how to work as a shopify expert

Working Remotely - A Shopify Experts How To Guide hey guys Jody here I'm gonna go over a,couple of t

Jody Edgar - The Shopify Expert

Updated on Feb 24,2023

Working Remotely - A Shopify Experts How To Guide

The above is a brief introduction to how to work as a shopify expert

Let's move on to the first section of how to work as a shopify expert

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Working Remotely - A Shopify Experts How To Guide

hey guys Jody here I'm gonna go over a,couple of things that I have learned,over the last couple years of working,remotely I feel that since now that,we're in a time in the world where,everybody is being quarantined and kept,in their own homes I think there's a,couple of useful tips that I can show,you that will really help your your day,to day your day to day operations with,when it comes to your business and what,you're looking to do these are a couple,apps that we've used inside my company,for a long time and they have really,really come a long way since we first,started so let's hop over the screen I'm,going to show you a couple of them the,first one that I want to show you is,crisp so crisp is an AI base tool and,this AI base tool is actually a noise,cancellation tool so when you are on,zoom' call or you're on a Skype call and,maybe there is noise in the background,they use adaptive AI in order to,suppress of the unwanted sounds and,amplify your voice so we've used this a,bunch of times in busy coffee shops when,there's construction going on outside,it's a super easy app to to install and,you basically go to your dashboard now,let me show you this here on your,dashboard it installs up at the toss up,at the top and you have you loaded up,you basically save the speaker that your,using the microphone that you're using,and then you turn it on and it is,incredible on how much it can suppress,noise so you if you have dogs barking or,you have kids playing in the background,you can continue to do your job without,having any distractions on the line,because we all know what it's like to,have distractions on the line alright,let's talk about number two number two,on this list is zoom now assume has come,a long way our video conferencing I,should say has been around for a long,time but zoom was the first company to,actually get it right so zoom allows you,to do all sorts of really cool things if,you have a zoom let me pull one up here,for you if you have if you've never used,in before you basically get an app that,you install in on your computer you have,access to an app on your phone,people have dialing numbers so they can,call in from anywhere around the country,and it's,very easy to build up a virtual meaning,that you can have face-to-face contact,ever since Microsoft bought Skype Skype,used to be the standard that we used but,they messed around with it too much and,it ended up not being a really great,reliable tool so we stopped using Skype,and we move it over zoom and we haven't,looked back it's our morning meaning we,do our morning All Hands meeting in a,zoom conference call we tend to do audio,only sometimes we will do video if,everybody is set up and going but a lot,of times when people are working from,home they let the personal hygiene stuff,slide a little bit so that means that,they may not want to be seen on camera,all right the next big app that I have,to show you guys is trip mode so if we,come over to my computer here trip mode,shows up in the top right hand corner as,a little train what it allows you to do,is once you turn it on you can select,which programs are actually accessing,internet now if you're someone who,travels a lot and you're used to,tethering and using data packages this,app will save your butt because,sometimes you can get Dropbox which,means that when you turn on your,internet and you're tethering and maybe,you don't have your Dropbox paused and,someone has shared a huge file with you,all of a sudden you get to a point where,your data is completely used up and you,don't know understand why trip mode,saves this problem trouble is also super,useful when it comes to trying to limit,the amount of bandwidth other programs,are using so if you're on a limited,bandwidth situation where you don't have,enough pipe in order to push your video,signal through and it might be because,Dropbox is deciding to synchronize in,the background you can turn on trip mode,you can block all of the services that,you are using except the ones that you,want to be accessing the Internet and,you can make use of that entire pipe,making the communication a lot better,I mean trip mode is something that I use,all the time I use it more than I,thought I would when I first got it when,I first got it I thought I would only,use it for tethering turns out I,actually use it in my day to day,work when it's about trying to get video,conferencing to work the way I wanted it,so trip mode really really great app,next let's take a moment and talk about,the difference in Wi-Fi now this isn't,really an app but this is something that,I thought would be really helpful to,kind of explain to you the difference,between a 5g wireless connection and a,2.5 g wireless connection so when you're,working at home you might have a router,that probably has two connections and,you may not know what that what the,difference is between 5g and 2.5 to you,a lot of people really think that I mean,5g sounds like it's a bigger number so,it should move more