how to use a shopify discount code in mailchimp

How to Add a Coupon Code in #Mailchimp ✔️ Hi. I'm Gary from and I'm a  Mailchimp P

Gary Eckstein

Updated on Mar 25,2023

How to Add a Coupon Code in #Mailchimp ✔️

The above is a brief introduction to how to use a shopify discount code in mailchimp

Let's move on to the first section of how to use a shopify discount code in mailchimp

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how to use a shopify discount code in mailchimp catalogs

How to Add a Coupon Code in #Mailchimp ✔️

Hi. I'm Gary from and I'm a  Mailchimp Pro Partner. I'm going to go through  ,today how we can send an email with coupon codes  now it's very very simple I'm assuming in this  ,tutorial that you don't have an integration that  automatically adds coupon codes to Mailchimp  ,so for example if you use WooCommerce or maybe  another ecommerce platform your coupon codes  ,may automatically come into Mailchimp so  I'm assuming that that isn't the case here  ,I'm going to show two methods of adding coupon  codes to an email and sending the email the  ,first one I'm going to show is very simple and  that's where everyone gets the same coupon code  ,and that's what many organizations do they  send actually the same coupon code to,  ,to everyone then what I'm going to do is I'm  going to show how we can give everyone in your  ,audience a unique coupon code create the email  that sends that unique coupon code to that person  ,so, so we're going to be doing two things  but first off let's go and show how we  ,can send the same coupon code to everyone  I'm in my demo account in Mailchimp itself  ,so to send the same coupon code to everyone I'm  just going to go to campaigns I've started to  ,create a campaign and I'll just go into that I'm  using the new email builder in Mailchimp some  ,of you might use that I've started to create it  already I've defined who I'm sending to who it's  ,from the subject line but the content is what I'm  concerned with so I'm going to click edit design,once this loads up you'll notice I have sort of  adjusted some of the words it's just very basic  ,stuff that I've done and obviously this isn't  a tutorial about creating an email itself it's  ,about adding coupon codes I have other tutorials  and please watch them if you if you um if you  ,have the time that that will teach you how to  create email marketing I've just added my logo  ,added a header this is very simple but often  companies will use this exact uh layout  ,I've personalized the first  name hey first name for example  ,added a bit of text now I've added a button so the  person can click that and go to my online store my  ,online booking system if you're a restaurant or  if you're a beauty salon or hairdresser whatever  ,it's just a link to somewhere else so if we're  sending the same coupon code to everyone I quite  ,simply just need to create I'm just going to click  the plus to add some paragraph text in this case  ,and I'll just go back and you can see here I've  got your coupon code is so I can just add the  ,universal coupon code here so let's say it's um I  don't know one two three x y z is the coupon code  ,you're sending to everyone you can just add  it in you can style it if you really want to  ,you can make it bold you can center it and if  you want to you could you know change various  ,things here but let's change the text just to  show that we can let's make it a bluish color,okay so there we go so this is where if we  want to send everyone the same coupon code  ,we quite simply create the email as we normally  do and just add the coupon code in there and  ,then the person can go to your website or your  booking system and book using the coupon code  ,of course you would have had to add this to  your ecommerce system or your booking system  ,if they're coming into your store well  you'll just need to add this into the,  ,the POS system you have or however you normally  manage coupon codes so you'd add that to your  ,pod system first for example so really simple  just sending the same coupon code to everyone  ,honestly it takes a few minutes couldn't be  simpler and we would just click continue and  ,add the coupon code sorry and that would send  the same coupon code to everyone in this case I'm  ,just going to delete this block and show you the  second methodology the, the other methodology so  ,what I'm going to do now is show how we can  send a unique coupon code to each person so  ,if I've assigned a unique coupon code to  every single person I'll then be able to  ,send it let's go back to our audience I'll just  click continue and we'll go into our audience,so just bear with me I'm just clicking audience  let me just view my contacts I've got a few people  ,in there at the moment just obviously a demo  account I have if I'm sending a unique code to  ,every single person I need to have a field or a  column if you want to call it that a field here  ,for the coupon code that houses or, or, or  stores a unique coupon code for every person  ,so for this person I would need to have a  value somewhere there are two ways to add  ,or to easily add fields into Mailchimp so  I'm going to add a coupon code field here  ,I'm going to the first way we can do it is the  way I'm going to show you so nice and quick and  ,simple we can add a column into our audience and  the other way is we could do it during the import  ,I'm going to first show you how to add the coupon  field a coupon field into your audience then  ,what I'm going to do is I'm going to import  people into Mailchimp and you'll notice I'll  ,just add the coupon code I've got a unique  coupon code here for each person I'll just  ,add them into the into the audience and then  we will create the email that sends the unique  ,code to each person but the first step is we  need to create our, our new, new field so I click  ,settings looking at my audience I click settings  and then I click