how to sync freshbooks and shopify

Create Invoice in FreshBooks On New Shopify Order - Shopify FreshBooks Integration hello everyone we


Updated on Mar 11,2023

Create Invoice in FreshBooks On New Shopify Order - Shopify FreshBooks Integration

The above is a brief introduction to how to sync freshbooks and shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to sync freshbooks and shopify

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Create Invoice in FreshBooks On New Shopify Order - Shopify FreshBooks Integration

hello everyone welcome to pably connect,today in this video we are going to,integrate two software applications,shopify and freshbooks so the use case,here is,whenever a new order is placed in,shopify automatically create invoices in,freshbooks,so let us know what these two software,applications are all about,so shopify is an e-commerce platform,where you can set up your online store,whereas freshbooks is an invoice and,accounting software,the issue here is that shopify and,freshbooks,don't have any integration between them,and that is why,we are going to use public connect so,public connect is an integration,software,which will help you to transfer data,from shopify to freshbooks,the best part here is you don't require,any knowledge of coding,so let me show you this on my screen,okay so here i am at google and now i,will go to this url section over here,and i'm going to type,okay so this is the website of padley,and now i will hover over this product,section from here,and i'm going to click on connect,okay so now i am going to sign into my,account,okay so now because i have already,signed into my account that is why i am,here,you can also sign up for free and create,your free account in just two minutes,here i would like to mention one more,thing you can try out this integration,in pabli connect absolutely free,so if you want you can create your,account right now,and set up your own automation the link,is available in the description box,below the video,okay so now i will scroll down and here,at connect i am going to click on access,now okay,so this is the dashboard of pabli,connect and now we are going to create a,new workflow by clicking on this button,over here,okay so now i'm going to give a name to,this workflow and i'm going to name it,as,shopify integrations,create okay so now here in choose app,first i am going to choose shopify,okay now in trigger event according to,our workflow,whenever a new order is created in,shopify will be our trigger event over,here,so new order so now you can see we have,various trigger events available you can,select whichever trigger event you,prefer,and if you don't get the trigger event,of your choice you can contact our team,at,admin at the and our team,will help you,now i'm going to click on new order okay,so now you might have a question in your,mind that what is this term called,trigger,let me explain you that automation runs,on the concept of triggers and,actions it is all about when something,happens,do this for example when a sale happens,send an email in our case whenever a new,order is created in shopify will be a,trigger event over here so now when you,come down here you can see this term,called webhook url,so webhook is an essential way to get,data from an external software at,pably's end,so this webhook helps you to build a,connection between the trigger software,application,and padley connect so here after,choosing the app and choosing the,trigger event,what we do is we copy this web url from,here,and we go and paste it inside the,trigger software application,which is shopify over here okay so now,you can see the instruction are written,over here you can just follow them,carefully,so now i'm going to go to my shopify,account,okay so this is my shopify account over,here now i'm going to click on the,settings over here,and you can see this notification so i'm,going to click on notifications,okay now i'm going to scroll down,and here you can see web hooks so i'm,going to create a web hook over here,okay so event here is order creation,so i am going to click on order creation,let us search for it,you can see order creation okay format,will be json,url so here you have to paste the web,url that you got from public connect,i'll just copy it,and i am going to paste it webhook api,version will remain,same save webhook,okay so we have successfully created a,webhook and we have saved it,now i'll go back to public connect and,here i am going to click on capture,webhook response,so now it is waiting for weber response,that means now whenever a new order will,be created in shopify,public connect will capture the data so,now i'm going to go to my shopify and,here you can see online store so i'm,going to open it in new tab,okay so now i'm going to click on,catalog,and i am going to buy a camera,okay now i'll buy it so now here contact,information i'm going to enter a contact,information here,so the email is going to be emily15,at the rate,okay first name emily,last name clo,company i'll put here tvs,address e 24,10 number market,aurera colony,city bhopal,state madhya pradesh,pin code okay phone,okay now continue to shipping,okay so now i'm going to continue to,payment,okay so now in card number i'm going to,write one,name on card i'll write your boogles,gateway,i'm here doing a test card payment,expiry date,okay security code,okay pay now,okay so we have successfully created an,order here in shopify,you can see we have bought canon eos,1500d digital slr camera,okay so now let's go to