how to upload videos on shopify supply theme

How To Change Background Image of Shopify Supply Theme in 2020 hello everyone and welcome back to,an

Steven SEO

Updated on Mar 03,2023

How To Change Background Image of Shopify Supply Theme in 2020

The above is a brief introduction to how to upload videos on shopify supply theme

Let's move on to the first section of how to upload videos on shopify supply theme

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How To Change Background Image of Shopify Supply Theme in 2020

hello everyone and welcome back to,another video I've been getting axed to,do these tutorials for changing the,background image for the Shopify themes,so this one for today we're going to be,doing supply the supply theme on Shopify,this is how you change the background,for it so what we're going to do this is,a nice little example but what we're,going to do is come back to this page,back to Shopify a dash for it and if you,don't have it added just click Explorer,free themes and you can grab it here but,what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to,actions next to the supply and click,Edit code do not get overwhelmed by all,the coding it's gonna be fairly simple,on how we're gonna do this so I just,like the close to folder so it's not,cluttered and what you're gonna do first,is click add a new asset and then from,here well add a new assets right here,you just gonna click on it right here,and then choose file click the image,that you want to add and then upload,asset I already have a few images here,so I'm gonna add this one for this,tutorial and what we're gonna do is,we're gonna go to the timber dot s CSS,not liquid we're gonna click on that and,it's gonna open this up now on your,keyboard press ctrl F if you're on,Windows and if you're on a Mac press,command F and it's gonna bring up this,search bar and inside the search bar,we're gonna put basic type and basic and,then it's gonna take us down to here,if it didn't then you're probably up,here just press the arrow down and then,you'll show up right here now this code,will be in the description and all,you're gonna do is so this is what you,guys see you guys see this all you're,gonna do is come to the end of this,semicolon,and press ENTER and add in this piece of,code and the only thing you're changing,inside the code is your image file if,you have a PNG make sure this ending,says PNG it should resemble this,completely image for JPEG if your is,something different if your name is,something different like grass jpg or,house dot jpg make sure that's what it,says it should be the same as this and,then all we're gonna do is press save,and once it saves preview and you can,see we have a different background if,you don't want to image it as your,background you wanted to change the,color that's fine all you would do is go,here,keep it there highlight it and then come,to another tab open up another tab and,type in HTML color codes and you can,click the first link doesn't really,matter and no preference here and you,just put in a color and click what color,you want and then you just take the code,for the hex copy it and then you come,right back to this and paste that at but,you have to get rid of the image the,background image and then save it and,then you would just do preview and it,changes the color it changes to a color,so if this is what you want instead of,an image because the image doesn't look,good for you that's fine you can just,change the color so it doesn't have to,be white or something like plain you can,make it grey whatever color you want,anything that you can click on this you,can make it the color it doesn't matter,it's all up to you is your site but I'm,gonna keep this on,I'm gonna save it and then as I had,stated it just turn right back the,background image holds priority over to,color that's why we have to delete this,code if we just want color because the,image is gonna show all the time well,that's pretty much it for this video I,hope you guys enjoyed it let me know if,there was any issues or if it worked for,you in the comments below,if you have any issues no need to get,upset I'll help you through it I'll walk,you through it and I hope you guys have,a great day remember to Like and,subscribe peace guys

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