how to use a va shopify walkthrough


Boss Mom VA

Updated on Mar 01,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to use a va shopify walkthrough

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hi everyone this is your boss mom va and,i create videos about work from home,tips,freelancing lifestyle and home based,business tips so if you're interested,with this kind of topic,just keep on watching,hey bossies so before we further proceed,with our video for today i would like to,greet each and every one of you a very,happy new year,and let's welcome the year 2021 with,good,attitude positive thinking and of course,and just let's just keep on moving on be,full of hope everything will be,finally okay so for this year i'll be,giving you a gift i will give you a gift,of,free tutorial,shopify customer support,or online job and,then this one is perfect for you because,it's non-voice,and sometimes it's flexible time you can,work,anywhere you want and anytime you want,and basically on your skills,shopify but then again your first client,i'm going to introduce acting,and then eventually inaudible and then,again,uh skilled in the class,now work so if busan malama and this is,a very special gift from me to you,because it's year 2021,and cucumber,basic tutorial as a shopify customer,support va or virtual assistant,so first things first let us define what,is shopify para,um and being shopify so if,first time along the encounter don't,worry nato let us define this,first so shopify is a commerce platform,that allows anyone to set up an online,store and sell their products so,you shall be fine a platform,the next what is customer support so in,customer support or,customer service is mostly about,providing technical customer assistance,by helping them,resolve any issues they have with your,products or services,so as a customer support va uh,kailangan magazine,issues any inquiries na sub products or,service no online store,so it resolves issues in a,most patient way friendly way and make,sure now,only positive words jung ebb game or,encouraging words,message sa customer uh but customer,support,uh it's quite challenging because a,matter testing patience,they lose their temper and then you know,and,magamet instead animal root words but,you as a customer support va calamine,italian patient,and always think nah customer is always,right,and you have to assist them give them,positive words na,uh encouraging words na parama pahupa,yung kanilang um,kumbaga uh yong kanilang uh,easy pen about their products,so it could be on customer support you,have to give them the,assurance the hindis commune company or,hindi scam product,and also you know patient guy asses,information and as much as possible,accurate information param attract order,and call my issues and address the issue,and then apologize it's very important,customer support via you always,have to greet them and also apologize if,marrying any issues or inconvenience,basic customer support i know,all right next,is what are the requirements for this,kind of,online job young page shopify customer,support va,first is of course good english,communication skills,but say you are dealing with,international customers and you are,dealing with your,international clients so the language,that is commonly used is,in english so good english communication,as long as you know how to read to write,and understand in english and mental,good communication,then that is fine so next time is,good customer service skills that means,that you are patient you are natural in,problem solving,and you know how to handle customers,a customer you are friendly and also you,are patient so,attitude home-based job,then the next is knowledgeable in,computer and internet of course,uh salahatta massive guru nanak class,working on you know how to,navigate the computer you know how to,navigate um,internet in basic application skills,and your manga copy paste uh,so you land them on indiana highly,computer and you know how to use the,internet then you are good to go,next is common tasks,on shopify customer support va so yum,command,is email support and mega answer,concerns and inquiries and customers,through email,and also chat support young chat support,relatively young social media support,uh most of the time if papa handled in,social media on facebook and instagram,and you will assist the customers there,through chat so dm pm,so young then so crm for,chat alone but this one hindi coupon,chat support only email support and,social media support,and then next is track orders so,communicate,my physical product you store uh,you shouldn't track the order issue,refunds,my returns and then you will issue the,funds,shipping address and then as long as,independence ship,out young order pedi payon politanza,shopify in a platform so,on the next slide,and then access,sensitive information and capacitor,customer support usually may access,calenza orders or details of customers,so it is orders it will show you my,order numbers manga fulfilled the,numbers,and then ditu satas is my search bar na,pedi my search genium name,or email address or order number now,customer,comment issue or emergency inquiry so,let us see an example of an email so,email may not even a customer so depends,on crm number one gmail may re-amaze,particular,customer hi brian we are now on the,seventh business day and this has now,still not been delivered please advice,how and when this will be resolved so,um,abroad no so international order and,meron talagang major delay casino,there's a pandemic affected,deliveries there's a limited flights and,also,they'll continue limited,all you need to do is to copy your name,it's either name,or email address no customer or pagmeron,nasa subject line,order number,and then orders and then click,order number young email or your name,and then you will have to check for the,status,and all you need to do is to provide,your latest orientation,information regarding the delivery and,kung meron,then you will also have to address that,so typically among our responses is,other details so um separate video,regarding your basic,email customers support responses which,is your video is nasa description box,below,and then we have my class now it is,uh shopify platform so you know,basically all right so uh you are,looking to track for an order,all you need to do is go to orders but,click my orders,order,orders using the name or email address,or young small order number,and then search,if you click on tracking number and then,it will show you how to track the order,next panama track now order pad search,moasha divided to some orders and the,hana panel,customer,number all you need to do is to click on,that paramagnetic,status or copy paste,tracking numbers,website tracker non-customer mode for,example,yoong tracking or tracking,usps all you need to do is go to usps,website,and then a copy paste my interaction,number in the intro,and then if you became a customer you,current information,tracking uh information is um,forwarded nasa usps facility in las,vegas then,all you need to do is to give the,information to the customer that,currently your order,is forwarded to usps facility in las,vegas and,you will receive it a three to five,business day so imagine,typical my response was which is marital,time video,that's the description box below typical,responses,next number is how to process a refund,so when you're a young,yeah it's okay go ahead and define the,customer so,search order number,name or email address and then,order details and then it will refine if,you click,order price or quantity detosa,available for refund so 34.99,because if input mourinho 4.99 is a,shipping fee,and and you just need to,click on confirm then pediment again,reason for refund,is damaged item so internally,search bar and the la la basement order,details,and email address right side click,on edit and then uh,and click on save your address,or contact,shipping information,okay so that's it for today's video i,hope name is,shopify customer support v8 you,tracking orders and shopify young refund,and also you,change your edit now shipping,information,please don't forget to subscribe to this,channel and hit the notification bell,but notified but merentine video and,also we do have a facebook page,boss mom va pa follow narina foreign so,i'll see you again next time,bye for now,you

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