public connect,okay so you can see public connect has,already captured the data over here,the email is here create a date updated,okay,if you go down you can see the amount is,also here,so we have successfully finished our,first step integration here now i'm,going to save it,okay okay so now let's begin with our,second step integration where we are,going to integrate freshbooks and public,connect,so i'm going to click on this plus,button over here,so now here if you paid attention and if,i go back,i'll show you so here you can see the,created date and updated date are not in,a proper format,everything is mismatched over here you,can see the time and date have come,together they have come in a combined,format,so in order to edit this date i am going,to use an action step over here,and here i am going to put date or time,formatter,because we need our date or time,formatter later when we are creating an,invoice in freshbooks,that is why i'll format the date and,time so now in action event i am going,to choose format date with time zone,okay so connect with date or time,formatter,okay so now in date enter date to be,formatted so here i'm going to choose,the date that needs to be formatted,which is this one created this one so we,are going to format that date,i'll just map it here,okay now here from time zone so here you,have to enter the time zone that you,live in,here because i live in india that is why,i am going to choose asia or kolkata,you can find your time zone by clicking,on this link over here,i'll just search for asia kolkata,okay to format now here you can select,the format in which you want to format,your date,so here i am going to choose year month,and date that is why i am going to,choose this format,you can select whichever format you want,according to your choice i am going to,choose this one first i want the year,then month and then the date so i will,choose this one,okay not two time zone i want to convert,it again back to asia kolkata,you can select it according to the place,you live,okay so now i'm going to save and send,test request,okay so you can see we have got our api,response our date has been converted to,a proper format i'll just save it,so now we have successfully finished,this date or time formatter section over,here,now if i go back to my webhook response,over here,i'll just show you one more thing,okay so here you can see the tax rate,has come as 0.18,but here in freshbooks it always accepts,the tax in the multiples of 100.,that is why we are going to add one more,action step and we are going to format,this number over here,so here i am going to use number,formatter now,okay so now here in choose app i am,going to choose number formatter,and in action event i am going to use,perform math operation because we are,going to convert our tags into multiples,of 100,so perform math operation connect with,number formatter,okay so here in numbers we are going to,map our tags,so i'll just map our tags over here so,this one,it is in the format of decimals 0.18,now i'm going to put a comma and i'm,going to write 100 over here because we,are going to multiply this with 100,in order to make it in the proper format,now operation here i am going to choose,multiply,save and send test request,okay so you can see our tax amount has,come proper now it is 18.,i'll just save it okay,now after this if you go back to your,webhook response,here you can see the client details,accept language has come in a combined,format,you can see english en and then us then,you can see this en over here so we need,to split this text because it has come,as a combined format,so i'm going to use one more action step,over here,now here i am going to use text,formatter,and in action event i am going to split,the text,connect with text formatter okay text to,split,so here i am going to map the same field,that i showed you,this one except language so i'll just go,down,and i'm going to map it,this one okay so now here you can see,this en,and then there is hyphen so now i want,to separate this text,so i want to separate en and this full,u.s and all this data,so what i'm going to do is i'm going to,put here in separator this hyphen,okay so now what will happen the data,which is present in front of the hyphen,will be separated and the data which,comes after this hyphen will be,separated,and here you can see segment index we,are going to choose first because we,only want the first part of the data,so now i'm going to click on save and,send test request,okay so you can see we have got our,first part of the data,that is en that was before the hyphen,now i'm going to save it,okay so now here we have finished our,first step integration,now let's begin with our second step,integration where we are going to,integrate freshbooks and publicconnect,now in this workflow what we are doing,is whenever an order is created in,shopify,we want to create an invoice in,freshbooks now in order to create an,invoice we have to make sure,that the client or the customer for whom,we are creating the invoice,should exist in freshbooks that is why,before creating an invoice what we are,going to do is,we are going to search for the client or,customer that is why i am going to add,an,action step over here and here i am,going to choose freshbooks,and here i am going to search for the,client,connect with freshbooks okay create new,or select existing credentials,if you have any existing credentials it,will be displayed over here,but here i don't have any that is why i,am going to choose new