of,them and they need to be,it's a awesome,version,and then you get like rewards here,integrations,coupon settings etc,so this is how it works and this is how,the settings works what you can achieve,you can import also your existing,reviews,and on right side you can go to discover,all,and you see plenty things here what you,can actually achieve with the judge me,as add and customize other widgets,create email templates,that convert more so judgment is pretty,complex but you can achieve with it,and yeah this is pretty much it this is,like the short introduction what you can,achieve with a,uh judge me if you're gonna any,questions guys,just ask me download comments i know,that if i would have to do like every,single,it would take me like 40 minutes to,explain every single thing here,so as you create email templates,i wouldn't personally use judgement for,it i would go with a,like different email provider which is,where i would have like literally,everything,in every regard it's much more effective,and yeah you can also boost your seo,with google reach snippets here,and this is like advanced editing here,so thank you very much guys,have a great day and goodbye see ya

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