how to upload csv to shopify

How To Import Your products In Shopify Using CSV Files | Easy In (2022) how to import your product i

The Social Guide

Updated on Feb 16,2023

How To Import Your products In Shopify Using CSV Files | Easy In (2022)

The above is a brief introduction to how to upload csv to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to upload csv to shopify

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How To Import Your products In Shopify Using CSV Files | Easy In (2022)

how to import your product in shopify,using csv files hey guys welcome back to,the youtube channel in this video i'm,going to be showing you how you can,import your products in csv files in,shopify so let's get into it now the,first thing you need to understand,before you get into this is first off,you need to have your shopify account so,i have logged onto my account over here,and this is like a basic empty account,so i haven't added any products and i'm,going to show you guys how you can add,your products using csv files now what,are csv files and how do you actually,add csv files onto your shopify platform,well it's a simple and easy thing you,don't need to be overwhelmed or you,don't need to get intimidated by looking,at csv files i'm gonna go step by step,on what csv files are and how to create,them so there is a simple and easy,little thing provided by shopify in the,shopify help center where they explain,to you how to use csv file and they also,provide you with a inventory csv file,sample that you can download i will,leave the link to these in the,description box down below so make sure,you check these out and you understand,and give this a read before you start,importing csv files onto your shopify,account so the first thing you need to,understand is that a csv file does not,have any uh spaces so if i was to go,into my product section over here and i,was to add products you can see these,titles and all that so if i want to name,my product t-shirt then it shouldn't,have any gaps if i was writing a csv,file it would not have any kind of gaps,you need to replace the gaps with dashes,so that's like the first thing you need,to know when you're creating your csv,file so if you have your data set up,already in a excel sheet or any word,format and if it's located in different,spaces you're going to have to combine,it into one space and within that one,space there are two required columns on,a csv file that shopify should have that,your csv file that needs to be imported,on shopify should have which are the,title and the handle so you can see over,here whenever you import new products,the only required column is title and,when you update products using a csv,file the only two required columns are,going to be the title and handle so this,is the most important step whenever,you're creating your columns or whenever,you're working even in a spreadsheet or,excel sheet make sure to add the title,handle now after that you have your data,dependencies so if i have like a t-shirt,that i'm looking to create in my csv,file then i have multiple sizes so i,need to create like a value for sizes,and then i'm going to enter the input or,input the sizes that are available so,that is how you create your basic csv,file so you can see over here that csv,files must use a utf-8 encoding so don't,worry about that it's just a pretty,simple little way to encode you don't,even actually have to like create your,csv file all you need to do is you can,go on to microsoft excel over here like,this just open up your microsoft excel,when you're saving your document make,sure that you are actually creating a,simple little uh save so over here when,you save your little document let's say,you're viewing it and you're saving it,once you save you want to make sure that,you're saving as a csv so you can see,over here where i want to save this and,what is the file format so you can see i,have different file formats and right,below your xls you have your csv so you,want to save everything as a csv when,you're working in your excel sheet so to,create a simple excel sheet i'll show,you guys how to create like a simple,product excel sheet later on but before,that i'm actually going to show you guys,a sample sheet that has been provided by,shopify so if you go on to the help,section on shopify you're going to find,this simple little sample sheet so you,can see over here we have the handle we,have the title we have the body we have,the vendor and then we have a,you know all kinds of uh categories so,these are basic categories and you have,the product type tags published in,option one so you can see over here,these are some simple little csv files,and this is what a csv file basically is,it's like a more complicated version of,saying it's an excel sheet but it,basically just is an excel sheet don't,be overwhelmed don't feel like you can't,make one it's simple and easy and once,you have your csv files down so once you,create your csv file once you can import,this data on anywhere so you can import,this data onto any platform onto any,place that you want and it's going to be,a lot easier for you to import your data,so let's say if i go back onto my,shopify store over here and then go into,my product section i can click on import,i can click on add file and i can just,go on to my recents,and this file that i have over here is,called product template so i'm just,going to search for product so to import,your actual csv file the one that you're,going to create what you're going to do,is you're just going to go into your,product section over here on your,shopify store so you're just going to go,into product and don't click on add,products you're going to go into the,import section on the top right so,you're going to find this little import,section you're going to click on import,and you're going to click on add file,now before you do that you need to,choose if you want to overwrite any,current product so if this is just like,a simple little file that doesn't have,like any old product updates and you can,leave this as is but like if there are,some products that are updated in the,ucsb files you can overwrite them as,well but i'm just going to click on add,files and i'm going to go into my,section and i have this little csv file,i'm going to click on open over here and,i'm going to click on upload and,continue so you can see over here that,it has three products and these are all,the titles product statuses the type,custom type the vendor and then the,variants that i have provided over here,and the prices so this is how simple and,easy it is to import your csv file so,you're just going to click on import,products and now you can see my products,are being imported into my store so i,just have to wait a couple of seconds,for this process to complete so,depending on how large or small your csv,file really is it is going to take,accordingly so i only have three,products and they have been loaded right,over here and you can see i haven't,added inventories and i have you're in,stock for these three variants and these,are the types that vendors the statuses,you can obviously change stuff once you,have imported your csv file and that is,basically the purpose of a csv file you,can bulk add your products with the file,and then if anything seems off if,anything seems incorrect you can just,click on the product over here and then,you're just going to change up the you,know whatever feels wrong if the tile is,incorrect if anything is incorrect you,can just fix that individually if there,are any mistakes but if there are not,you're gonna be ready to go in like a,couple of minutes with a simple little,csv file so if i was to go into excel,what i would do is i would first write,my title and then i would add toy teddy,car,like that and then i'm just going to,click on over here i'm going to click on,csv i'm going to click on save so i'm,still going to click on save,over here oh i have this saved and now,i'm going to go into my products i'm,going to click on import i'm going to,click on add,and i'm just going to go in over here,and i just created this csv file i'm,going to click on open i'm going to,click on upload and continue,and you can see i just added the title,of the product i didn't add any other,categories but just like that i'm going,to click on import products and my,products are going to be imported so,don't ever feel like it's too much of a,hassle to create a csv file and it's,going to be so difficult how can i do,that it's simple and easy and it's,really not that,complicated as some people might make a,team it's just like a fancier version of,the excel sheet don't feel like you,can't do it and i hope you guys found,this video helpful and you're now able,to create your own csv files and import,your products directly from csv onto,your shopify store make sure to leave a,like if you liked this video and,subscribe to the youtube channel and i,will catch you guys in the next video

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