credentials,and now i'm going to connect with,freshbooks,okay authorization is successful because,i've already logged in to my freshbooks,account over here,okay account name so here it has already,mapped the account name my account name,here is,pabli you can see okay email so here you,have to enter the email that you want to,search,so i'm going to map my email email is,this one so i'll just,map it now let us search,okay we have got our api response and if,i go down here,you can see total is coming s1 that,means this email or this client,already exists in freshbooks that is why,it has given us all these details,i'll just save it,okay so now we have made sure that this,customer or client already exists in,freshbooks,so now what we are going to do is now we,have to put a router over here,because we are going to have two,conditions if the customer exists,we are going to directly create an,invoice and if the customer doesn't,exist,first we have to create a customer and,then we'll create an invoice,so i'm going to add a router over here,so now here in router,first i am going to write router,so we have two conditions root one and,root two so here in root one i am going,to give a name as,if client,exists update,okay and here i am going to choose,if client,doesn't exist,update okay so we have two conditions if,client exists and if client doesn't,exist,so if client exists what we are going to,do is we are just going to create an,invoice,if client doesn't exist first we are,going to create a client or a customer,then we will create an invoice so now,i'm going to click on settings,okay so here i'm going to map my result,that came from the api,fifth where we searched for the client,so i'll just go to my api,fifth okay so this was our fifth api,where we searched for the client or the,customer,so here if you go down response result,total one,which proved that this client already,existed in freshbooks,so i'll just map it okay so now here it,will be,does not equal to and here i'm going to,write,0 okay so save and send test request,okay so you can see condition is true,i'll just save it,so here that means this customer already,exist,that is why now i'm going to add an,action step over here,so here we are directly going to create,an invoice because our customer already,exists in freshbooks,so here i'll choose freshbooks,and now i'll just create the invoice,connect with freshbooks create new or,select existing credentials,i'll just choose my existing credential,because that was already mapped,so i'll just take it save,okay so now here we have some fields and,we have to fill the information,so first account name it has already,mapped my account name,customer email now here because our,email already exists,in freshbooks that is why we are just,going to map it,so i'll put map here and now i'm going,to map it,i'll just go to my fifth api,okay here so here you have to see the,user,id okay so you can see this is the user,id,over here so i'll just map it okay,creation date,so here you have to put the date that we,got from our date or time formatter,so i'll just search for our date of time,formatter date,okay so here you can see date or time,formatter so this was the proper date,that we got in a proper format i'll just,map it,okay days due from issue this you can,add according to you i am just going to,leave it blank,language now here you have to map the,english language that we got from our,split text,text formatter so i'll just go to my api,3 over here,so here you can see text formatter where,we split the text and this is our result,that is english,so i'll just map it i'm just going to,leave this blank because it is not,required i'll directly come to name of,line item,now let us map the line item name,now let us search the name of our item,that we ordered so here is the name,i'll just map it okay quantity let us,map the quantity,okay so we bought only one camera i'll,just put this over here,okay now tax name i'll just put the tax,name over here,okay so this is the title tax percent,so now here you have to put the person,that we got from our number formatter,i'll just go to my api to,so this is our tax so i'm just going to,map it okay,okay so here you have to map the unit,price,okay okay so here is the price i'll just,put it over here,save and send test request okay we have,got our api response that means our,invoice has been successfully created,i'll just save it okay i'll go to,freshbooks and i'm going to show you if,the invoice is created,okay you can see emily chloe is over,here and you can see the invoice is also,created,we'll just see it,okay so you can see we have successfully,created an invoice you can see the,description is over here,tags everything is over here date of,issue due date and voice number,so you can see we have successfully,created an invoice over here,i'll go back to public connect okay i'll,just save it,okay done so we have successfully,finished our first condition,now coming back to our second condition,i'll click on setting,now here in this condition if the client,doesn't exist,what we are going to do is first we have,to create the client,and then we have to create the invoice,that is why here i'm again,going to map the fifth api where we got,the total,this one so now equal to and here i'll,write zero,save and send test request now here you,can see condition is false because,if the customer doesn't exist we have to,first create a customer,and then we have to create an invoice so,now i'm going to just save it,okay now i'm going to click on this plus,button