how to use shopify theme in wordpress

How to Use Shopify with WordPress (Buy Button Tutorial) what is up guys welcome back to the,channel


Updated on Mar 03,2023

How to Use Shopify with WordPress (Buy Button Tutorial)

The above is a brief introduction to how to use shopify theme in wordpress

Let's move on to the first section of how to use shopify theme in wordpress

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How to Use Shopify with WordPress (Buy Button Tutorial)

what is up guys welcome back to the,channel hope you're all having an,awesome day and as always it's paul from,e-commerce gold,and in this video i'm gonna be showing,you how to use shopify with wordpress,which is a great option of bringing two,of the most popular options,for e-commerce and web building together,into one,useful package now for this tutorial are,gonna need,two different things the first thing is,you're gonna need a wordpress website,and the second,is you're gonna need a shopify account,and if you haven't already got a shopify,account i'll leave my affiliate link in,the description below,and as always i really appreciate if you,go through that link because it helps me,out at no additional cost to you,now once you've got these two set up you,can get started with this tutorial so,i'm going to jump into my computer,and get this started but i do just want,to clear one thing up before i get,started and that's when you're using,shopify and you go onto the paid package,for this you only need the shopify light,account which is nine dollars a month,you don't need to go for one of the web,builder accounts which are the shopify,basics shopify standard and shopify,advance you just need shopify lite,because you just need,one piece of functionality which as i,say is nine dollars a month,but when you're on your free trial which,you get for 14 days when you sign up to,shopify,you'll have access to pretty much all of,the features on shopify before you move,onto that paid package,if that makes sense so the first thing,we're going to do is we're going to add,the functionality for buy button,into the shopify dashboard and what,we're going to do for this is we're,going to come and click on this plus,icon here,and it will bring a pop-up of options,that you can add for sales channels,for shopify now when you're on the,shopify lite package a lot of these,won't be available because these are,only available to people who are on the,full,website build package but you're not,bothered about that because you just,want one piece of functionality which is,this which is the buy button,so once again we're going to click the,plus icon and this will add this,functionality to,your shopify dashboard it does take a,couple of seconds to set this,up when it installs and when it does,install what you'll see is buy button is,now available,as an option under sales channels now,before you can start,importing your products into wordpress,you first need to create,that now i'm not going to do that in,this video because i've already created,a tutorial video on how to do that which,i'll leave a link to,in the card above and also in the,description below because i don't want,this video to be too long and i go into,creating a product in much more detail,in that video,so once you've created your products and,you want to start adding them to,wordpress,what you do is you come over and you,want to click on the create a buy button,now there's two options in here you can,create a product button,or you can create a collection button,for the first example we're going to,create a product button,so what you do is click on product,button and it will bring a pop-up,which shows you all the products that,you have created within shopify,and for this one i'm going to choose the,sterling silver trilogy ring,so what i did is you click on it select,it and it will take you,through to the customization screen and,there's three different options when it,comes to,actually being able to add a buy button,to wordpress,one of them is the full view here which,makes it appear like a,full product e-commerce page this is,really good if you want to have that,full e-commerce feel,on your wordpress website it's the one i,would go for if i was selling products,or something like that,the second option is the basic one which,is a simple button,this is ideal if you've created say a,sales page within your wordpress website,and you just want a way for people to be,able to buy the product from you maybe,it's an info product or a digital,product something like that,you can set that up with just having the,simple buy button,and the final option is the classic view,which looks like this which is a very,basic um display and it almost,appears like it would be a in your,category pages something like that,for me it would very much come down to,i'd either use the full view,or i would use the basic one depending,on what i'm selling on my site,so for this example i'm going to use the,full view,so it looks like a complete e-commerce,page,so those are the views the second thing,you want to set is the actions when,people click,on the buy button so you can have it so,people just add the product to the cart,and then they can carry on shopping or,the other option is you can,send them directly to the checkout as,you can see the,text on the button changes to buy now if,you're selling products and you want,them to stay on your site i would,recommend that you go with the,just that it adds the product to the,cart rather than the direct to checkout,because you want to encourage people to,buy as much from you as possible,when it comes to e-commerce so that's,what i would go with if i was doing,say an info product i would have it as,the buy now option,so that i would instantly check out for,that product it's very much,whatever suit the product you're selling,now there are a few more options on this,page you can change the style of the,button so you can change the color of it,the size of it things like that so it,fits your brand better,you can also change a few layer options,on the page,so you can show the quantity field if,you want to as you can see it appears,with one there,you can change the text on the button,even though add to cart just seems to,work it seems to convert quite well,and then there's a few options for text,and things like that,so the final thing is the advanced,setting and this is where you set up the,checkout behavior,you can either have it so it appears as,a sidebar pop-out or you can have it so,redirect to the checkout page,it's up to you which one you want but,generally if you want people to carry on,browsing your site i'd have it,occur in