how to use pinterest for your shopify

Connect Pinterest + Shopify in just 5 MINUTES! Pinterest is a really great social media,platform to

Curious Themes - Shopify Experts

Updated on Mar 14,2023

Connect Pinterest + Shopify in just 5 MINUTES!

The above is a brief introduction to how to use pinterest for your shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to use pinterest for your shopify

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how to use pinterest for your shopify catalogs

Connect Pinterest + Shopify in just 5 MINUTES!

Pinterest is a really great social media,platform to use if you have an,e-commerce store because it's so visual,especially if your audience is female,since that's primarily their demographic,so in this video we are going to show,you how you can easily connect your,Pinterest in your Shopify store so that,your products are showing up on,Pinterest and people can purchase,straight from there so stay tuned hi I'm,Alma can and if you've been a subscriber,or follower of this channel for a while,you will know that I love Pinterest for,e-commerce it's just such a visual,platform and a great way to visually,show your products as well as lifestyle,images and build up your branding there,we've actually done a few different,tutorials and have a full playlist of,Pinterest tutorials of how to claim your,website how to install the conversion,tag for Pinterest so that you can,actually track the traffic and,conversions from your site from,Pinterest as well as how to add in rich,pin data but it's actually going to be a,lot easier now so all of those were,separate tutorials and before you had to,really go in and add all their code in,manually however now there is a new,Pinterest app that does all the,connection for you so it's really really,seamless and we're gonna actually be,jumping into my computer in just a,minute to walk through that process so,what does this app do,so the app connects your Pinterest,account to your Shopify account so you,do have to have a Pinterest business,account and of course a Shopify store,but it will connect it and install the,conversion tags so what's important here,is it's kind of like the Facebook pixel,that many of you are familiar with this,well it's a way that Pinterest can track,who is coming to your site what actions,are taking if they're viewing a product,or they are purchasing that gives that,information back to Pinterest so that,they can make sure that you are getting,the most benefit from your ads and you,can make changes to your ads based on,that data this app also lets you tie in,your rich pin data so by connecting into,this Pinterest,it then uploads your products on to,their Pinterest page so all of your,Shopify products are automatically going,to be uploaded there so the benefit with,this is that the rich pin data before we,had to manually put the code on the site,however now it's doing it automatically,for you and rich pin data is cool,because it will have live information,about your product so for example if you,change the price or the variance like,color size the description title all of,that stuff it'll update for you so it,makes sure that you have the most,up-to-date catalog on Pinterest so that,you can make sure that people are,finding the pins that they like and able,to purchase so again you could do all,this before but it was a lot more manual,so this app makes it a lot easier and of,course the app is free plus the biggest,benefit as well is that for new,advertisers Pinterest is really trying,to push this app so if you are a new,advertiser on Pinterest you can actually,get $100 ad credit if you download the,app and set up your first ad campaign,through Pinterest okay so pretty,exciting stuff,everyone loves 100 dollar ad spend right,especially since I have to mention on,Pinterest the ad costs are typically a,lot lower now you can't go into as much,targeting on Pinterest as you can on,Facebook however you can still base your,targeting based off of remarketing so,people who have been to your site as,well as their interest and keywords so,Pinterest is another great platform to,try experimenting on when you're doing,advertising and hey you just got a,hundred dollar ad spend credit so why,not try it out okay,I know I've sold you on it now so let's,hop in my screen and I'm going to show,you exactly how to set up the Pinterest,app okay so we are in the back end of my,Shopify store now and I am just going to,click on right here for sales channels,this plus icon so you can see all the,different sales channels that are,available in Shopify but you can also,see this Pinterest one here so let's go,ahead and click the plus icon and we'll,click Add sales channel and now we'll,just connect our account so I've logged,into my Pinterest account now and I'm,just going to give it access,so now we've got this connected to our,Pinterest ad account now you do need to,make sure that you have a Pinterest,business profile to use this you can't,do it with a personal but now that we've,got that set up you can see here we have,our hundred dollar ad account remaining,so we could start running some ads on,Pinterest we can also go to our products,on the left hand side here so if we,click on one of our products here and go,into it you can see here we have this,product availability so if we click on,manage we can choose to and now remove,it from Pinterest so we can just,deselect that and hit done and now we,are not going to be showing that on,Pinterest so if you had specific,products that you wanted to show and,others that you didn't that's how you,can get that connected so I'll hit save,and now that's all you need to do to get,Pinterest connected to Shopify and it'll,automatically add in that rich pin data,for you and connect your conversion tag,so I hope you found that tutorial,helpful again it was super fast and easy,to get that connected into your,Pinterest account so I would love to,know what kind of products that you have,that you are listing on Pinterest and,make sure that you're also just not,pinning only your products on Pinterest,you want to build up different boards,and really think about who your ideal,customer is now we're not going into too,many Pinterest strategies into this,video but if you're interested in,learning more about Pinterest and how to,grow Pinterest for your ecommerce store,then check out an interview that I did,with Cara Chase who is a Pinterest,expert and we go through all those,different strategies and tips there,thank you so much for watching and I'll,see you in the next one

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