over here,and here if the customer doesn't exist,first we have to create the customer,so i'll again choose freshbooks,and here we are going to create the,client,connect with freshbooks i'm again going,to choose my previous credential,save okay so now account id has already,mapped my account id,email so let us map the email,okay first name,first name is emily last name,last name is khloe organization name we,have the organization name over here,okay language if you want you can just,map those same english thing,okay notes no need we have the address,i'll just map it over here,okay state,i have it,okay postal code i had it over here,okay save and send test request,okay we have got our api response that,means we have successfully created this,client,save it okay so now if you have created,the client the next step is to create,the invoice,so i'll again create the invoice over,here,freshbooks create an invoice,connect with freshbooks remember we are,doing this step because we have to make,sure that if the client doesn't exist,then first we are going to create the,client and then we'll create an,invoice so i'll again choose my old,credentials,save okay so here you can see account,name customer emails so now here in,email you have to map the user id,so let us search for the user id,okay it is here this one i'll just map,it,creation date you have to again map the,date that we got from our date or time,formatter,this one days due from issue i'm not,going to put anything language i'll,again put english,over here,okay name line item required again you,have to put the line item name,over here,here is the name of the item quantity,quantity was one i'll again put one,tax name it was gst,okay percent percent is 18,that we got from our number formatter,unit cost line item okay that was 30,000 let us map it line item price,save and send test request okay we have,got our api response that means we have,successfully fulfilled this condition,as well i'll just save it again done,so we have successfully fulfilled both,our condition over here,so now whenever a client already exists,in freshbooks,only the invoice will be created but,when a client doesn't exist,first the client will be created and,then we'll create an invoice,okay so now i'll go back to freshbooks,and here in invoices you can see we have,again created an invoice for emily klow,if the customer doesn't exist first,we'll create the client and then here,you can see the invoice,so now here we have successfully,finished our integration,and our integration is working fine now,i'm going to show you this process,again with one more example so that you,can understand how this integration,takes place in real time,so here this time i am going to go to my,shopify account,and i'm going to enter the details of,the customer who doesn't exist in,freshbooks,so that next time automatically the,client first will be created in,freshbooks and then the invoice will be,created,so i'll go back to my shopify store i'll,go to catalog,and this time i'm going to buy laptop,buy it now email,so i'll put email over here stanley,001 at the rate,first name is stanley,last name is benjamin,company i'll put here hero,address,okay phone,continue to shipping,okay so now here i'm going to put some,test card details,date security code,pay now,okay so you can see we have successfully,created an order over here in shopify,now let's go to freshbooks and see if a,new invoice is created there or not,i'll go back to freshbooks i'll refresh,this page once,okay okay so you can see stanley,benjamin is over here you can see the,issue date is over,here and the amount is over here if you,click on it,you can see we have successfully created,an invoice over here,okay if i go back to my clients,you can see the client was also created,now because stanley benjamin was not,existing in fresh books before,that is why first the client was created,over here and then the invoice was,created,here so we have successfully finished,our integration now i'm going to go back,to my public connect,and i am going to explain you what has,happened in our example,i'll just minimize all this,okay so what has happened in our example,is first,information went from shopify to public,connect and then from public connect,information went to freshbooks so now,every time a new order is created in,shopify,automatically new invoices will be,created in freshbooks,and in our workflow what we did was,first because our date was not in a,proper format we added a date or time,formatter here,and then in order to convert our tax,into a proper format that is into a,multiple of hundred,we used number formatter and we,performed a math operation,and after that in order to split our,text regarding our language,we used text formatter and we splitted,the text,after that in order to make sure that,the client or a customer,exist in freshbooks we did a search,client or customer using freshbooks,after that we put two conditions in,router,first condition was if client exists,then we'll only create an invoice,whereas if the client doesn't exist,first we have to create the client and,then we'll create an invoice,so we have successfully finished our,integration of shopify,and freshbooks using publicconnect,not just these two software applications,but you can integrate,any software application using public,connect if you have any queries,you can contact us at admin at the,,and our team will help you for more you,can also visit our website,at,thank you

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