data which is true,but the drawback to 5gv is because it's,millimeter wave you it doesn't go,through as many walls so say for example,you're working from home it's a,beautiful sunny day and you want to go,out on the patio and start using your,wife Remote Wi-Fi out there you might be,better off connecting to the 2.5 g,version because 2.5 g goes through walls,much better than 5g does I know that I,personally have a garage downstairs,where I like to go and put on YouTube,videos when I'm working on them on my,motorcycle or when I'm trying to do,workouts and I can't even get my 5g,signal through one floor of a building,the 2.5 g however does make it through,now be aware that when you're running,2.5 g you are going to be on lower,bandwidth it doesn't push as much,bandwidth through it can barely handle,video so you know if the option is,available for you to go 5g and most of,the time I think like it's a good idea,to be line-of-sight to the router,definitely go with 5g however if you,have to go through walls and you're in a,different part of the room go with the,two-and-a-half G it'll definitely give,you more flexibility all right now let's,talk about equipment that I use a noise,pair of noise cancelling headphones have,done magic for my personal health as,well as my ability to concentrate at,home so I have a pair of quite soft Bose,headsets these are noise canceling they,auto shut off which is really really,important especially when working at,home and you could get distracted I find,that the auto shut off is a huge feature,for me especially when someone calls or,I take them off and I get distracted it,really a,to save the battery and I don't go and,put them on and go oh my goodness oh,they're now dead and now they're not,useful for me so I sometimes actually,even wear these noise-canceling,headphones when I don't even have a when,I don't even have any music playing or,any podcasts on I just like the idea of,them drowning out all of the other,noises that are around me like things,that show up that you don't necessarily,notice like outdoor noise noise from,heaters noise from refrigerators all the,stuff that happens inside a home that,when it's quiet and you're focused can,actually drive you a little crazy,alright let's take a minute and talk a,little bit about software so for my team,and what we use slack is essential slack,is a instant-messaging if you haven't,heard of it by now it's instant,messaging for teams it allows people to,communicate around the world you can,install apps into it it's really really,useful you can spin up a slack channel,super super easily it doesn't cost,anything for the first 10,000 messages,and then if you want to start using it,in keeping everything then it's time to,start paying for it we personally,started paying for it about two years,ago and it is the most essential tool,that we use across our entire company it,is where all of the work actually,happens is on slack all right I want to,tell you about another tool that we use,a video obviously videos super important,when you're working remotely but we use,video in a way to explain what it is,that we need to update on our sites and,what changes that are going to be made,and for a long time we were using,ScreenFlow and ScreenFlow is the one,that is I use for all of my youtube,videos here I use it in a way that,allows me to do editing and it really,allows me to be put out a more,professional-looking video however if,you just want to capture something and,show something to somebody highly,recommend loom loom is a plugin for,Chrome it allows you to install it,straight into your browser,you click the button you record it using,your built-in microphone in your Mac and,away you go it's available for PC as,well as for Mac so it's cross-platform,you can have anybody use it that is,trying to explain something to you that,is remotely and they can't Stan,over top of your shoulder so you know,looking to loom loom is a really,important tool that we use alright the,final thing that I want to talk about is,your working environment I can't stress,enough how important it is to have a,proper desk and a proper chair to do,your work gives you somewhere to go the,other piece that I would really like to,mention is that getting dressed for work,is a critical critical importance to,making sure that you're active in,getting things done and you are focused,on what it is that you are trying to,accomplish getting dressed puts you in,the right headspace so you know hanging,out in your in your cozies on the couch,maybe in a in a hoodie and maybe some,sweatpants although is quite lovely on,the weekends if you're gonna be working,from home you are still going to work so,getting dressed for the day is super,super critical in order for you to feel,productive and get your date going all,right I'm gonna link all of these things,that I talked about in the description,down below please take a moment to go,through the list we've also created a,blog post that goes over this in a,little bit more detail so you can check,that out of our website if you need any,help with your online stores and if,you're trying to clear out inventories,now is a great time to do it so,definitely get in touch with us if,there's something that you need some,help with we're always here to help and,we want to make sure that you all stay,safe during this quarantine period so,best of luck to you all and we will,catch you in the next one

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