how to use my shopify online store as a link on my personal website?

Create a "Link in Bio" Page for your store using Shopify Online Store 2.0 - No apps or coding needed

Rihab Seb - eCommerce Coach

Updated on Feb 25,2023

Create a "Link in Bio" Page for your store using Shopify Online Store 2.0 - No apps or coding needed

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how to use my shopify online store as a link on my personal website? catalogs

Create a "Link in Bio" Page for your store using Shopify Online Store 2.0 - No apps or coding needed

do you want to create a page like this,in your shopify store and use it for,your instagram link in bio if your,answer is yes i'm happy to tell you that,in today's video i'm going to show you,how you can create a page like this one,without paying for any app or service,hi there i am rehab and on this youtube,channel i share with you videos related,to e-commerce entrepreneurship and more,and in today's video i'm going to show,you how to create a link in bio page for,your shopify store but before starting,with our topic i want to invite you,first to sign up to the free workshop,i'm currently offering in this workshop,i show you step by step how you can,create a sustainable strong ecommerce,business i show you how you can attract,convert and most importantly retain your,customers so if you are interested in,creating such a business i highly,recommend you to go down to the,description and to sign up to this free,workshop it's 100 free so you don't need,to pay any dollar and now let's get back,to our topic and let's see how we are,going to create our link in bio page i,will show you first how you can create,this page using a paid theme called the,symmetry theme then i'm going to show,you how to do exactly the same thing,using the addon theme which is shopify,free theme on the shopify online store,2.0 so make sure to watch this video up,until the end thanks to shopify online,store 2.0 now we have much more ability,to customize our pages and i'm going to,use these abilities in order to create,this page for you creating this page,directly in your shopify store will help,you to collect data through facebook,pixel because you on the page you are,using you own the data collected by the,pixel however if you are using an app or,a service to create this page you will,not be able to collect your visitors,information or data,so let me move to my screen to show you,how you can create your link in bio page,so here i am inside of my shopify,account and from here i'm going to,online store themes and i'm going to,click on customize the first thing i,need to do is to create the template for,my link in bio page,since i'm going only to use this page on,mobile view so i'm going to start by,only keeping the mobile view while,creating this page so from here i'm,going to choose a mobile view,and from here i'm going to choose pages,to create my template so it's under,pages,and i'm going in here,to,create a new template,i will call it link in bio 2,and i will start based on my default,page if you don't know anything about,shopify online 2.0 if you don't know,anything about page templates and how,they work i recommend you to watch my,previous tutorial about shopify online,2.0 so you can understand what i'm doing,in here,i'm going now to click on create,template,so now i have my page template and as,you can see i have all of these elements,in order to have that look i'm searching,for i need to remove everything on this,page and add the elements i want them in,here so i want my logo the buttons maybe,a newsletter subscription box and this,is it so the first thing i need to do is,to go in here and to hide this section,in here so i don't want to see my page,then i want to go in here to click on,add section,and i will add a custom content section,i will remove all the blocks inside of,inside of it because i'm not going to,use them,and i will be adding my own code so i'm,going to click on add block and i will,add custom liquid,i need you to click in here and inside,of this custom liquid i need you to add,a code that i will be linking to in the,description below just go down to the,description click on the link and you,will get access to the code file i just,need you to copy the code and put it in,here and this code would be enough to,hide the header to hide the footer and,to hide everything inside of this page,so i'm going in here to my sheet i'm,going to copy all of this,from here,and i'm going back and i'm going to,paste it as simple as that,so when i do that as you can see now my,page is blank i don't have any more,neither the header neither the footer no,nothing okay,i'm going to click on save,i will do next is going back in here and,now i will add my first section okay i,need first to have a logo at the,beginning a header so i'm going to click,on add section,i will add image with text overlay,i will remove the text overlay so i'm,going in here to,sorry i'm going in here to my section,i will select the image which is my,store logo so let me scroll down until i,find,my store logo from here,so this is my store logo i'm gonna edit,i will remove all the text,from here because i only want my logo,so i'm going to remove everything,and i will remove the overlay so i'm,going to put this no background,and that's it i'm going to save now i,have my logo now i will move into adding,the buttons so i'm going back,and this time i will be i will be adding,a new custom content section,i will remove everything in there so i'm,gonna remove the blocks that they are,already there,and i will move the section we used in,order to hide the header and footer down,and in here i will click on add block,and i will add a custom liquid again,and this time also i want you to go back,to my sheet and to copy the simple code,from here so you copy the code,and you paste it in here,the things involved here are the things,that you need to modify so if you want,to link for example to your,special collection you just need to,modify the link in here and you modify,the text in here,okay going back i'm gonna click on save,and as you can see i have my first,button okay i'm going back,i will create my second button so the,same idea i will create a custom liquid,i will click i will paste,and i will save,and i can keep doing this as much as i,want until i have all the buttons i need,see,okay let's say now i want to add a,newsletter so what i need to do is to go,back in here,to add a new section,and this time it would be a newsletter,section,so i'm going to click on show more,and it's the new,letter section i'm going to move it up,now if you want to change the color of,the button you need to go back in here,and in here you just change this you,change that color from here this is the,color and if you want to change the font,size you change it from here if you wish,to if you change the alignment also you,change it from here and so on so as you,can see now with few clicks i have,created my link in bio page the last,thing i need to do is to create my,actual link in bio page so i'm going,back in here to my shopify dashboard and,under pages i'm going to click on add a,page,i will call it link in bio,trial,and from here i should be assigning the,link in bio template to this page and,this is it now i have a link in bio page,for my shopify store directly created,inside of shopify so my pixel is working,and my pixel is collecting the data and,collecting everything happening on this,page,now let's see how things change a little,bit if you are using the down theme so,from here,instead of adding a custom section you,will be directly adding custom liquid,which is an option provided by the dawn,theme so you can simply add directly,custom liquid in order to remove,everything on this page i have added,this code the same one we have used,before,in order to add the buttons i have added,the same code we have used before also,and in order to add the image i also use,the custom liquid and i added this,custom liquid you will find it inside of,this sheet also if you want to add your,image directly in here you just need to,change the url of the image and you can,change the width if you wish and that's,it so i did the same thing i simply,created a page template which is linked,in bio i added my first custom liquid,directly this custom liquid will remove,everything on the page will hide,everything on the page then after that i,added my buttons one after the other and,first i added the image using this code,from here okay and don't forget to hide,the page content after creating your,page template you just need to go to,your shopify dashboard and create your,link and buy your page and that's it,if you want to know more about shopify,online 2.0 and how you can profit from,this big update in order to create a,better store or maybe in order to,optimize your current store i highly,recommend you to check this playlist,in this playlist you will find multiple,how-to tutorials that will help you to,learn how you can use this new update in,the best way possible,thank you for watching this video and,for staying up until the end before,leaving i want to invite you one last,time to sign up to my free workshop,remember in this free workshop i show,you step by step how you can create a,sustainable strong ecommerce business i,show you the exact framework that you,should be applying to your business in,order to make it strong and in order to,be able to attract convert and always,retain your old customers so if you are,interested don't forget to go down to,the description and to sign up to this,free workshop it's 100 free so you don't,need to pay anything,so that's it for this video before,leaving don't forget to smash the like,button to subscribe to my channel and to,hit the notification bell because in,this way you will get notified each time,i publish a new video see you soon bye,you

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