audience fields and merge tags  ,if I now scroll down the page a little bit you'll  see that I can click add a field so I'm going to  ,click add a field so it's right down at the bottom  and then you can select your type I'm just in this  ,case going to select text so I'm clicking text  we'll just wait for our field to be created  ,so if I scroll down again you'll  notice I now have a new field there  ,and it's called untitled I'll change this and you  can call it whatever thing whatever you want I'll  ,just call it coupon code for example but you can  call it whatever you want discount code whatever  ,I'll click save changes so now I'm expecting  that in my audience I'll have a field into which  ,I can add the unique coupon code against  each person each subscriber each contact  ,so I'm just going to click contacts to go  back again I'm clicking the number of contacts  ,I forgot to click it sorry about  that okay it'll load up now  ,so what you'll notice is I now have a field called  coupon code I don't have anything in there at  ,the moment so now I'm going to import the coupon  code against each person I've got a Google sheets,document here you could be using excel something  like that it doesn't really matter what I'm going  ,to do is just do a normal import and I'm  assuming you know how to do an import but  ,I will go through it quickly so we'll just import  all our information I'm just going to copy so I'm  ,just copying all my data but again notice I do  have a coupon code against each person's name and  ,you would have to have added this to your booking  system event system ecommerce system beforehand  ,going back to Mailchimp so to I'm going to sorry  import to, to populate this coupon code field  ,so to import I'm just going add contacts import  contacts and I will just follow the wizard  ,basically so I'm going to copy and paste and I  click continue to upload I'll just paste in all my  ,data click continue to organize is that the right  audience yes I'm, I'm importing as subscribed  ,um what I will do is I won't update groups at  the moment but I will click update any existing  ,contacts because I already had some people in my  audience I'm now adding a coupon code for them so  ,I do want to update them if you don't check this  then you won't be adding the coupon code for the  ,people that are already in your audience the the  subscribers or the contacts so I click continue  ,you can tag your contacts if you want  to but I'll click continue to match,that's the email address that's the first name  that's correct this is orange because Mailchimp's  ,not recognizing this field so if I click on the,  the name of the field I can click the down arrow  ,and I will just find my coupon code that's the  field I added a few you know a minute or two ago  ,click confirm so that just means that that field  will then be, be populated with the coupon codes  ,so that's correct so I click finalize import  ,check that everything's okay click complete  import and let me just click view contacts,wait for this to load quickly and what you'll  notice now is that my coupon codes have been  ,populated and just to double check let's  just check that for Gary plus 7 and these two  ,what Gary and Gary 1000 Gary plus 14  that they didn't have any coupon codes  ,uh Gary Gary plus 14 that was somewhere else that  doesn't really matter then and Gary plus three,sorry just bear with me one second um oh sorry  there's a code yeah just ignore me anyway double  ,check that um that your coupon codes are all there  so they're there now okay so every person has a  ,a coupon code or all the people we  want have a coupon code assigned  ,so now we want to send that email with the unique  coupon code so Gary+1000 gets that coupon code  ,Gary at organo group gets that coupon  code and so on let's go to our campaign,we'll go back into our campaign to edit it and  again I've you saw this earlier I pre-created it  ,but I'll click edit design so how do we add that  unique coupon code well it's incredibly simple  ,so again let's add a field to add our coupon code  into so in this case I'll just select paragraph  ,and I'll just style this field for now so  let's center this for example let's bold  ,it let's italics, let's change the text color to  let's use a really sort of a greeny color for now  ,okay so in this field now the way I insert that  unique coupon code for each person is I click  ,merge tags and then just find that field that  I created for my coupon codes so in other words  ,here it is coupon code insert that okay and  I'll just click somewhere else so my email's  ,already there's the button that people can click  your coupon code is there um so let's just check  ,that this will actually sorry let's just check  that this will actually work if I click preview,and if I enable live merge tag info,there we go and let's just go to another person  ,so Lee was ABCD3. Let's go to another one Hannah  ABCD6 and so on so that's how you insert dynamic,  ,dynamic coupon code so we should I'll  show it anyway two ways by the way please  ,like this video I'd really appreciate it  subscribe to my channel leave a comment  ,um I showed two ways I showed how we can set  this send the same coupon code to everyone and  ,in that case we don't need to add a field to  our a unique field or a field to our audience  ,there we just created our email inserted the  text for the coupon code and we can send it  ,if we have a unique coupon code for everyone we  first create a field a new field in our Mailchimp  ,audience we populate that field with the unique  codes then in our email that we're going to send  ,our email campaign that we're going to send we  use a merge tag with that coupon field so it  ,matches up Mailchimp will match up the email  address with what the coupon code should be  ,and will automatically populate it for you but  thank you my name is Gary from

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