the pop-up rather than redirect,to the page,the redirect is great if you want people,to buy it straight away,but if you want people to carry on,browsing i would recommend the pop-up,because it doesn't take them away from,the product area of your website,so once you've got everything set up and,you're happy with how it looks,what you do is you click on next and,you'll see the code appears in this box,and you just want to click the button,copy code then it's time to go into your,wordpress website,now when it comes to adding the code to,your wordpress website there's two,options you can choose you can either,create a post page,or a normal page i would recommend using,the pages because if you're blogging,on your website and you create a post,your products are going to start,appearing in your blog feed and that's,not something you want to happen,so i would recommend doing it on a page,rather than a post,and what you want to do is go into pages,and click add new in the top left corner,now when it comes to the seo options of,your page what you want to do is you,want to set these in wordpress rather,than setting them in shopify so,things like your page title your url and,your meta information if you've got an,seo plugin installed,you want to do on wordpress rather than,doing this on shopify,so for this we'll do sterling,silver trilogy ring,for example then when you want to add,the code what you do is click on the,plus icon here,and you want to find this custom html,block,now you may have to start typing custom,html in the search bar,or actually go on the browse all feature,to find this block,but what you can do is click custom html,and then you want to paste,the code you copied from shopify into,this box,so paste it in like that and then you,can preview what this looks like,so click the preview button and it shows,what this is going to look like on the,front of your site,and as you can see this appears as a,full ecommerce page i think it looks,really really good and it looks,really really professional now once,you're happy with this what you can do,is come over,click the publish page and publish this,post,and then we'll see what this looks like,in the front end of our website,now as you can see it displays really,really well it looks like a proper,e-commerce page it looks like it would,if you had something like woocommerce or,you had ecwid,it displays in a very similar way i,really like this as i've probably,already said already,so that's how you can add a single,product to a wordpress website,what about if you want to add a,collection well if you haven't already,created your collections i'll leave,another link to another tutorial i've,done,on complete collections on shopify,because there are a few things you do,need to learn,in terms of manual collections and,automated collections so if you want to,learn more about that say i'll leave a,link in the card above and i'll leave a,link in the description below to my,tutorial video on that because i go into,that in,way more detail now creating a,collection,for your wordpress site it's very,similar to creating a single product so,you just click create a buy button,but this time we're going to go for the,collection option here and we're going,to,select the proposal rings and click,select to take it through to the,customizer now for this you don't get,layers options the same way you do for,the single product,instead you can add another option when,it comes to when people,click on the button and what this does,is you can have it so it opens the,product details,and what this does is it actually,creates a pop-up within your wordpress,site so people can see,almost a full product listing within a,pop-up screen,this is really good if you're listing,products and you want to create,more of a buyer environment so they can,learn more about the product,to entice them to buy so that's the,option i'm going to stick with this time,otherwise you can just have it so the,product adds to cart or you can have it,so it's direct to checkout,but for this i'm going to go with open,product details,now as with the single product you can,edit the style of the buttons there's,some layout options the shopping cart,but for this one you do get the detailed,pop-up option,and what this does is it appears like,this so you have this pop-up option come,out,with the title the price add to cart and,your description and your product images,and you can edit the way this looks so,that it fits your brand better,but once you're happy with how your,collection is going to appear,once again you click on the next in the,top right hand corner and you copy the,code,and for this we're going to add a new,page,and we're going to call this propose,sort rings,collection and once again as with the,simple product we're going to do the,custom html,paste that in and preview it as you can,see the products appear like this and,we're going to publish this page,and let's take a look and see what this,looks like in the front end of the site,so as you can see the proposal rings,collection appears there,and when you click on the view product,you have this lovely little pop-up,appear,i think this is a really good option if,you're selling products because you're,going to be able to add your products,and make it look really professional,really simply it just works really,really well,so that is how you add products to,wordpress using shopify it really is a,simple process,you do all the work in creating your,products and collections in shopify then,you just literally copy and paste the,code into your wordpress site,and it appears and it looks really,really good there is another benefit to,this as well from a security standpoint,in the fact of,because your wordpress site and your,shopify site are completely separate,there's no sensitive customer,information such as names addresses,contact details,in your wordpress site this is all,managed in your shopify dashboard so it,does add an,additional layout of security just in,case your wordpress site gets hacked,because unfortunately that does happen,to sites,if the security isn't up to scratch,there you go guys i hope you've enjoyed,this video and you found this video,helpful,if you have please smash that like,button if you want to see more content,like this,consider hitting that subscribe button,and if you really really enjoyed this,video and really really found it helpful,you can let me know by buying me a,coffee using the link in the description,below and i really do,appreciate it so once again guys thank,you so much for watching,stay awesome and i'll see you all next,video

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