how to value a shopify plus ecommerce platform agency?

Shopify Plus Pricing & Is It Worth It? | The Truth | IWD Agency okay so we'll keep this video pretty

IWD Agency

Updated on Mar 07,2023

Shopify Plus Pricing & Is It Worth It? | The Truth | IWD Agency

The above is a brief introduction to how to value a shopify plus ecommerce platform agency?

Let's move on to the first section of how to value a shopify plus ecommerce platform agency?

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Shopify Plus Pricing & Is It Worth It? | The Truth | IWD Agency

okay so we'll keep this video pretty short today  if you want to stay up to date with the latest  ,news and trends with the e-commerce shop I  legit BigCommerce subscribe to this channel  ,and thumbs up this video but today we'll just  be going over the cost of Shopify Plus this is  ,the advanced version of Shopify it's made for  merchants that are doing over a million dollars  ,a year and will also kind of go over is it worth  it welcome to the e-commerce playbook brought to  ,you by IWD agency where we share tools tips  and tactics from industry leading experts  ,to help you take your e-commerce game to the  next level now here's your host jill McFerrin,so with Shopify plus the price will vary depending  on your online revenue that you do every year the  ,starting cost costs $2,000 a month or 24,000  dollars a year which I noticed a ton of money  ,for her anybody toward $4,000 a year is a ton of  money I mean it's $75,000 over 30 years plus the  ,amount that you're going to be paying is going  to go up depending on how much online resume  ,you do Shopify Plus is really made from merchants  doing over a million dollars a year and if you do  ,substantially more than that then you're going to  be paying substantially more than $2,000 a month  ,as well but so is it worth it so there are some  some different features that Shopify plus comes  ,with a lot of those you can figure out ways to  do on standard Shopify the biggest difference  ,between Shopify Plus and the standard Shopify is  that you get a Account Manager with Shopify plus  ,and you get priority support I think it's worth  it if you get priority support if your site goes  ,down for even a couple hours and you can lose  thousands of dollars of sales if it could be if  ,it's a big shopping day like a Black Friday or  Cyber Monday it could be hundreds of thousands  ,of dollars in sales so for the priority support I  do think it's worth it if you do if you are doing  ,a millions of dollars online now if you are  an enterprise merchant and you're looking for  ,platforms I wouldn't just go with Shopify plus  I would definitely look at the other platforms  ,Magento big commerce and make sure see which  one's the right for you also the thing about  ,it is once you get up to that level of the  enterprise software there is negotiating you  ,can do so if you can see but platform is gives  you the best features and then see what kind of  ,negotiating you can do as far as give me the best  pricing if you're a smaller merchant Shopify is a  ,great platform and there's no reason to rush  into to go to the enterprise Shopify plus but  ,if you're a larger merchant I do think it makes  more sense there are other features that we'll  ,go into in another video that separates Shopify  basic from Shopify plus but you know the priority  ,support is probably the top feature that I would  think would make the cost worth it we will also  ,go over the difference between all the major  enterprise platforms such as magento shopify  ,bigcommerce and we'll review the features there  so it can give you a better understanding about  ,what enterprise software it's best for you if you  liked the video today make sure to subscribe below  ,and hit us up if you have any questions on our  website or you can comment below see you next time,you

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