how to unlink shopify from ebay

How To Delete Third Party Software from eBay | Step-by-step in this video I'm going to teach you how

Paul J Lipsky

Updated on Mar 05,2023

How To Delete Third Party Software from eBay | Step-by-step

The above is a brief introduction to how to unlink shopify from ebay

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how to unlink shopify from ebay catalogs

How To Delete Third Party Software from eBay | Step-by-step

in this video I'm going to teach you how,to remove third-party authorizations,from your eBay account hey I'm Paul and,I'm committed to teaching you the exact,strategies I use to create multiple,six-figure businesses on eBay and Amazon,these are the same methods that changed,my life and I'm here to show you how,they can change yours as well,so sometimes you use software with your,eBay account and then decide you don't,want to use that software any longer,well in addition to canceling your,subscription with that software service,you also want to come into eBay and,remove it from your eBay account and the,way you do that is you come to your site,preferences and I'll have a link,directly to this page underneath this,video in the description of the video so,make sure to check that out click on the,link and your page should now look like,this so scroll down to the section that,says third-party authorizations you can,see it says it right here and what you,want to do is then find the third-party,software that you don't want to use any,longer so let's say it's this one right,here you can just check off that one and,click apply and it will be removed now,you see that there are a lot here that,you don't recognize some of the names,are pretty obvious and it's very,apparent what they are just by looking,at it but some of these you don't know,what they are,eBay bulk listing management eBay Inc,themselves eBay business policies,management eBay bulk relist,eBay marketplace what are all of these,now a lot of these have been added by,eBay itself and if you revoke the,authorization it will usually just get,added back in automatically so what you,could do is just revoke all of them and,eBay will add back in the ones that it,needs to use later on or if you're,wondering what they are just just search,for them so I would copy for instance,where it says eBay a,synchronous bulk relist not even sure,what that is so copy that search for it,on Google and chances are in one of the,forums somebody will tell you exactly,what it means but if you did want to get,rid of it just check it off click apply,and then you'll get a message saying,your changes have been saved and it,might take a few minutes for your,changes to be shown below if you liked,this quick tip about ebay make sure to,give the video a thumbs up if you want,to learn more about eBay dropshipping I,do have a free course that's available,underneath this video go ahead and click,on that link for the free course,otherwise if you love the video make,sure to subscribe and I'll see you next,time

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