how to sync insightly with shopify

Sell on MULTIPLE platforms EASILY with SHOPIFY & SELLBERY | Sellbery Review how to sell on Amazon eB

Sam Dey - DeyTips

Updated on Mar 04,2023

Sell on MULTIPLE platforms EASILY with SHOPIFY & SELLBERY | Sellbery Review

The above is a brief introduction to how to sync insightly with shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to sync insightly with shopify

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Sell on MULTIPLE platforms EASILY with SHOPIFY & SELLBERY | Sellbery Review

how to sell on Amazon eBay Etsy google,shopping and more using Shopify and,Solebury hi guys it's Sam day hear from,databse comm helping serious,entrepreneurs like you to boost sales to,your products and services online using,simple but super effective online,marketing tips and tricks if you are a,serious entrepreneur now make sure you,subscribe to this channel and click that,burner vacation button as well so you,never miss a tip that could help you to,boost your online earnings so in this,video I'm speaking about a company,called Silbury they recently reached out,to me and asked me to have a look at,their website and I absolutely fell in,love with the features so with so buri,you can take your online selling and,start expanding it into different,platforms so for example you might be,selling on Shopify at the moment you can,simply and easily take your Shopify,website and start selling those same,products on multiple platforms whether,that be eBay Amazon Etsy Google Shopping,or more similarly you might be selling,on another platform like WooCommerce or,Magento and you can take your products,from there and start selling them on,multiple platforms as well or you can,take your ecommerce selling so you might,be selling on eBay or an Amazon or an,Etsy and you can start selling those,products on your Shopify Magento or,WooCommerce site so let me give you a,little bit of a demonstration of the,platform so as you can see here are some,of the integrations with suburi you can,integrate on Amazon on ebay on Etsy on,facebook on google shoppin Magento and,many many more I'll leave a link in the,description down below to this specific,webpage so you can see all of the,integrations that are available,however like one thing to consider note,is that you can actually export your,products into Google Shopping and make,use of kind of selling via Google,Shopping as well which is becoming,increasingly popular so that's one thing,to really keep in mind,and let's look at the inside of their,website so once you actually register,and set up an account with Solebury,these are some of the things that you,can utilize and do and this is how it,will look on the inside so you can click,on create a new project and then you can,click on the left-hand side and choose,what your input point will be so this,will be the platform that you're,currently selling on that you have most,of your products on and you can utilize,this to actually export your products to,another platform so like I mentioned I'm,going to be using Shopify for,demonstration purposes in this video but,if you're using WooCommerce if most of,your products at the moment are on with,Commerce or on Magento or even on Amazon,or Ebay or Etsy then you can use that as,your starting point and export your,products and start selling those,products easily on another platform so,I've chosen Shopify if I double-click on,Shopify at the moment it's disconnected,but the information here will show you,how you can actually connect your,Shopify store so that your information,is within Solebury and you can easily,kind of export your products and import,them into another platform so then when,you click on the plus button on the,right hand side you can choose what,platform you want to actually export,your products to so if I wanted to go,from Shopify for example to ebay then I,can drag the eBay option here again,double clicking on it will take me to a,video demonstration and give me,information on how I can actually,connect my eBay account and once you're,all connected up you can literally,export your products and kind of have,them selling on eBay as well and manage,them through one simple interface now I,highly recommend cell buri I think it's,an awesome website and their product is,really cool as well so you can actually,start with their free plan they actually,have a free plan that you can make use,of so you can have a play about with it,and see whether you like it and you can,also upgrade your plan at any time as,well so I'll be leaving links in the,description down below to saw Barry,I recommend that you go and check it out,particularly if you're currently selling,on a marketplace and you're wondering,how you can actually increase your sales,well you might be able to increase,yourselves by selling on multiple,marketplaces and managing it through one,simple interface and not wasting time,logging into amazon logging into ebay,logging into all of these different,platforms but you can manage it all,through one interface which can be,really convenient for you and also if,you're selling on your own website and,you're not generating the cells that you,want to at the moment or you want to,increase yourselves I highly recommend,starting to sell on marketplaces as well,this can help to increase the exposure,of your website and the amount of people,who are purchasing your products and who,see your products as well so sabri is a,great solution it gets a thumbs up from,me so again I'll be leaving all the,details to celebre in the description,down below make sure you go go and start,your free plan also I have the formula,which is completely free so if you're,struggling to drive the amount of cells,that you would like to your e-commerce,website make sure you grab yourself a,copy as you can see it's behind me I'll,also leave a link to that as well in the,description down below and it should be,somewhere on this screen too but I,really do hope that this video brought,you value and if it did then please,click the like button down below and,make sure you share this video with a,friend if you have any additional,questions or comments then leave them,for me in the comment section but until,next time watch some of my other great,videos makes you subscribe to this,channel for more awesome business,related content have a great day,download the formula and I will see you,soon

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